Topic: If American troops are withdrawn from Afghanisthan | |
![]() Picture shows women marching in protest demanding justice for a woman who was beaten to death by a mob after being falsely accused of burning a Quran last week, in downtown of Kabul. From Outlook The country has come a long way since the oppressive Taliban days. There are now more than 1,000 women-led and owned businesses in Afghanistan. The founding of the Afghanistan Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2017 encouraged the country's women to enter the domain of entrepreneurship. More than 850 women have registered their businesses with the trade body. In 2017, women constituted 29 per cent of the workforce—a figure that has seen steady growth since. The Afghan High Peace Council, established to promote peace in the war-torn country, has 16 female members. This change also shows in the films set in the country. Take the Angelina Jolie-produced animated movie, "The Breadwinner". It features a charismatic 11-year-old girl, Parvana, who poses as a boy to support her family. Her story has inspired thousands of Afghan girls, who seek to live freely and independently. Another trailblazer in the country’s cinema industry is SahraaKarimi’s Hava, Maryam, Ayesha, Afghanistan’s 2019 entry for the Oscars. If American troops are withdrawn, women in Kabul will be confined to within their homes. . |
![]() Picture shows women marching in protest demanding justice for a woman who was beaten to death by a mob after being falsely accused of burning a Quran last week, in downtown of Kabul. From Outlook The country has come a long way since the oppressive Taliban days. There are now more than 1,000 women-led and owned businesses in Afghanistan. The founding of the Afghanistan Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2017 encouraged the country's women to enter the domain of entrepreneurship. More than 850 women have registered their businesses with the trade body. In 2017, women constituted 29 per cent of the workforce—a figure that has seen steady growth since. The Afghan High Peace Council, established to promote peace in the war-torn country, has 16 female members. This change also shows in the films set in the country. Take the Angelina Jolie-produced animated movie, "The Breadwinner". It features a charismatic 11-year-old girl, Parvana, who poses as a boy to support her family. Her story has inspired thousands of Afghan girls, who seek to live freely and independently. Another trailblazer in the country’s cinema industry is SahraaKarimi’s Hava, Maryam, Ayesha, Afghanistan’s 2019 entry for the Oscars. If American troops are withdrawn, women in Kabul will be confined to within their homes. . I'm sure that you are right Jaish, as much as I'm sure that American troops will be withdrawn sooner or later. It's one of those historical facts that no one from the outside has ever been able to occupy and control Afghanistan against the will of its people for very long. Not Alexander the Great, not the British Empire when it controlled the Indian sub-continent and could call on millions of troops, not the Russians and certainly not the Americans. In the end, only the Afghanis can defend the freedoms that they wish to keep. |
Trump says Afghan Taliban will come to negotiations table. What worries us in India is, Pakistan's Taliban that is waiting on the wings. It would be like Turkey expanding it's border after withdrawal from Syria --xx Trump has already said it's India's problem; let India look after it's neighbor India said sure, but you cut off land access for our troops with your sanctions on Iran! Further, China's interest on the silk road to Europe runs thro' Afghan So China backs Pakistan intrusion. --xx Meantime, Trump tweets to Hong Kong to keep morale up. while China's proxy walks into Afghanistan --xx Meantime America gets ready with the grand finale on impeachment |
I think Trump should have at the least, asked UN to setup some resolutions / between all stakeholder nations before withdrawal. Else Afghan goes the way of Tibet. |
They need their own revolution.
Of course, if they do, there will be outside forces attempting to influence who wins, but at the end of the day, the people have to either revolt or accept the boot on the backs of their necks. |
I think Trump should have at the least, asked UN to setup some resolutions / between all stakeholder nations before withdrawal. Else Afghan goes the way of Tibet. Yes, I agree that negotiations towards some kind of solution should have taken place between the Afghan government, such as it is, and bordering nations. As usual, humanitarian arguments take a distant second place to political interests and expediency. It's a continuation of the Great Game of the nineteenth Century, where Empires and Powers vie for concessions and control, regardless of the effects on the lives of those subject to these struggles. It's similar to the arguments made by Arms manufacturers and dealers; " If it's not us, then it will just be someone else". |
Afghanistan had one single chance in 1970 to end islamic extremism once and for all. Their women were never forced to wear burkha in public. Woman went to colleges, worked as nurses and islam was kept outside of public life. This all changed when mujahedeen started a civil war against socialist republic of Afghanistan.
