Topic: Trump | |
Here's my response...FAKE NEWS...a page out of Trump's playbook. What is the saying ??? ... "What's Good For The Goose...???" There is absolutely no evidence of extortion from the Ukraine...really? you honestly think anybody with a brain believes you? Maybe that's why Trumpees believe the kind of crap you try to spread...they're brainless.
By the way...the economy is the worst it's been since the great depression, unemployment is the highest it's been since the real estate market collapse, and we have Trump to thank for it...he will be judged by history as THE WORST PRESIDENT to ever be elected...further proof of that is demonstrated by the fact he's a one-and-done...I guess the American people have spoken.
Rock here is a link to the extortion by biden. Its not a matter of just saying fake news, there must be some verification. I submit verification, you guys give opinions and feelings. OK here is the link to sneer at, let me know if you want another As for the delusional statement that trump is responsible for covid or the many things that came from it such as unemployment, I quote your statement, it fits "do you honestly think anybody with a brain believes you?" You don't blame china for creating and losing the disease, you somehow think trump did it. He blocked travel from china and europe, way before the democrats were in favor of it. He got the ppe made, ventilators made and the vaccine made and distributed. Those things are all facts. If you want to dispute them I suggest finding facts and links to back it up. Just ranting, which seems to be all the anti trumpers do, proves nothing. Facts don't care about your feelings |
Ahhh...links from "the federalist"...WOW...a biased-right wing radical conservative outlet. Way to've just proven what the word "phony" means. Gee...maybe you can send me a link from Newsmax...or...a Rush Limbaugh blog...or even Fox news...not only are your sources completely biased and Republican outlets for the Trumpers of the world...they also make up many of their stories, and report inaccurate and shoddy pieces. I suppose their election fraud reports are true also...right?...even though courts across the land...including the U.S. Supreme Court...threw them out. Do me a favor...stop acting like your legitimate.
Edited by
Fri 12/25/20 03:05 PM
They all suck. both parties... everyone is claiming how much each party has done for the United States... it's ALL fake news if you ask me... They all cry wolf...
I fight for the world, and the world's rights, not a country. I love all countries. There's a form of "Hank Hill and his buddies" hangin out havin a beer or Casava, or some beverage that's unique to the country, and at the end of a hard day's work, they have dinner and go to bed, and work the next day... concrete usually, or construction. I help out now and then ![]() I've been in, and through many countries, and have seen this "Hank Hill" phenomenon first hand, from Russia/Siberia, China, all Southeast Asia, Mexico, India, Egypt, Sahara, Morocco, Libya, Columbia, Central America, Aruba, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, most of Europe(east and west), Canada, and numerous other places that I haven't been, and I know it occurs, and that, my friends and acquaintances is the REAL WORLD. Not just What's on the news. And let's not get started on darning and knitting groups, as they are more numerous yet! I fight and argue for all of them, why? because it's worth every breath I have, and I'm proud of every one of them. These "candidates and presidents" with silver spoons in their mouths will never see, or get it first hand in their cloistered little worlds in all these countries including the US.. It's just too bad that they are the ones who are supposed to take care of every one of these people of this world. Just once...JUST ONCE!!!! I'd like to see world leaders duke in out in a ring, or cage, sparing the world's soldiers and first responder's lives. Bunch of money grubbing greedy azz pansies is what I see for leaders today. |
Rock, you are consistent if nothing else. More slander and sneering but not one fact in a carload. If you didn't hear it on cnn it must not be true, correct? You probably think fox is right wing and I watch it all the time. No and no, not particularly right wing.
There is a custom we have that you far leftists don't seem to like or use very much. We don't call names or scream to show we are right, we dig up facts for you to sneer at. OK, I will humor you with another link Do you like usa today? Or are they another "right wing" publication? BTW, if any news organization lies, the others will certainly get on their case, the liberal media for sure. But they are silent. Facts would be welcome but we know its hard |
darkowl1, I agree, both parties are corrupt and almost all politicians are crooked. That includes gop, dems, libertarians, green, etc. Its the nature of the position that attracts thieves and conmen. You have to raise a lot of money to win and those who help you, want something in return
Trump is not a politician, being president was his first foray into that area. That is why most of us like him so much. I do not support gop, I get begging letters from them all the time and they go in the trash. Trump is the only real president we've had in a long long time. |
Well...I have to tell you Sugar, the last four years have been biggest hope is that politicians...and the people in America...can unite so we can get things done.
