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Topic: love or sex
ekene's photo
Thu 09/19/19 11:29 PM
Here am I can we love each other

Bgpoppapooh's photo
Thu 09/19/19 11:33 PM

joshep karthick basha's photo
Thu 09/19/19 11:45 PM
hi babe's how are you baby

no photo
Fri 09/20/19 07:28 AM
Yes I was waiting for you

no photo
Fri 09/20/19 09:39 AM

Abe's photo
Fri 09/20/19 10:08 AM
I prefer relationship

Booz25's photo
Fri 09/20/19 10:28 AM
For me its about both

Ikpechukwu Jonathan's photo
Fri 09/20/19 02:32 PM
Love is cool and enjoyable for a long while sex is just a pleasure of 20mins

no photo
Sat 09/21/19 07:44 AM

Sunny's photo
Sat 09/21/19 08:07 AM

no photo
Sat 09/21/19 08:23 AM
I've gone off chocolate a lot recently. However, chocolate sounds better than the uninformative 'sex'. With whom or what?

delightfulillusion's photo
Sat 09/21/19 08:38 AM

Love is cool and enjoyable for a long while sex is just a pleasure of 20mins

Only 20 mins? Pft!

no photo
Sat 09/21/19 08:58 AM
Love is sex

no photo
Sat 09/21/19 08:59 AM
Dating you as your wish

daniel's photo
Sat 09/21/19 01:30 PM

daniel's photo
Sat 09/21/19 01:31 PM

Love first. Sex comes automatically when there is love

no photo
Sat 09/21/19 01:59 PM

Love is cool and enjoyable for a long while sex is just a pleasure of 20mins

Only 20 mins? Pft!

once a king always a king
but once a knight is enough
as long as it lasts all night

chuckevans20's photo
Sat 09/21/19 04:04 PM
would love to fall in love again

no photo
Sun 09/22/19 02:09 AM
Hey any1 in yorkshire uk

no photo
Sun 09/22/19 03:10 AM

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