Topic: Business as usual will destroy the planet | |
Deer antler, and shoulder blade, stone age style.
So floods and pestilence, and drought and famine and pandemic, and then more floods, then a meteor. Or a hungry alien invasion. Multiple Carrington events roaming the lands. Super tornadoes and hurricanes. Volcanoes and tsunamis. More remote controlled jumbo jets. |
So floods and pestilence, and drought and famine and pandemic, and then more floods, then a meteor.
Or a hungry alien invasion. Multiple Carrington events roaming the lands. Super tornadoes and hurricanes. Volcanoes and tsunamis. Unrealistic to leave our species fate to random chance. Unless I missed a memo, we are not in control of any of those things, not even close to being in control of them. Even when Yellowstone super-volcano erupts again it will not reduce the world population fast enough to make it lasting as a fix. You would need multiple super-volcano eruptions around the world to actually make headway. Granted, the solar winter resulting would slowly kill the world but we don't really want the world to die. We only need to put OUR numbers back in check. Kill the plants, everything dies. |
A non-harmful drug which is cheaper, easier to find, and feels better than sex.
Then just hand it out free to everyone. Massive doses of dopamine, or just dope. Free beer = brewers droop. |
Edited by
Fri 06/14/19 09:40 PM
The problem isn't that we don't know how to reduce our numbers. The problem is we believe every life has a potential to be something more than what we have now.
We value life, any life over logical reasoning. Nature tries to cull our numbers. Problem is, we are smarter than nature. If we just allowed nature to take its course, most of the problems would not exist. Its our life-saving and support practices that are getting in the way of natural stabilization of our numbers. How many births would survive to adulthood if there were no efforts being made to preserve life? How many handicapped, disabled, deformed or dimwitted people would live without assistance and technology? Look at the natural world, the weak die. The strong survive. Billions of years of examples. The issue is not the how to do it, we have the means. The issue is our own morality that prevents us from nipping this problem in the bud. Before anyone says it, yes, I should already be dead. While I am happy not to be, I also know that I am part of the problem. Like a terminator, I can't self-terminate and others will not take the action so I remain. Realistically, I should have been terminated before I could reproduce. I had 4 children which caused another 14 grandchildren. Plus, a possibility for even more. Then those 14 grandchildren may have children of their own and even if it is one child per couple, another 14 great grandchildren but how likely is that? What if my 14 grandchildren each had 4 children. See the problem with one? Kill me before I reproduce and bingo bango, numbers reduced. There are 7.7 billion people alive right now. More people are being born than die. Granted, not every one is having children, some are having multiple children, some are having none. The sad fact is, the numbers are not equaling out. If they were, there would not be an issue. Its not enough just to kill people. Ya gotta kill them BEFORE they can reproduce and make more people. How can that be morally justified using our current moral standards? Thus, we are already extinct, we just don't know it yet. |
Maybe we don't need to worry about it, because the Annunaki are coming back and won't want any of us recalcitrant slaves, and will just wipe us out to start the farm again with fresh genes.
A 'Death Star ' is hiding behind the Sun. An interstellar freeway is coming through and the planet is due for demolition. Whatever the problem or the solution, I just want to help keep the Earth nice for a bit longer, and worry about doom when it is closer, and more others give a rat's. |
Keeping the Earth..."Nice"...from a human perspective is a far cry from keeping it..."Nice"...from a natural perspective.
Where should we draw that line? Stop cutting your grass? Stop using wood? Break up and bury all concrete? Dismantle all metal and bury it? Stop farming? Stop using fossil fuels? Stop creating heat by no longer using electricity? The list can go on forever... Where do YOU want to draw that line to keep the Earth..."Nice"? Nice according to who or what? |
halt extinctions. reduce litter. reduce silt load in rivers. slow 'development', and 'progress', and urban sprawl. slow land clearing and clear fell forestry. Leave groundwater alone. Get more single women on mingle, to distract me. |
halt extinctions
Extinctions were normal long before our species existed. Extinctions are natural culling and elimination of species that are not strong enough to survive ecological changes. To halt extinctions would make this a very bad place to live. reduce litter.
Considering humans, litter is a by-product of our numbers. Reducing the number of humans in turn, reduces litter. reduce silt load in rivers.
Silt load? Yer kidding right? All naturally flowing water creates silt. The only way to reduce silt in rivers is to dam them all. Then you would be complaining about the stagnant water smell and all those damn mosquitoes. slow 'development', and 'progress', and urban sprawl.
Progress is something humans do. We develop land and use resources to provide for an ever increasing population that need a constant increase of land and resources. Reduce the number of humans and development, progress and urban sprawl will slow. slow land clearing and clear fell forestry.
Land clearing is a direct result of our increasing numbers. Clearing 'fell' forests reduces the severity of forest fires which are important to the natural balance of the ecology. Forest fires initiate new growth and help add certain important nutrients to the top soil. The Earth needs forest fires. Leave groundwater alone.
Yes, everyone should only drink rain water and only when its raining. Get more single women on mingle, to distract me.
Okay... |
Like seriously
That's right, more hotties like Patty .
Most river silt is from tillage and erosion. Seasonal silt load is natural, from winter rains, clearing as the rain wash decreases, and river inflows come from ground seepage. So MAD is no good, - too destructive and unpleasant. A gold ingot for everyone getting sterilised. Family allowance or whatever benefits for 1 child only. Large families don't get tax breaks. Yes it's too late, but still thinking anyway. ![]() |
ERM, I haven't read the whole thread
But maybe, don't vote, and don't keep your money in a bank Surely if enough people did that, it would enforce some sort of change |
LOL, who give a shidt?
Nobody Cares. Really. who? The sad fact is noone is thinking about it. Given a demographic, the focus is always on some other... imminent, concern instead of the problem we all face. That's the real danger. The fact that the actual danger is ignored. Most people don't realize what is happening around them. That is the crucial problem. Can't fix it if we don't know there is anything wrong. Can't find a solution to a problem we fail to see. People need to wake up to reality. Till we do, well, we are extinct. Let me say it again: There are more people being born than are dying! |
Lemme add this:
No matter what happens that decimates the population, I don't wanna live thru it. Try to remember the rule of threes. 3 minutes = air 3 days = water 3 weeks = food Given any scenario that kills 1/2 of the population of more, survival is no longer a preferabloe condition. Just think about it. Every other person is now dead in the street. Imagine the stink. Think about what YU will need to do to have any kind of life. See, right now, we are isolated from death but what if it were everywhere you look. Everything you can smell? Think about the impact that wouold have on your pristine idea of how reality is. Someone needs to deal with it. Kill me now. One thing a lot of people fail to understand is there are always things to deal with no matter the cause. Frankly, I want to be at ground zero. Screw all that clean-up. All while you are trying to find something that keeps you alive. Hahaha, suriving the end is not a blessing, its a curse. TThe reality is, if the cause doesn't kill you, the decay will. You either fix it or you die. Kill me now. |
Seen the movie 'A boy and his dog' or something like that, with that old comedian guy David Letterman, in a post apocalyptic scene where females and food cans are most sought after. 1950's B & W, I think.
I'm a dreamer, and survivalist, so I'll find a way or die trying. Haven't had much of a life so far, so making the most of it for as long as possible. So called 'natives' lived well for thousands of years with no 'infrastructure'. I love camping, so no going to work for a boss, but foraging and hunting and fishing for food, and no rental/mortgage/council expenses anymore. Herbal medicines and be careful, because no hospitals. And if mostly men are wiped out, I might stand a chance in the dating world. So I don't care that it is pointless; just caring is the point, regardless of the likelihood of of any efforts being successful. Save the manatees and dugongs and green turtles and blue ringed octopusses, and feathered parrot fish, and jellyfish. Just for the hell of it. |