The soviets and indians aided the secular socialist republic of Afghanistan while U.S and pakistan supported mujahedeen who wanted islamic law of allah in Afghanistan. What's right or wrong does not matter it seems. Afghanistan has always been a state caught up between interest of great powers. Its ironic the american government which helped form the Taliban during 1980's to fight the soviets, is now fighting Taliban after soviet union dissolved. Ah, Change of interests. Containing socialism was much more priority than containing Islamic terrorism. And now we can see the results. I hope Afghanistan can have a secular democratic republic and for that i say U.S troops are needed there still and they must not withdraw yet. Taliban is still not defeated. i agree with Jaish, if U.S troops leave, Islamic extremism will spread and cause instability in region. Either Russia will replace U.S troops or Pakistan and Saudi Arabia will use the Taliban to further their agenda of global jihad. But I also Understand trumps words, as Jaish quoted its not his problem. It becomes his problem when Saudi citizens or Afghan citizens bomb more towers in USA. Trump is acting for interests of his people. He perhaps believes there will be no more incidents like 9/11. we will see if its true |
Edited by
Tue 12/03/19 08:13 PM
While it is true that Islamic terror outfits got a great mileage for recruitment - out of 9/11 - deeper questions reveal that Islam was merely used as a cover. There is a complete FBI report available on the Net on how 9/11 was perpetrated but nothing on why? If you look at 9/11 as an attack on Wall St. instead of on US then there are bank transactions recorded of extremely high transaction up to trillions the day before the attack. This rises another question, were the players the same as in 2008 Sub-Prime scam - or was it masterminded by rich individuals who were nearly bankrupted as were the banks outside of US? after the crash - the trillion dollar transactions became non-reversible. The third plane crashing on Pentagon? A strategic cover. --xx Moreover, after the million plus Muslim refugees settling in Europe - Islam as a reason to attack - is foiled. Yes, there are outfits like ISIS, Taliban - question is where is the funding from - and now recruitment has come way down - because banks have choked blacklisted accounts. And who is aggressively leading the blacklisting effort? Yes, Trump gets a large slice of the credit pizza. |
![]() Picture shows women marching in protest demanding justice for a woman who was beaten to death by a mob after being falsely accused of burning a Quran last week, in downtown of Kabul. From Outlook The country has come a long way since the oppressive Taliban days. There are now more than 1,000 women-led and owned businesses in Afghanistan. The founding of the Afghanistan Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2017 encouraged the country's women to enter the domain of entrepreneurship. More than 850 women have registered their businesses with the trade body. In 2017, women constituted 29 per cent of the workforce—a figure that has seen steady growth since. The Afghan High Peace Council, established to promote peace in the war-torn country, has 16 female members. This change also shows in the films set in the country. Take the Angelina Jolie-produced animated movie, "The Breadwinner". It features a charismatic 11-year-old girl, Parvana, who poses as a boy to support her family. Her story has inspired thousands of Afghan girls, who seek to live freely and independently. Another trailblazer in the country’s cinema industry is SahraaKarimi’s Hava, Maryam, Ayesha, Afghanistan’s 2019 entry for the Oscars. If American troops are withdrawn, women in Kabul will be confined to within their homes. . |
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Sun 12/08/19 01:33 AM
KABUL--8 December They shot Uncle Murad, Dr. Tetsu Nakamura He first arrived in Afghanistan in 2008 to treat leprosy. Built some 20 dams, 25 km canals became an honorary citizen and had some more ongoing projects to complete. Hundreds of social media posts in Afghanistan expressed sorrow and outrage over the attack. One post carried a drawing of the Japanese physician, with the words: “Sorry we couldn’t save you Nakamura.” Although, the Taliban denied their hand in shooting. Islamic State affiliate also operates in the area but until now no one has taken responsibility for the killings. It is God Father style - where the head of the prized race horse is served on a plate for b'fast, |
US says drone attack intended to hit ISIL hideout killed at least 30 farmers in what it fears may be 'collateral damage'. ![]() Happening with drones all the time. The only age group that can work the drones are in the - 18 to 25 years group |
Bless you for sharing this vital info.
