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Topic: Real dating
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Thu 09/19/19 03:50 PM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 09/19/19 03:52 PM
I get it I really do, I used to read the negative, the bitter, the ones who have nothing good to say about the opposite sex posts but I understand now. I think people reach a point in their lives where they say "relationship ? Why bother? Why rock the boat why take another risk in getting hurt, used . .(insert any word that mat apply) I' m happy where I'm at in my life, it's just not worth all the time and effort, I get it now I really do.

no photo
Thu 09/19/19 06:53 PM
I'm interested

motowndowntown's photo
Thu 09/19/19 10:56 PM
I read somewhere that most successful people, multimillionaires and the like, failed many times before finding success. Relationships, like life, can be a real biotch sometimes. I think the secret is to not keep trying the same behavior, ie dating the same types of people, and expecting different results.

no photo
Fri 09/20/19 11:23 AM

I get it I really do, I used to read the negative, the bitter, the ones who have nothing good to say about the opposite sex posts but I understand now. I think people reach a point in their lives where they say "relationship ? Why bother? Why rock the boat why take another risk in getting hurt, used . .(insert any word that mat apply) I' m happy where I'm at in my life, it's just not worth all the time and effort, I get it now I really do.

Not talking about myself here. I don't like internet dating only here for forums, but last week after reading a few posts from men about how ALL women are gold diggers , and of course that led to other bitter men contriburting their low opinion of women I kind of thought Whoa there! Why be that way ? But then I got to thinking ( oh oh ) and came to the conclusion okay they have given up, they are happy well in general ,except in forums where they can put women down and blame all women for their failure to have a meaningful relationship, so they don"'t want to take the chance, rock the boat, or make the effort.
Like I said I get it.

eljoshee's photo
Sat 09/21/19 03:19 PM
hiiii 🥰:hugging::blush:

no photo
Sun 09/22/19 05:30 AM

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Sun 09/22/19 08:53 AM

I'm interested

In what????

oldkid46's photo
Sun 09/22/19 09:07 AM

I get it I really do, I used to read the negative, the bitter, the ones who have nothing good to say about the opposite sex posts but I understand now. I think people reach a point in their lives where they say "relationship ? Why bother? Why rock the boat why take another risk in getting hurt, used . .(insert any word that mat apply) I' m happy where I'm at in my life, it's just not worth all the time and effort, I get it now I really do.

Not talking about myself here. I don't like internet dating only here for forums, but last week after reading a few posts from men about how ALL women are gold diggers , and of course that led to other bitter men contriburting their low opinion of women I kind of thought Whoa there! Why be that way ? But then I got to thinking ( oh oh ) and came to the conclusion okay they have given up, they are happy well in general ,except in forums where they can put women down and blame all women for their failure to have a meaningful relationship, so they don"'t want to take the chance, rock the boat, or make the effort.
Like I said I get it.
Most men and women on dating sites who are older have had some bad experiences with the opposite gender. It is very easy to project those experiences and the people who were responsible for them on others who they view as similar. Often times that is based on gender and the perceived attitude of those they encounter. They assume the people they meet are the same as caused those bad experiences until proven otherwise. We seem to have a hard time giving others the benefit of doubt; instead we consider them guilty until proven innocent!

no photo
Sun 09/22/19 03:51 PM

I get it I really do, I used to read the negative, the bitter, the ones who have nothing good to say about the opposite sex posts but I understand now. I think people reach a point in their lives where they say "relationship ? Why bother? Why rock the boat why take another risk in getting hurt, used . .(insert any word that mat apply) I' m happy where I'm at in my life, it's just not worth all the time and effort, I get it now I really do.

Not talking about myself here. I don't like internet dating only here for forums, but last week after reading a few posts from men about how ALL women are gold diggers , and of course that led to other bitter men contriburting their low opinion of women I kind of thought Whoa there! Why be that way ? But then I got to thinking ( oh oh ) and came to the conclusion okay they have given up, they are happy well in general ,except in forums where they can put women down and blame all women for their failure to have a meaningful relationship, so they don"'t want to take the chance, rock the boat, or make the effort.
Like I said I get it.
Most men and women on dating sites who are older have had some bad experiences with the opposite gender. It is very easy to project those experiences and the people who were responsible for them on others who they view as similar. Often times that is based on gender and the perceived attitude of those they encounter. They assume the people they meet are the same as caused those bad experiences until proven otherwise. We seem to have a hard time giving others the benefit of doubt; instead we consider them guilty until proven innocent!

True. You must consider that these forums are a good place to vent your frustrations. I do, and I've read others that do the same. Is there someone you can gripe at, just for the sake of griping? Not many of us have that luxury.

It's taken a while, but I've grown accustomed of being my own master, and the perks of that situation. I find myself asking if I want to get into a relationship. The usual answer for me is no. Oh sure, it would be nice to know someone to have some whoopie once in a while. But I won't loose any sleep over it. (If she snored, I would if I did)

It gets to us occasionally. We're human. Why drag another into our lives just for that purpose? I'd say we're doing them a favor by not doing that.

Maruf99Ahmed's photo
Mon 09/23/19 12:07 AM
Hey baby, i carefully check your profile, and really interested in you.
If you interested in me, please knock me

ivegotthegirth's photo
Mon 09/23/19 03:28 AM
No thanks Maru you're just not my type :angry:

I enjoy the relationships I'm in now and just won't make them anymore complicated than needed. I just have my limits and make them very clear from the start and I encourage her to do the same.
Works for me.....

vivya's photo
Mon 09/23/19 03:35 AM

Mariam's photo
Thu 09/26/19 04:11 PM
Yes I agree with you

Danny's photo
Wed 10/09/19 12:29 PM

Richard's photo
Wed 10/09/19 12:44 PM
Yes for sure

Benita Cole's photo
Wed 10/09/19 01:25 PM

JessicaRose's photo
Wed 10/09/19 03:15 PM
Hello how are you doing today

Waboy Dangote's photo
Thu 10/10/19 09:08 PM

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