Rock, I'm sorry to hear that but to blame it on the president is short sighted. The jobs were there, lowest unemployment in decades, family income went up but some fell through the cracks. Hopefully things will get better for you
I did very well the last 4 years. I can't say it was because of trump. I just liked the way he fixed our trade deals, built up the military, helped those in need and so on. He took the crap obama economy and made it boom. Now he gets blamed for the china virus. |
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Fri 12/25/20 03:44 PM
I'ma dig up Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan, and put those corpses in the White House. They'll get more done than any new president.
Why? cause at least they aren't messin shyt up more. Bureaucracy will always run this country anyway. That and these phucking cell phones, and popular babyboo's and Kardashians, Skull and Bones, and all these others, with power and money beyond comprehension, hiding behind the landscapes of the news... Native American and Native lands of all races of all countries are still disappearing, and plastic has no breaks, Congo and Amazon are being burned up on purpose for cash for about six filthy rich families, and not to mention families like DeBeers and other aristocracies that own small "continents" half the size of Madagascar with yachts as large as battle cruisers. all made on modern slavery... It's unmistakable when you see it with your own eyes... and, when other people in other countries want to kill you because of two faced politicians that have fair-weather loyalty, and left them high and dry, avoiding promises...Promises...... In this country, Katrina is a fine example. I lived there in the Treme at the time on St. Phillips st. I have stories that would blow your mind and they NEVER HIT THE NEWS. A barge hit the levey. We all went there and touched it. the gov't says it's a hoax... Why? it was leased by Bectel and Haliburton under a small LLC. you'll never hear that truth. the other stories are even worse. SURE, YOU CAN TRUST YOUR GOVERNMENT!!! Just quietly ask any Native American.. they'll tell you that our gov't can 100% be totally trusted. ![]() What ever they say they are gonna do, they do the opposite, so you can predict thee outcome...............every time, 100%. ![]() |
darkowl1, I agree, both parties are corrupt and almost all politicians are crooked. That includes gop, dems, libertarians, green, etc. Its the nature of the position that attracts thieves and conmen. You have to raise a lot of money to win and those who help you, want something in return Trump is not a politician, being president was his first foray into that area. That is why most of us like him so much. I do not support gop, I get begging letters from them all the time and they go in the trash. Trump is the only real president we've had in a long long time. Con men! Well you worship one and I'm sure he wishes he wouldn't of had his good buddy Epstein "dealt with", they could still be planning more scams and violating more 14 y/o girls. No Trump is not a politician, he's a several times over failed real estate sleeze. And BTW as you're so fond of saying that we're lacking facts and in case you missed it in the other thread from when you claimed your hero didn't say he could "stand in the middle of 5th Ave and shoot someone and not lose a vote" did you watch the video? Oh and again I ask you was this factual enough for you? Back in the mid 80's I worked for a very smart man, we sold new American made products, one day we were talking about car salesmen and I commented they'd say anything to sell you a used car and I thought they were rotten and low. He said no, there are worse who will spout any lie to make their sale, of course I asked who. His answer was this group isn't trying to screw you out of a few thousand they want to screw you out of much, much bigger money.They sell real estate! At this time ('85) he owned over 50 rental houses, when he died 20 years later he owned over a hundred. I'd say he knew what the facts were. Here's your link to orange boy's "5th Ave" babble >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
"Trumper's like to try and make out that Biden is a pedopile when their hero was known to perv around with Epstein." Thats a lie. Biden has has many complaints about inappropriate touching. He likes to sniff little girls hair, and even grown women. Trump has done none of those things. Your attempt to smear him by association with epstien is beneath you. Did you know trump tossed him out of his club years ago when he found out about the kiddie diddling? Trump has never visited epstiens island Do you have anything to share besides lies? Oh I didn't see this until now................ Facts are meaningless to you people you just ignore them or say they're "fake news". I never said that Trump visited Epstein's island but it's well documented that he and Epstein hung out often and did a lot of coke together and I'm sure it was good bait for young girls. Trump supposedly tossed him out of Mar-la-go years later. And Biden smelled some girl's hair OMG the sicko! And before you whine "fake news" know that there are photos and video to back what I've said. SD should stop beating the horse, it's dead and stop putting the old Trump spin on everything. |
Good old girth back with more negativity and fake info. I see you are into guilt by association, so all those democrats who are on record as having gone to pedo island are pedos? Or only the republicans? There was a john roberts who flew there. But trump never went to the island despite your fantasy
In fact he barred epstien from club mar a lago years ago, kicked him off the premises when he heard about the underage girls. Does that sound like they were friends and plotted things together? Sorry to bore you with facts, facts to a leftist are like garlic to a vampire. And you worked for someone who said real estate sellers are the worst. Well I guess that proves it right there haha. As for a "failed" real estate investor, you should be so lucky to "fail" like he did. Despite losing over $1B as a result of running for office, he is still a multibillionaire. Some failure! You place great stock in a joke he made about shooting someone on fifth avenue. You do realize its an old joke don't you? Biden has been on the take long before ukraine and burisma. If and when trump wins back the presidency, biden won't be going to the white house but likely will be going to the big house. Kamel hair has wisely not given up her senate seat so the ***** can slither back in when it all falls apart |
I admire your tenacity, girth. You never give up no matter how badly you are losing. More people should follow that. However, the little fibs are not such a good thing
"it's well documented that he and Epstein hung out often and did a lot of coke" So you back off the pedophile insinuations but now its coke? I assume you mean the drug not the soda which he does consume. Since its so well documented, maybe you can share a substantial link or bit of proof? You know, to show you didn't just make it up. Also, the only times he and ep hung out was when epstien was at the club which he was unseremoniously kicked out of. That fact is documented |
Edited by
Fri 12/25/20 07:38 PM
the only times he and ep hung out was when epstien was at the club which he was unseremoniously kicked out of. That fact is documented
Well, that just isn’t true at all. There is actually a lot of documented evidence, pictures, etc., that epstein and trump were in fact very buddy, buddy for awhile. They lived two miles apart and were often seen at party’s together, both in Palm Beach and Manhattan. It was a real estate property that they both wanted, trump ultimately outbid him, that did their broship in. It is true that trump kicked epstein out of his club for coming onto a club members daughter. And you do know that trump is facing rape defamation charges currently, yes? |
Oh and Obama was handed a crap economy, he handed trump a solid economy.
Oh and peace in the middle east? The Abraham Accord has been signed by
countries who weren’t even in conflict with each other. This creates more of a military alliance against Iran. That doesn’t sound peaceful. An example of an actual peace deal would be between Israel - Palestine, but that’s highly unlikely to happen in our lifetime. |
Edited due to personal attacks.
Kindly keep comments pertaining to the topic. Di Site Moderator |
Oh and peace in the middle east? The Abraham Accord has been signed by countries who weren’t even in conflict with each other. This creates more of a military alliance against Iran. That doesn’t sound peaceful. An example of an actual peace deal would be between Israel - Palestine, but that’s highly unlikely to happen in our lifetime. Thank you Bastet for covering some things that I didn't but it won't have any effect i.e. lie, deny and ignore is the standard MO for herr Trump and his cult. |
Good old girth back with more negativity and fake info. I see you are into guilt by association, so all those democrats who are on record as having gone to pedo island are pedos? Or only the republicans? There was a john roberts who flew there. But trump never went to the island despite your fantasy In fact he barred epstien from club mar a lago years ago, kicked him off the premises when he heard about the underage girls. Does that sound like they were friends and plotted things together? Sorry to bore you with facts, facts to a leftist are like garlic to a vampire. And you worked for someone who said real estate sellers are the worst. Well I guess that proves it right there haha. As for a "failed" real estate investor, you should be so lucky to "fail" like he did. Despite losing over $1B as a result of running for office, he is still a multibillionaire. Some failure! You place great stock in a joke he made about shooting someone on fifth avenue. You do realize its an old joke don't you? Biden has been on the take long before ukraine and burisma. If and when trump wins back the presidency, biden won't be going to the white house but likely will be going to the big house. Kamel hair has wisely not given up her senate seat so the ***** can slither back in when it all falls apart WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!! This is the best one yet, "If and when Trump wins back the presidency......." There's 0 as in no chance of that and the more dirt that comes to light about him and his pack of thieves it looks more and more like a trial for treason and prison is in his future. Why don't you ever answer a direct question? Bastet just asked if you where aware that he is facing RAPE and DEFAMATION charges. Response? |