Bless you for sharing this vital info. Here's what I meant. Trump has announced withdrawal / negotiations - so there is no 'search & shoot' operations officially. Now with all the drones laying around & withdrawal imminent - it's drone target practice - what else! |
Looks like we won't be pulling out of Afghanistan.
'About 3,500 Fort Drum soldiers will be headed to Afghanistan this winter. |
While it is true that Islamic terror outfits got a great mileage for recruitment - out of 9/11 - deeper questions reveal that Islam was merely used as a cover. There is a complete FBI report available on the Net on how 9/11 was perpetrated but nothing on why? If you look at 9/11 as an attack on Wall St. instead of on US then there are bank transactions recorded of extremely high transaction up to trillions the day before the attack. This rises another question, were the players the same as in 2008 Sub-Prime scam - or was it masterminded by rich individuals who were nearly bankrupted as were the banks outside of US? after the crash - the trillion dollar transactions became non-reversible. The third plane crashing on Pentagon? A strategic cover. --xx Moreover, after the million plus Muslim refugees settling in Europe - Islam as a reason to attack - is foiled. Yes, there are outfits like ISIS, Taliban - question is where is the funding from - and now recruitment has come way down - because banks have choked blacklisted accounts. And who is aggressively leading the blacklisting effort? Yes, Trump gets a large slice of the credit pizza. You ask if the short sellers were the same as those who were responsible for the sub-prime crash. It was obviously done by those who realized what would happen after the attack. The same people...? Doubtful. |
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Mon 12/09/19 08:18 AM
You ask if the short sellers were the same as those who were responsible for the sub-prime crash. It was obviously done by those who realized what would happen after the attack. The same people...? Doubtful. Hi Nick, I don't know much about how the market works but first the pattern. 1993 - Feb: Attempted Blast of Twin Towers - few girders at basement car park damaged 1993 - Mar: Bombing of Bombay Stock Exchange building - 50 killed inside BSE building was first to go then Corporation Bank - branch followed by other public buildings 2008 - Sub-Prime 2011 - Sept: Twin Towers - Jihadi attack 9/11 alone was a Jihadi attack - in all others the terrorists expected to escape. -- Question: Which foreign embassy has the clout to bring in Egyptian nationals for airline flight training in 2011? In Jan 2011-12 Egypt went through a revolution that elected the Muslim Brotherhood Party in Egypt to power - Wikipedia - After the revolution against Mubarak and a period of rule by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, the Muslim Brotherhood took power in Egypt through a series of popular elections, with Egyptians electing Islamist Mohamed Morsi to the presidency in June 2012.
So Islamic terror outfits were celebrating their largest success - Egypt No reason for jihad against US. But US Embassy in Egypt was concerned about M_Brotherhood and visa to US would have been under double scrutiny. --xxx So who then was the Central Authority who had large resources to move educated people on a selective basis to US and sanction the attack? Remember Egyptians had no nationalistic or Islamic cause and was not an investor in US bonds / stock, etc. --xxx And why? If there's a better hypothesis I will take it |
The only one thing that will effect the process of democratization and socioeconomic development in Afghanistan is its own internal dynamics. Even though external dynamics has it's role too, if domestic stake holders would not give them support. Now discussing the Trump Withdrawal that is in favor to Afghanistan is due to that Afghanis are patriotic and development liking by nature... As history is witnessed about foreign intrusion in Afghanistan.
Trump administration has approved the resumption of the decades long International Military Education and Training (IMET) program for Pakistan subject to Congressional approval. In Jan 2018, US had suspended about USD 2 billion in security aid to Pakistan for failing to clamp down on the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani Network terror groups and dismantle their safe havens - apart from Pakistan holding a joint exercise with Russia. Clearly, a part of the US troops withdrawal plan and for the first time Pakistan's military gets a free hand like Turkey's Erdogan did after US withdrew from Syria. |
we have been there to long ... the war is not a war ... it is like a holding pin for all the troops ... are main concern there ... is the lithium and I guess the poppy's ... you want to talk corruption this has been a major country for that ... and most women have know rights even after all of this :>( I don't think I will forget the time where they through acid...
in little girls faces ...just becouse they where walking to school for a education ... monsters... |