Topic: Death
trustingfate's photo
Sun 12/16/07 03:31 AM
I am the one who lives forever, the one who never dies
The one who never laughs, the one who never cries
The one who knows all creatures, and the one all creatures hate
The one who has no bloodline, the one who has no fate
I am the one all creatures come to when they pass through time
The one they finally smile at - the one they leave behind
The one who has no heart, yet it finds a way to break
The one doom doesn't care about, the one all hope forsakes
I am the endless pillar, I hold up the human race
The one who has no body, the one who has no face
The one all creatures fear, and the one who is afraid
The one who works forever, the one who always pays
I am the one who lives forever, the one who never dies
The one that tears don't touch, the one whose heart has cried
The one who makes them smile, the one who makes them scream
The one and only creature to whom death is but a dream

s1owhand's photo
Sun 12/16/07 03:45 AM
OUTSTANDING bigsmile flowerforyou
(oh goody there are two more just popped up!!)

trustingfate's photo
Sun 12/16/07 04:00 AM
thank you s1owhand...flowerforyou

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sun 12/16/07 10:22 AM
WOW you described Death to a tee...kinda spooky.

LAMom's photo
Sun 12/16/07 10:38 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou