Topic: Have you ever - part 25 | |
Nope just rodeos
Hye... rode a mechanical bull? |
Can't stand country music so the chances of me ever seeing a mechanical bull are slim to none.
Ever get major air on a dirt bike? |
Yep we had dirt bikes growing up....a long long time ago
Hye... tried to relive a moment from your youth... and found out I'm too old for this c**p? |
Have you ever been told not to do something from management, did it anyways... And got thanked instead of fired? |
Nope, but I have been fired though
Hye kissed a stranger @12:00am new years eve? |
I can't say a thing for 2020.
But, it didn't be in another years. Have you ever taken a shower with the cold water |
Yes, many times
Have you ever showered outside? |
I couldn't understand it. Why outside? But, the people see me. Have you ever slept in the car? |
Yes I have slept in a car
(People don't see you if you are in the backyard, behind a shower curtain. It's fun to shower outside... In nature ) Have you ever ate chocolate cream pie? |
I need to be sure the people didn't see me.
Actually I took a shower many in the showercabins of the beach. I guess you haven't wanted to mean this. [quite] Have you ever ate chocolate cream pie? [/quite] Many. Have you ever slept on top of the sea?(so, on top of the water) |
Yes, it's best if no one sees us
Yes, I lived on a boat for a couple months Have you ever went sailing? |
"Yes, I lived on a boat for a couple months."
I hadn't meant it. I have meant the sleeping on top of the water. So, like 1-2 minutes. "Have you ever went sailing?" Not, Have you ever entered to the thermal water? |
Oh, no I haven't slept on the water.
No to thermal water Have you ever rode on an elephant? |
No, but that would be exciting
Have you cancelled on a date the last minute for whatever reason? |
Have you ever had a date cancel on you at the last minute? |
I can't remember, but probably yes. I had dated some a-holes in my youth LOL
Have you ever caught a firefly? |
Yes, when I was a kid we used to catch them and put them in a jar... then let them go of course Have you ever had a dragonfly land on your hand? |
No, but a butterfly I was taking pictures of landed on my hand. It was an amazing feeling but I was not able to take a picture as my camera was out of focus.
Have you ever had car trouble on a highway/freeway? |
Yes, I had a flat tire once
Have you ever got into a car accident? |
Yes, a couple of minor ones. Most notable was hitting an unmarked police car with my brand new car. No damage to my car (thank goodness) and just a little dent on his car but he was so furious because although we were in a police station lot (yes you heard me) that station cannot process the accident and we had to wait for another station police to process the stinking dent. lolol
Have you ever hitch hiked? |