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Topic: Why do men/women cheat? 😢
person L 's photo
Mon 06/22/20 02:35 AM
a virtuous man doesnt wear insinuating clothes.....Confuscius

sahil's photo
Mon 06/22/20 04:25 AM
may be they can't stay for long with same person :thinking:

no photo
Mon 06/22/20 04:38 AM
Possibly to have a feeling of self worth and knowing that they are desired by someone else other then their partner (kind of like an ego thing.) That or the thrill of having an affair gets them off (or maybe just a loss of attraction towards their partner)

no photo
Mon 06/22/20 06:12 AM
Some people don't study or apply themselves -so they have to cheat to get by.

I'm being humorous, but it's actually true for relationships, too

Justine Cornel's photo
Mon 06/22/20 08:59 AM
why men's are cheating,, is mybe
1, The wife is not there for him.
2, Also avoiding boredom
3, Nothing but he is just like the hyenas

Just me's photo
Tue 06/23/20 01:13 AM
Because we are human..... People may have there reasons, but who is perfect..

Haitian Doll's photo
Tue 06/23/20 07:07 PM
I believe it begins within in. All the way to childhood trauma. Also because of fear Of letting go and making the person upset.

caliosollaves316's photo
Wed 06/24/20 03:38 AM
are u sure because I'm so pissed off

Ridha's photo
Wed 06/24/20 05:54 AM
We humans especially women are polygamous (women are the ones that choose) by nature. Cheating is wired in us whether you like it or not. We by nature are not committed to one person. Biologically speaking. But monogamy is part of social structure of what we created. And honestly I like it. It is more human.

Let's be real here. The only reason why we have sexual urges is for procreation. Compered to other animals we achieve sexual maturity quite late. So that's why we don't have so called mating seasons.

Tldr: you'll get bored of your partner's face so cheating will be your natural instinct. (Disregarding social morals etc.)

Possible's photo
Wed 06/24/20 07:28 AM

no photo
Thu 06/25/20 02:01 PM

I really dont know the reason why.


no photo
Thu 06/25/20 03:37 PM
I have a serious Question for non cheating Gals..... How many of you have entertained going with a same sex relationship, because of the lack of maturity in cheating and porn addicted males. Women crave honesty, loyalty, and above all close romantic intimacy.... Many males just are not into monogamous and close relationships anymore... And from what I noticed the new trend of female to male interaction play on the net is the gal being either defiled, gang banged, or into pleasing and pleasuring the man... A huge turn off for me... I want to act and be treated as a woman, not just trying to please my mans latest fetish if he has no interest in satisfying my needs. I think that is why a lot of straight Gals turn..... Thoughts?

Benjamin456's photo
Thu 06/25/20 06:48 PM

no photo
Sun 07/05/20 11:10 PM
For sex, silly...:grin:

Ganie yawar's photo
Sun 07/05/20 11:19 PM
Frist we have to understand meaning of cheat. So what cheat is?.

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