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Topic: United States concentration camps!?
Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 07/07/19 10:40 PM

You folks seem to forget this country is made up of immigrants. Even Native Americans came from someplace else originally. And this country has always not treated them too kindly.

I have no problem with immigrants, the problem comes when they want to remake our country to suit them. We speak English, we believe in freedoms, we have a strong work ethic, and we believe in separation of church and state. If those basic American principles don't suit them, they need to go back home where they came from.

Frankly, I agree with both of you.

msharmony's photo
Sun 07/07/19 10:54 PM

but semantics aside. I always think treating people humanely is the LEAST we can do as human beings

Last week six Latino pastors from Texas visited a number of these "concentration camps". They were shocked to find that the conditions were nothing like what the national media has reported.

During the Clinton and Obama administrations the boarders needed to be protected. Why all of a sudden the change in attitude?

Because American's voted Trump in and Hillary out. The are trying to manipulate the voting population by bringing in millions of illegal people and tell them to vote democratic. Stuffing the ballot box.

there isnt a change in attitude. There are people saying we are already protecting borders and additional money on a wall is not needed or useful, nor is treating families inhumanely.

there are people recognizing that coming to seek refuge is NOT the same as illegal immigration and people should stop being demonized and criminalized for attempting to do so.

There are plenty of other places that they could seek refuge. Or they could stay and fight to change the area they come from, but it seems that freeloading is the easiest route that so many take. And I'm often more offended by "legal" immigrants, who is dumb enough to think its a good idea to take in people from Somalia? Just by relocating people doesn't magically make them better people. Scum is scum no matter where its located.

What other countries globally market themselves as 'the greatest' and 'land of the free where ANYONE can be a success'? What parents willing to take the risk of leaving would not choose the BEST they can? And why would peopel from Somalia be 'scum'?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 07/07/19 11:59 PM
I don'y think of anyone as scum?
I find it sad that someone would think that way?
WTH is wrong with y'all?

no photo
Mon 07/08/19 08:29 AM

In other countries what happens when you enter illegally? Do they make you a citizen and Grant you free money and living quarters?

The distinction is in 'illegal' of course. But in the US we allow REFUGE, which is not illegal, since we allow it. And refuge REQUIRES one to be INSIDE the country to request it. And in the US, we do not try to be like other countries, but to be the best US we can be, and let other countries be LIKE US.

And in turn we have a higher crime rate. We have many on government assistance when our own go hungry. Many of them get paid under the table no taxes. Live 3 or more families per home. Drive new vehicles wear name brand clothes. If they can do that they can afford food and medical. We have veterans in pain with no medical or food some homeless. So if this so called land of the free can do all that for immigrates, surely they should be able to take care of their own first. And these so called camps are ridiculous. All hearsay nonsense from the other side. To make it seem like our president isn't doing his job. When Obama was president all you heard was let him do his job. So let's go with that let the man do his job.

ctr916's photo
Mon 07/08/19 08:36 AM
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

no photo
Mon 07/15/19 11:51 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 07/15/19 11:53 AM

I seen these pictures. Humanity is non existant here.

Hey larsi, ok it looks bad but look what it was like in calais (french port to the UK ) with all the migrants also in Italy, Hungary and other places. problem is the whole of Europe don't give a hoot as they know they are all trying to get to the UK! ! Same thing with Mexico letting migration through from the southern south american countries. I know what you're saying larsi, still no excuse for treating people in this way but it's a whole lot better than how there own countries have treated them!

anemail's photo
Mon 07/15/19 04:09 PM

Apparently in many cases, children are being separated from their parents. Which is perhaps, the most twisted thing about all of this. It seems to be somewhat of a policy.
I mean, why keep them there, locked up, in the first place.
Okay, they tried to get in, you didn't want them, they failed. So let them go
I mean is there a trial? Is there a sentence? How long are you going to lock them up for?
You moan about your tax dollars been wasted on it, then isn't it cheaper just to let them go?
And perhaps if the U.S. didn't have such a meddling negative impact on much of the rest of America, then they wouldn't be trying to sneak in, in the first place

You know, for the most part, the people detained are free to go... home.

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