Topic: Things found in the sea, A - Z - part 2 | |
IPA beer bottles
Juicy fruit gum wrappers
Killer pirates terrorizing the deep sea
Lunatic escapees from a mental hospital who stole a boat.
Mental patients that stole boat singing merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream while rowing boat into a tsunami headed toward shore
Nitwit mental patient who complained the other rowers were not doing their share of rowing when their boat crashed into the shore.
Officers trying to figure out how a boat of illegal mental patients screaming in pain from injuries made it their shores in a tsunami alive with damage and debris all around everywhere.
Pot bellied officer who was kicked off the force because he accused one of the recently tsunami wrecked mental patients of being a stunt double for Tom Hanks in the movie Cast Away.
Tom Hanks sued by mental patients for being accused of being his Stunt Double Newspaper headline on newspaper floating by a mermaid and a beluga whale making out behind buoy.
Unfinished screenplay
Vindictive jealous lovers
Wealth of coral reefs
Zookeepers who were mean to the animals and missing without a trace
Albacore tuna schools racing through turbulent waters
Deceased albacore tuna schools that just got tired racing through turbulent waters.
Flatulent crabs