Topic: I hate my life | |
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Fri 05/03/19 12:46 PM
I actually did go to school to get my certificate as a group fitness instructor but it's not something that I really want to do in life I just did it because I felt like it was easy course may have included a list of topics like: appropriate exercises for body types; body postures during lifts for injury avoidance; nutrition; etc in other words if it was a knowledge based course then there's room to specialize? What is it that you like to do Mark? A girl once told me that the way to make money is to be so good at the job that it becomes boring! So while you are thinking over on River's question; why not a second part time at the gym? (assuming many things here, but you can see the drift..) |
I actually did go to school to get my certificate as a group fitness instructor but it's not something that I really want to do in life I just did it because I felt like it was easy 1.What do you want to do? 2.What can you do? 3. Do you know your strength? 4. Your weakness? 5. What is your goal? 6. Do you have a plan to achieve your goal? |
it doesn't matter because ******** like Bill Maher want to say **** like if you are over 10 and still read comics that I need to grow up and he's right
I actually did go to school to get my certificate as a group fitness instructor but it's not something that I really want to do in life I just did it because I felt like it was easy 1.What do you want to do? 2.What can you do? 3. Do you know your strength? 4. Your weakness? 5. What is your goal? 6. Do you have a plan to achieve your goal? 1 I want to be an MMA fighter 2 there's nothing I can do 3 I have none 4 is everything im a complete failure 5 I want to be champion 6 no because no one supports me not even my own mom |
I do need a woman in my life because I feel lonely I feel like if I do find someone I can fall in love with me and have my own family I won't feel alone and for once in my life I would actually feel happy
also with the whole me being bullied thing there's a video about Mike Tyson talking about how he was bullied as a kid and he said that it was like a terminal cancer and he's right and he believe it or not had it worse than I did he grew up in the ghetto and this one kid killed his pet pigeon for God's sake how ****ed up is that? he said that he basically grew up in a neighborhood where it's kill or be killed and had no problems stabbing or shooting someone that would pick on him or if they were bigger than him he said he would have dropped a tv from a building on their head he said he could be very malevolent and that no one should go through what he had to go through and that you shouldn't have that kind of reputation to let people know that you're a sucker.
1 I want to be an MMA fighter 2 there's nothing I can do 3 I have none 4 is everything im a complete failure 5 I want to be champion 6 no because no one supports me not even my own mom Whats stopping you from being an MMA fighter? Its not true that theres nothing you can do,as long as you are breathing then you can do alot. You want to be a fighter then fight to change your life ,your probably down right now feeling empty alone like the world doesnt go as you want ,well buddy youll never reach what you want if you dont get up and fight to change your future for the better. You can only be a champion when you aim to be a champion ... First set an attainable goal. Small step at a time. I also get bullied when I was young,heck even up to now. I lost confidence i became a loner i locked up my self , i cant withdraw from an atm because im scared,i cant even go to a fastfood counter or a restaurant and order food alone and I was 16 then. My siblings teases and decided not to accompany me they said if i want to eat i have to order for my self or wait till we get home. It was not easy. But i tried first i withdraw in the atm machine . When i was able to do it alone i practise ordering food it was hard my first try i went in and out of the restaurant not less than 5 times the guard was already looking at me then finaly i got the courage to step up and order in the counter. That small step with practise helps me. Be determined to do what you want that you know you can do. Do what you can act on and not what you think you can act on. |
I do need a woman in my life because I feel lonely I feel like if I do find someone I can fall in love with me and have my own family I won't feel alone and for once in my life I would actually feel happy You are never alone , God loves you. Dont rely your happiness to others . It has to start within yourself . |
I feel like not even God loves me which is why my life is such a waste
the one thing stopping me from being an MMA fighter is my mom because she's unsupportive
Everyday, I lick windows, drive the very very short bus, way up-hill, both ways, in the ice, snow and blizzards, in 150 degree heat, 100 miles around a single block, and the neighbors are concerned, but not particularly worried.
