Topic: A Spirit Calling
Gryphyn's photo
Sat 11/18/06 10:07 PM

Can you hear me spirit brother,
Gifts passed down from spirit mother.
Gifts of songs some do say,
Speak of sisters far away.
We now search for sister too,
While we speak the souls of two.

Can you hear me spirit brother,
Gifts passed down from spirit mother.
In a fine and wondrous way,
We will find them on this day.
In a time we know not when,
A sister pure will be our friend.

Can you hear me spirit brother,
Gifts passed down from spirit mother.
To speak of earth and soul we see,
To find her lost she will be.
A promise made at judgment pass,
Tells us how to make it last.

Can you hear me spirit brother,
Gifts passed down from spirit mother.
Now to close our eyes to see,
Where to find our sisters free.
They will be in site for us,
Also searching in the dusk.

Hear me now my spirit brother.
The gift we seek is from another.
Now for us we two shall find,
Two sisters promised, souls in kind.

November 18, 2006

no photo
Sat 11/18/06 11:36 PM

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/18/06 11:41 PM
ok...that was cool! gonna write a tag to this too,,,back in a few!

no photo
Sat 11/18/06 11:46 PM

ford95babe's photo
Sun 11/19/06 06:12 AM
cool poem

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:12 AM
yes. it is nice.

venusrose's photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:51 AM
Thanks for sharing your gift of poetry. I'm interpreting the gift as
"love"...a soul group.

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:45 AM
Each poet has thier own idea of how to interpret things. That Venus is
what makes us different from the rest of the people in the world. Few
poets are followers, and those that understand these poets tend to be
open minded. I could interpret your rose as to memories of the past.
Instead I believe it symbolizes memories yet to come.


michael1313's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:47 AM
yes we hear my spirit brother,
Gifts passed down from spirit mother,
we hear th call,for one and all,
and do call for our spirit sisters,
for we are th' lonely misters,
our hearts do show,paths to grow,
and pass these gifts from th know,
we fly th' night,for loves true flight,
and release our chains of lonely,
for true love we seek,if only,
find our spirit sisters,true,
for lonely me and sprit you,
yes,my spirit sister,my sprit brother,
Gifts passed down from spirit mother,
we give this gift to all others,
seeking dreams for other lovers,
true you,do we seek,for hearts weak,
and hopes we've found others to seek,
hear this call,one and all,
only our spirits other,
spirit sister,spirit brother,
Gifts passed down from spirit mother....

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:52 AM
Very nice Micheal, This is fun.


michael1313's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:55 AM
maybe we should team up on th next contest?

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 11/19/06 10:07 AM
Then who would get all the glory? lol But its an idea that would be a

michael1313's photo
Sun 11/19/06 10:10 AM
the true glory is in th poetry...!!!

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 11/19/06 10:17 AM
How did I know you would say that?..............Maybe because that is
how I answered myself?


michael1313's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:01 PM

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:09 PM
Where you been? You missed Fugly