Topic: Old fashioned dating traditions | |
Men are cheap. Nowadays they only wanna hookup instead of going out to eat. Its all about sex. Yes i remember rotary phones back in the day. You could here you neighbors talking if you listen long enough. Used to prank call my mom in another part of the house. Lols. I was the original bart simpson. ![]() I guess you've been fishing with the wrong bait (see Rock's reply). I've had a man turn up with a box of expensive bonbons on a first date. Before meeting he'd suggested to do an entire day, and maybe a hotel... my reply: -I'm not that kind of girl, I don't move that fast. Let's meet for coffee in the afternoon. He quickly adjusted his story, seeing me differently, not being a pushover, and buying me expensive bonbons instead. And no, he did NOT try to get sex. The message had been very clear. Another first date bought me a gorgeous rose quartz crystal of some 3" diameter as he knew I loved crystals. He'd gone to a crystal shop especially for me and chose the crystal intuitively. Men being cheap and only after sex? Not my experience. I've made it a point to also have a small gift for a date if he's driven quite a bit to meet me. Showing gratitude is important. Since your date suggested sex its the same as what i said before. They only want a hookup. All men only care about is sex. These gifts they give is a trade off for sex. Yea they may consider your feelings but there intentions are not always what you think. |
Rules? I would much rather my date show me a field of wild flowers than bring me a bunch of dead flowers, if my date is respectful to me as I would be to him even going to McDonald's would be good, I don't need a person to put on a show . Cause most of the time that's what it is , just a attempt to show off what a "nice guy' they are,