I feel like not even God loves me which is why my life is such a waste Dont think of it like that.He loves you . Because your still breathing, every breath you take comes from him,you have chance to change so grab that chance |
I feel like not even God loves me which is why my life is such a waste Dont think of it like that.He loves you . Because your still breathing, every breath you take comes from him,you have chance to change so grab that chance |
the one thing stopping me from being an MMA fighter is my mom because she's unsupportive How old are you? I think your old enough to decide for your self. You said shes unsupportive ,prove that you can be an MMA without her support. Its your dream ,its what you want to do right? End of the day youll always have this regrets full of what if's ,when you dont take that step forward. |
the one thing stopping me from being an MMA fighter is my mom because she's un-supportive is it not because the ‘life-cycle’ in MMA ends at 35? what is then left is a wreckage. her worry may be who will take care of you ten years from now; when she's in her elderly years. If you are still focused on MMA then our discussions may cease here. Else we need to re-look at 'goal setting' Goal Setting: The way to set them is same as in school; one learns addition, then multiplication. In business, one slowly builds on short term penny sales before stocking products with longer shelf life. In life, one selects a hill to climb, even to see the mountains. so the hill you've climbed on is MMA training. But in MMA it is the managers who are in business, who run the network of contacts; fighters come and go. so the question is:not what you can do but what you can manage? At 28, it could begin by organizing a charity event. See if you Mom / neighbors will support that? --xx-- By the way, why bring God into the discussions while I'm around. ![]() |
So, M.M.A
Mixed Martial Arts I'm far from being an expert on the subject, so I won't even try, to pretend to be But I think I know a little Unless I'm mistaken, many Martial arts, are not just physical They have a philosophy, and mind set, and discipline, is very important Have you tried learning to breathe Mark? Tai Chi , is about breathing It is a slow series of movements Believe it, or not, these are Martial Arts movements I believe perhaps this could help you You seem very angry I feel you need to find a sense of calmness People make silly descions, when they are angry I think Tai Chi , will help you, to find calmness. And a positive energy |
I feel like the only way that I can achieve that goal is if I had a special relationship with someone like a bond because I lost my dad 2 years ago due to cancer and it may have not been the best relationship but he was still my dad. I have seen a therapist who was like a father figure to me but he wasn't going to help me achieve my MMA goals but he did give me great life lessons. I need someone like Cus D'amato in my life. If you don't know who he is he was Mike Tyson's trainer and legal guardian and I would give my soul to have a paternal figure like him. His whole goal in life was to feed someone's spark until it becomes a little flame and than fan it until it becomes a fire and pour huge logs on the fire until it's a roaring blaze. Perhaps his most famous saying is when he discusses about a hero and a coward he says that there is no difference they both feel the same thing which is fear but it's what they do that makes them different. In other words the hero acts while the coward runs away and I feel like all my life I have been living like a coward because I'm afraid of failing and losing people close to me and not being able to do things by myself. Yes I feel angry because I feel like I'm not loved by anybody not even my own mother because all she does is ***** at me and I remember a quote from the Ninja Turtles movie that Master Splinter said to Raphael "Possess the right thinking only then can one receive the gifts of strength, knowledge, and peace." "Anger clouds the mind turned inward it is an unconquerable enemy." I feel like my anger has already clouded my mind beyond repair and that enemy has won and there's nothing I can do because I'm nothing more than a living tragedy.
Edited by
Sun 05/05/19 09:41 AM
Amazing read. In fact I’m learning something from all this. like where patient spooks the doctor with his knowledge. on ‘father figure’ and ‘woman’; this may or may not be useful but here goes. A father figure is rare, happens when a person is in his teens. I think D’ Amato was a father figure when Tyson was in his teens; and they had common interests. What we may hope for is Mentoring, like the boss training a new employee; or like in this thread. Self mentoring can be by projection, as in religion. Christ and ‘My father’ concept. You probably know more since I am not a Christian. Yet another way is by internalizing. Whether we accept it or not; there’s ‘a continuity in life’ and we are to a large extent what our parents were, but in a different time zone. This is natural and Dr Eric Berne structures this into a 3 state of ego in his book: ‘I’m ok; you are ok’. if you’ve not read it, he describes how we sometimes behave with ‘parental strictness’ or surrender to authority figures as a ‘child’. And how difficult it is to have an ‘adult’ level transaction with others because all of us have our emotional baggage But the easiest way is to read a good book. You talk of driving in snow. I think nobody knows snow like Jack London. I moved on to Hemingway.These days it is Trump's latest (sigh) Coming to women, in my opinion any woman may admire your physique but would be ‘fearful’ to get closer. Imagine an argument, (women love to win more than men); and you answer back reflexively with a little slap that sends her tumbling. These things may not even have occurred to you but how is she to know? This is the unvoiced anxiety women have when they meet for the first time. It may be imagination but it is far greater than anything a man may ever say or do. Second, if you are looking for a woman, say in her twenties; to ‘understand’ you that’s a wrong path. They want us to understand them. They want to be lovely; so we fall for them. The only time they fall is what’s teenage crush. On the other hand, what so we do? As soon as we get close, we begin to see flaws. There we have it; we don’t get past the child in us. But you have an advantage here. Anyway you are ‘dead’ so why not challenge yourself to fall for that neighboring girl before dying? --xx-- I don’t see your needing advice; just some conversation like the rest of us. As someone suggested you should post on other topics in the forums. I'm sure the guys in Sports would be interested. My old opinion remains: a change of scene or job may do wonders. As they say, life flows with the challenger. Best wishes. ![]() PS: i checked back on your profile and saw that you've retained the negative spin on your exceptional driving skills. i know women can see through many things; but also on motor skills? . |
Truth is, a woman in your life is not going to miraculously fix your problems. Neither is having a mentor or a father figure in your life.
Change comes from within. Only you can change you. Can a woman or a mentor help to provide the spark that makes you want to change? Yes. Can a woman or a mentor help you to feel better about yourself or your life? Yes. Will either stay around if you expect them to do the work for you? No. But I do think you are beginning to change your thinking, Mark. You have shown that you recognize you need some sort of spark, like jumpstarting a car, to help you move yourself in the right direction. That is a very good first step. Therefore, we need to find something that helps motivate you. It sounds like you feel unloved. It sounds like you feel unheard and disrespected. In short, it seems you need someone in your life who can empathize with you in a constructive manner. But that by itself won't be enough. You also need someone that knows how to listen and communicate effectively with you. That means it needs to be someone who fully understands how Asperger's affects you. Not someone who tries to control you. Someone who allows you to be yourself while guiding you back onto a constructive path whenever you begin straying. |
I literally want to die right now all of my friends lives are all hunky dory because they earn money by NOT working just so they can all sit on their *** playing video games and watch their stupid little cartoons while I'm not doing **** except working 40 hours a week at a job that I hate because my mom wants to **** on my dreams and force me to work at places that I never even want to work in the first place and the reason why I applied at those places is so people can get off my *** about it and I feel like I'm just going to end up at more places that I hate and will never achieve my dream as a professional MMA fighter