Topic: Je ne suis pas seul......
Noden's photo
Mon 12/17/07 06:16 AM
Je ne suis pas seul, ni triste
Nope pas moi mais je suis heureux
Date à laquelle elle a eu un grand allé
Maintenant son cours, il n'est pas sort
Ma vie continue,
À la découverte d'une nouvelle aube
Theres un sourire sur mon visage
Pour mon tuteur maintient le niveau de mon sort.

Sorry but I'll speak in french so I am not watched, anymore....

LAMom's photo
Mon 12/17/07 08:19 AM
(((( Noden )))))

French or English,,, You are a light that shines greatness,,,
discover the dawn my fair lady,,, flowerforyou :heart:

s1owhand's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:04 AM
voici un sourire et une fleur pour vous
bigsmile flowerforyou

Noden's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:52 AM

voici un sourire et une fleur pour vous
bigsmile flowerforyou

Merci beaucoup et bon retour chez vousflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Noden's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:53 AM
Edited by Noden on Mon 12/17/07 09:54 AM

(((( Noden )))))

French or English,,, You are a light that shines greatness,,,
discover the dawn my fair lady,,, flowerforyou :heart:

Thank you, very much, wow, I'll send you it in email....flowerforyou flowerforyou

Noden's photo
Mon 12/17/07 10:02 AM
Je ne suis pas seule, ni triste
Non pas moi mais heureuse
Avait une sortie qui etait formidable
Fini maintenant, ce n'etait le destin
Ma vie continue
Pour decouvrir nouvelle aube
Un sourire sur ma figure
Car mon gardien corbeau me protege

The correct way, thank you K, hugs to youflowerforyou flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 12/17/07 11:20 AM
heheh loved it show you I went and had it translated bigsmile

Wolfeyes58's photo
Mon 12/17/07 12:48 PM
Parlez vous france mademoiselle Ali?

Noden's photo
Mon 12/17/07 01:12 PM
Oui un peu, je vous remercie de poser la question? Robertflowerforyou flowerforyou

Wolfeyes58's photo
Mon 12/17/07 01:13 PM

Oui un peu, je vous remercie de poser la question? Robertflowerforyou flowerforyou

Je taime madamoiselle...

Noden's photo
Mon 12/17/07 01:13 PM

heheh loved it show you I went and had it translated bigsmile

shhhhhhhhh, its a secret, laugh laugh laugh

glad you liked it...

Wolfeyes58's photo
Mon 12/17/07 01:15 PM

heheh loved it show you I went and had it translated bigsmile

shhhhhhhhh, its a secret, laugh laugh laugh

glad you liked it...

I love you didn't know I could pick up on it and/or speak it a little.

Noden's photo
Mon 12/17/07 01:26 PM

heheh loved it show you I went and had it translated bigsmile

shhhhhhhhh, its a secret, laugh laugh laugh

glad you liked it...

I love you didn't know I could pick up on it and/or speak it a little.

Etre aussi romantique que vous êtes, Robert la pensée de vous savoir n'était pas un doute dans mon esprit.

Hugs bro:heart:

Unsane's photo
Mon 12/17/07 01:29 PM
id love a translation.

it definitely has a nice meter to it.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Mon 12/17/07 01:29 PM

heheh loved it show you I went and had it translated bigsmile

shhhhhhhhh, its a secret, laugh laugh laugh

glad you liked it...

I love you didn't know I could pick up on it and/or speak it a little.

Etre aussi romantique que vous êtes, Robert la pensée de vous savoir n'était pas un doute dans mon esprit.

Hugs bro:heart:

You say the sweetest things and know how to get to my heart.

Noden's photo
Mon 12/17/07 01:36 PM

id love a translation.

it definitely has a nice meter to it.

Thank you, Unsaneflowerforyou

Noden's photo
Mon 12/17/07 01:38 PM

heheh loved it show you I went and had it translated bigsmile

shhhhhhhhh, its a secret, laugh laugh laugh

glad you liked it...

I love you didn't know I could pick up on it and/or speak it a little.

Etre aussi romantique que vous êtes, Robert la pensée de vous savoir n'était pas un doute dans mon esprit.

Hugs bro:heart:

You say the sweetest things and know how to get to my heart.

Je sais, je ne suis Robert

Where's your sweetheart today...????

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Mon 12/17/07 03:20 PM
In English please... frown
I can't read it... grumble
Don't know how to translate it... ohwell
I feel so left out... :wink:

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Mon 12/17/07 04:33 PM
Merci Noden... :wink: flowerforyou

Wolfeyes58's photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:14 PM

heheh loved it show you I went and had it translated bigsmile

shhhhhhhhh, its a secret, laugh laugh laugh

glad you liked it...

I love you didn't know I could pick up on it and/or speak it a little.

Etre aussi romantique que vous êtes, Robert la pensée de vous savoir n'était pas un doute dans mon esprit.

Hugs bro:heart:

You say the sweetest things and know how to get to my heart.

Je sais, je ne suis Robert

Where's your sweetheart today...????

She'll be in here later tonight...