Topic: Ponderous Procrastination | |
The clock is a glaring reminder
of all the things I SHOULD do and I banish it with thoughts of all the things I COULD do I ponder the universe a moment failing to pare down it's immensity into a tiny mass of ink and paper. I would much rather ponder love, life, religion, the cosmos, complexities the mind has yet unfurl that last rosebud on the monumental shrub of scientific activity, though I must admit, there's a whole other garden we've yet to explore. This blasted writing does nothing for me, I gain nothing new, except the surity that someone at least knows my oppinion on one small matter. Words upon words that combine into a complex weaving, the size of a flea's handkercheif in the grand scheme of things. It's a shame that I get my best thinking done while procrastinating... it ends up all to often that those thoughts are lost soon after in a sea of academic standards. Sleep depravation brings out such an interesting side in me. Ahh, tis time for me to take that journey, on the long road of meaningless words, to show a little proof, that maybe, just maybe, someday I will be suitable to join the world, and finally share my thoughts as an equal, if I haven't already lost them by then, in this sea of academia. Though maybe by then, I will also have learned how to set out my hook and bait, to catch the thoughts of others, and maybe, someday, reclaim my own. |
My habit gets worse and worse... I keep putting things off longer and longer, and one of these days it's going to just bite me in the butt! My paper today isn't due till 1 for example... I have 2 paragraphs of a 5 page paper. ... oops.