Topic: NAME AN ANIMAL... A-Z... - part 14 | |
Donald, the Debonair Dingo
Emma the elegant emu
Eagle the cousin of the king hawk
Fanny the frozen frog
Gavin the galloping gazelle |
HAWK the king of the kings
Hazel the hairy halibut Funny, yellowrose said 'fanny' in a post ages ago and I was shocked! You can't say pu ssy cat. Apparently in America fanny is bottom. She said she fell on her fanny |
Guess I'm more British than I thought lol
Indy the irritating iguana |
Jerome the jaguar
Yes, we are a bit more reserved |
Kev the karate kicking kangaroo
Lion in my heart
Morris the miniature mule
Nicole, the Naughty Nightingale
Oscar the omega oryx
Patty the Picky Pig
Quiet Quail
Rob the ruthless rhino 🦏
Singer Sparrow
Tom the tiny tadpole
Useless umbrella bird