Topic: Serk's Ramblings | |
I went down to the river... picked up some rocks thought who I was in life. Who I am is a really good person and great things are coming my way if I don't let my problems over run me. I have made some friends on here and likewise people I have upset. But what I want out of life isn't here at all... It is in my own hometown. The place I have always lived and will most likely die here. I can only wish anyone success in their pursuits this is not me saying goodbye... just good luck I'll see you again on the other side. May all your dreams come true and may everyone you love know it.
Women Stay away from me Men don't mske me throw you through s window You keep playing your little games I'll keep showing you the door The more I think upon this I want it even more I have listetened to s million words Heard a thousand or so such the same old lies At this rate I could retire from a professional phychologist giving you advice You keep telling me you hurt me hahahhah The truth of the fact I kick my own *** harder you hit worse than your girls You ought to put your woman up Tell her it just ain't the same this guys is freaking nuts The fact you could probably kick my *** if you only had the guts So you can call me mr crazy I have never shed a tear The fact you care at all I might go back to beer Listened to you yes it's true you're scared it's a simple fact n all I'm just bored as hell I would not make that call Cause no matter how bad you hurt me I'll run into another ditzy confused girl you use as bait I play your games it's already too late No really man in all honesty I do not care... you really want to hurt me tell me why you don't bother to listen maybe you're scared hurt sad want to hurt another human being that cares... I've lived my life it's all the same... grow a brain and maybe some balls maybe your woman would actually make you feel like a man? Stop trying to pretend you're not crazy yourself we see past that crap.... She's got a heart of gold if you'd stop using her it's a damn shame you keep messaging me on different accounts telling me all this shensnigans how'm I supposed to feel... Afraid? Sad... Brother you have a choice here... do not think it matters cause you're as common as grass... a dozen losers like yourself man not even close real life street life on the school parking lott wherever there's guys like yourself there's as little lost kid inside that tiny brain you call a rational thought... so keep hurting me sending me anything you can dish out... I might get upset lose my temper you're wasting your own time and life with these games killing your free time.... or you could do what I do... enjoy the show? I can always log off? Damn girl, you work fast... You think I haven't noticed how emotionally dead cold everyone got on here hehe... o lordy it does not get good from here :D... Because once they do start smelling what you're spreading the more deceitful your lies become... The player you are is revealed... because let's face it... this world is everything to you! A place you can tear up anyone heart spit on their dreams all while pretending to be dauntless and a victim... No one's told me.,.. I imagine the BS you sell.,.. It's not my first time through this corner... Did not end well for them either... All I can truly say is gl in your endevours I am simply stepping aside letting you absorb in your little words... and letting you learn to swallow the BS you keep spreading as Karma does play out for you as it will for all.... ;) |
I am a bird and all I can do is fly
Wondering why people don't lift up my wings and let me soar I wanted more out of this life To be simply cast aside like a broken puppet while everyone turns their head and shakes their head I too am beautiful for who I am Inside and out and without a doubt I am true to my word I say what I mean and mean what I say Everyday Without consequence the only thing I truly imagine is that we all have dreams and are denied the right to coexist with others Trying to fill time with understanding You can look away now I am simply leaving this paradise I won't be back as a little bird but as a swan in the Spring A better man filled with understanding.... That not one of us is right or wrong for what we believe upon Our dreams are simply... pushed aside While people figure out what's going on in their heads I have honestly learned the more crazier you "appear" The more you actually do make sense... |
Btw hun you owe me a taco for picking up smoking real heavy again... Thought I'd find refuge amongst these people but your games really tore me up inside... A tear a sad face a broken puppy maybe even? :(
Baby baby baby... you and your boyfriend must not talk at all.... I told him everything... Once again like I told you the moron's too stupid to piece it all together... This is not my plan of action I offered you to opt out and do your own business and leave me alone! And the genious of it all... I don't do anything... Just let you carry on with your ignorance as queen of the damned "oops" But c'mon they already know somehow you get into their heads and poison them... You are charming sincere and sweeet it's time you ditched that zero and get with a hero... Because that man is just going to drag you screaming into failure... |
Get the Admins help? Naw hun, unfortunately I know about cross interfasical communication... they're not legally allowed to look into those logs of anything you typed out... so like I claimed step aside eat sleep burp fart.... Carry on like I do not care cause I do not...
I guess I feel bad... Sad undeterminded and a little guilty... How are you any different than I am? We gaze at each other through thicked glass and keep agknoweldging each other... whether I'm the guilty one whether you are? All I can say is I'm sorry...
They surround you with chariots glorifying your name... all the same... I am left to blame while you take all the gold from my castle and leave me starving with what's left of my sanity... Am I a hero? No... I am not. A justified coward who never wanted anything out of life and people tore me piece by piece bone by bone until it came down to standing up to the high school bully 100 pounds over me and I am a mere 100 pounds at that time... It's funny how cowardly bullies get when stood up to ;)…
I am not fading into the night I am unleashing the dogs of Hell grabbing the night by it's throat. You may be happy satisfied filled with content... Do not start winking at me when that's how it all starts... An endless game... The most down to earth people on this planet are under valued for their heart while liars are leading into deceit... You told me you're a Virgo hun... It's Scorpio Season... |
Ok? wow... according to this yesterday it was still scorpio :P... and today is technically the start of virgo… guess you are slick... :). Nevertheless...
Ugh... stop messaging me... I'm fine, I don't like being "interrupted" by windows 10 mail ads :P.... Apparently sarcasm never crossed the notion of logic... Even a vibe can cause someone distress... but never the less they can keep up their games... All I can do is let go and carry on no matter how far they keep pulling me back in to breakdown and melt... I thought you all would've figured it out by now?
It's been a pleasure "working" with you all... if you want to consider yourself a little science experiment those of you who hate me are to be known as my lab rats... those of you who continued to love me feel free to keep in touch... otherwise I honestly don't see me directly using the forums...
All this since the day I arrived... a little test of my Tarot haven't lied to you about a damn thing... It claimed I was going to get success in life a dream finally coming true... not yet but I am getting noticed in that group for my perseverance... gl to any of you all regardless of breeding materials I left with you to scrounge about like the filthy vermin you are... Those of you who love me keep the faith there was atleast one good man in your life because I do consider myself one... Those of you who "snap" to reality... You can contact me too... because I do wish nothing but the best for anyone... peace Serk... |
peace m8 ..
All this since the day I arrived... a little test of my Tarot haven't lied to you... It claimed I was going to get success in life a dream finally coming true... not yet but I am getting noticed in that group for my perseverance... The day before I had a bender about religion and politics... I begged a certain higher power for more... just a little bit. And if it lead to success I'll consider that a reward for any pain I'm going through. Those who saw it unfold on Twitter and Facebook... this record is on the wrong forums. It was not the way I chose to be noticed at all. Manipulation played a key role in it... and some weird coincidences based off what other people say about an other came into play., I don't ask you to believe in anything... |
peace m8 .. I know a lot of guys like you... They drink themselves into a stupor every night... Seriously cut back seek some help even if you do not think you don't need it? Your kidneys are already starting to fail you? And it's really not even a question of the matter... |