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Topic: Guess the next poster - part 17
Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 09/19/19 03:34 PM
It is me


José's photo
Thu 09/19/19 03:47 PM

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 09/19/19 04:34 PM

no photo
Thu 09/19/19 05:06 PM
Nope, it's me waving

Cutie pie?

no photo
Thu 09/19/19 05:23 PM

No, just me , since I was in the neighborhood! :wink: laugh

José next ?

no photo
Fri 09/20/19 09:40 AM
jose' doesn't seem to know the way
...but, i do. bigsmile

someone else who knows the way?

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 09/20/19 01:35 PM
one of the ladies?

no photo
Fri 09/20/19 01:47 PM

Yep! :relaxed:

Maybe River ?

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 09/20/19 01:49 PM

Cool Chic?

no photo
Fri 09/20/19 04:24 PM
Nope waving


no photo
Fri 09/20/19 05:15 PM

Yes! flowers

Cutie ?

no photo
Fri 09/20/19 09:21 PM
awwww, shucks smooched

someone prettier?

no photo
Sat 09/21/19 12:15 AM

If you say so...! :wink: bigsmile

Someone who is possibly a DUB dude ? huh

no photo
Sat 09/21/19 06:42 AM

someone who is NOT a dub dude?

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 09/21/19 09:42 AM
One of the guys?

no photo
Sat 09/21/19 09:58 AM

Most definitely not noway biggrin :innocent:

I’m guessing cutie pie again ?

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 09/21/19 10:23 AM
How did you know?laugh

Is it Cool Chic?

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 09/22/19 12:14 PM
I think one of the ladies?

no photo
Sun 09/22/19 02:33 PM

You said cool chic earlier so I’m gonna say correct, and I AM one of the ladies too! drinker happy

Maybe cutie pie again? ... or River, or Dub, or....? laugh

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 09/22/19 02:48 PM

It could be one of the guys next?

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