Topic: Why online relashioship is not working this days
Marshall's photo
Mon 01/06/20 10:41 PM
Online relashioship with a far distance
Online relashioship with not verified menber
Online relashioship wothout match

maybwecan's photo
Tue 01/07/20 12:34 AM
The obvious question then is - if non-online is so much better why are you wasting your time here?...Step away from the keyboard and get into one of those easy to get into relationships...

Ladywind7's photo
Tue 01/07/20 01:17 AM

Online relashioship with a far distance
Online relashioship with not verified menber
Online relationship without match

We do not need to be verified here, that I know of.
Are you talking about other sites?

Rock's photo
Tue 01/07/20 02:42 AM
You're doing it wrong.

no photo
Fri 01/10/20 05:26 PM
Tell me what you really think about online dating,

mysticalview21's photo
Sat 01/11/20 06:05 AM

You're doing it wrong.


Marco's photo
Sat 01/11/20 11:55 PM
Edited by Marco on Sat 01/11/20 11:56 PM
someone who accept you who ever who you are :cry: :cry: :cry:

Alis's photo
Sun 01/12/20 05:25 PM
Great reply

no photo
Sun 01/12/20 05:37 PM
You guys Fake or what now lol

Juks's photo
Sun 01/19/20 01:03 AM
Yes that's true

Theo's photo
Sun 01/19/20 02:32 AM
Love me .. I want to date you

notbeold's photo
Sun 01/19/20 03:25 AM
Because it involves writing and people don't know how to spell anymore.
And the batteries are flat.

no photo
Wed 01/22/20 01:33 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 01/22/20 01:45 PM
I've had several dates online! It works for many people!
Serious people usually work things out.

One man traveled many miles, we're still talking !

manju manju's photo
Tue 02/04/20 06:37 PM
ok hi beby

darkowl1's photo
Tue 02/04/20 06:57 PM
well.............if you learn how to spell "relationship".....

your chances would go up considerably..... just sayin.