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Topic: NAME AN ANIMAL... A-Z... - part 14
no photo
Sun 08/25/19 02:14 PM
Yappy the yawning yak

mzrosie's photo
Sun 08/25/19 04:08 PM
Zippy the zealous zebra

no photo
Sun 08/25/19 10:42 PM
Anteater :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :cake: bigsmile
Good morning Scotland waving

delightfulillusion's photo
Sun 08/25/19 10:46 PM
Boris the brusque badger

Good morning England waving

no photo
Sun 08/25/19 10:51 PM
Colin the crafty cat :cat:

delightfulillusion's photo
Sun 08/25/19 10:54 PM
Derek the delirious dingo

no photo
Mon 08/26/19 05:42 AM
Ernie the milk cart pulling elephant :elephant:

delightfulillusion's photo
Mon 08/26/19 06:22 AM
Fred the funky fox 🦊

no photo
Mon 08/26/19 06:52 AM
Gary the gummy gator :crocodile:

delightfulillusion's photo
Mon 08/26/19 07:16 AM

Harry the horrible hippo

no photo
Mon 08/26/19 07:31 AM
Invisible iris the iguana

delightfulillusion's photo
Mon 08/26/19 08:43 AM
Jack the jerking jaguar

no photo
Mon 08/26/19 08:58 AM

Ken the kicking kangaroo

delightfulillusion's photo
Mon 08/26/19 09:02 AM
Len the likeable llama

no photo
Mon 08/26/19 09:06 AM
Mikey the mischievous monkey :monkey:

delightfulillusion's photo
Mon 08/26/19 09:09 AM
Never a truer word said hehe

Nora the numpty numbat

no photo
Mon 08/26/19 09:26 AM
Ollie the orphaned octopus :octopus: :cry:

delightfulillusion's photo
Mon 08/26/19 10:08 AM
Peppy the perky penguin :penguin:

no photo
Mon 08/26/19 11:41 AM
How come 'Q' turns up so often? frustrated
Qwacky the quirky Qual :bird:

Rock's photo
Mon 08/26/19 07:01 PM
Rita the rowdy Rhinoceros

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