Topic: A Beautiful Disaster
stunt_614's photo
Sun 12/16/07 11:56 PM
A Beautiful Disaster

Was it fate,
That tasted tart,
And unchanged the memories,
Of a broken heart,
You were the fullness in my life,
Now Im left empty and hollow,
Carved out with a knife,
Sour, like a pill thats hard to swallow,
The world seems dimmer,
Without you around,
The stars have no vivacious sparkle,
The music box has no sound,
Candy tastes bitter,
And day is now dark,
Pillows are lead now,
And satin feels hard,
All my senses are melting,
And withering away,
Because you're no longer here,
To preserve my sanity to stay,
Angels are crying,
And death sounds so sweet,
My soul has left me,
And now God, I meet,
I listen to my heart beat fast,
And beat faster,
Until it stops,
To reveal,
My beautiful disaster,
Because fate is a fairytale,
And love is a lie,
Life is so hard,
but dont give up because you think,
Its easier to die.

aims84's photo
Sun 12/16/07 11:57 PM
That's a good poem. Did you write this?