Topic: questions that believers are afraid to answer | |
I would not ask about you of others because others opinion of you does not matter to me, I deal in my reality. I do not feel all the love you speak of. That said, I tried not to put you on the defensive. If you know that your are right for yourself, who cares what others say about you? I will not say anything bad about you to others because they are not my reality dealing with you. It is you and me. I believe we all have the right to how we believe. You feel persecuted at some level but I do not see the persecution. As for being brought to my knees for the love or whatever of an entity outside my realm of reality, no. I have been in many churches and around very devout people and this love from an outside entity still evades me. On the other hand I have a self-sustaining love inside of me that would be more powerful than any outside entity could ever hope to be. As for the guff you take or don't. I really was not giving you guff with the statement of you believing your religion or not. That wasn't guff and made no judgement. I left it open to what you believe and do not believe. I did how ever call "calling" someone the spawn of satan a judgement and it was in my eyes. I was very shocked by it considering that you say your god is the only judge. I guess I could be wrong you may have been given that right by your god and I am just not aware. So if my read of that judgement was wrong, I willingly apologize for the misread. I am not attacking your beliefs, at least this time I am not. In other threads and other times I have "attacked" your belief meaning christianity for the failures of logic in it. I have my opinion on it and that is here nor there right now. I will now make a judgement of you. I think you are a wonderful person who through your religion gets a great satisfaction. That is my only judgement of you considering the short time in knowing you. Dragoness I thank you for your words. And honestly from the bottom of my heart I do not judge you. Abra and I have been battling since day one. I also have tried and tried with Abra. I know he is a broken hurt man, And when I said that he was the spawn of satan......I really don't believe that.....It was out of anger.....But I will neither apologize for it...because thats what he does to people....he needles and needles and needles until people loose it. JSH is the 9th site I have been led to by God......For His purpose not mine. And in every site I have an abra. Although in the end I become friends with most. Cmon I am very close to funches....where most are not. lol I am however very sorry that I took one sentence you said and made a mountain out of a mole hill.....But I know that God doesn't need my protection....but I nonetheless am very protective of him. And I honestly from my heart of hearts want you all to believe as you see fit.....What makes me come back time and time again and fight for my beliefs are for the people really searching....I want them to have a choice...... God Bless and/or Light Bless And that is with much respect......not trying to be funny or sarcastic. |
On the other hand I have a self-sustaining love inside of me that would be more powerful than any outside entity could ever hope to be.
I can certainly identify with this. ![]() Abra and I have been battling since day one.
What Debbie means to say here is that she has been taking my view on Christianity personally since day one. I battle with no one. ![]() |
Abra, there you be
![]() Feral ![]() |
I guess it can relate to the scientific theory of energy. It goes somewhere and all energy effects the objects around it somehow. I am not sure what it is called exactly but it is related to that type of thought process. We are living energy so we are a part of the energy equation on this planet. you mean every action has an equal but opposite reaction? No it is more in the quantum science realm about energy, I think. I cannot remember. An object has an energy to it, living objects especially and the energy of the object even when sitting with no movement effects the objects around it. Everything is connected throughout the universe at an energy level. So energy effects energy. I could be completely wrong, but you are not thinking of entropy are you? |
I could be completely wrong, but you are not thinking of entropy are you? I think she's talking about the energy fields revealed by kirlian photography. Just a guess. ![]() |
\'s the first one
according to believers logic, God had to have created the universe because the universe couldn't have popped out of nothingness and create itself therefore do the same logic apply to the creator if the answer is no then could you explain why with a rational explanation No God wants us to believe in Him, and so forth the faith given to us allows us to do so. God is the eternity. No beginning, no end. It is by Faith that we believe, it doesn't have to be attached to logic. |
Chaz, I had to look up entropy and the definition of organized becoming disorganized or something along those lines is not what I was refering to. Maybe this definition is not what you were referring to?
Abra, is more inline. The energy emitted by living things is shown on the kirlian. I was using the scientific theory as a way of explaining so others can understand. Energy affects all things around it. Energy makes energy. Energy is constant in that it goes somewhere else when it moves. Etc.... Maybe this was not a good example. I just know we are beings of living energy and that in and of itself is personal power. |
If you combine the thought processes behind a bunch of these threads, a lot started by CreativeSoul, with this thread, a light may go on regarding what's trying to be conveyed.
Many times in trying to comprehend something, the more I consciously tried to grab it with thought, the further I would get from it. When I would finally get too frustrated with trying to pin this down by thought or too busy with concentrating on other things ------ whamo what I was trying to pin down clarified simply because I quit thinking about it. I can accept what happened to iamgeorgia. feral's perception of that post about collective lucid dreaming put me on a side of the fence I hadn't planned on being on, but one I can also relate to, so I indulged that perception based on psychology. |
What if this living energy is a spirit or a host? Our nerotranmitters are affected by elemetal energy around us, but what if this core energy you are describing is demons or hosts.
Just wondering.. I hear electricity, DSL and radio waves other can't seem to hear.. but I also know there is something else there.. I believe to be God, angels... demons.. Take care |
Well you are talking about the laws of thermodynamics. First law states that energy can neither be created or destroyed only transformed. and entropy is the movement of that energy.(second law)
What if this living energy is a spirit or a host? Our nerotranmitters are affected by elemetal energy around us, but what if this core energy you are describing is demons or hosts. Just wondering.. I hear electricity, DSL and radio waves other can't seem to hear.. but I also know there is something else there.. I believe to be God, angels... demons.. Take care Uhh its kind of impossible to hear radio waves seeing that the range of human hearing is about 20-20,000 Hz and the lowest frequency for radio is AM starting at 535,000 hz. |
What if this living energy is a spirit or a host? Our nerotranmitters are affected by elemetal energy around us, but what if this core energy you are describing is demons or hosts. Just wondering.. I hear electricity, DSL and radio waves other can't seem to hear.. but I also know there is something else there.. I believe to be God, angels... demons.. Take care I guess one could perceive this way. Although I am not talking of the soul or spirit in a form of it as religion uses it. I am taking it more basic then that. To the energy that is us. The energy we have just being. It is not an outside force it is internal, we have it just being. Not being good or evil. It goes even more basic than that. Just being we have this energy. Thoughts, emotions, logic, morals, etc.... are outside of this life force. We have it just because we are alive. |
its the conservation of energy. Same as the first law of thermo but most know it by this name. Basically there is only so much energy in the universe it can not be created or destroyed but can be transformed and transfered.
Well you are talking about the laws of thermodynamics. First law states that energy can neither be created or destroyed only transformed. and entropy is the movement of that energy.(second law) I have never had advanced science or philosophy so forgive me if I am confusing. This sounds very similar to the way I was describing it. |
Well you are talking about the laws of thermodynamics. First law states that energy can neither be created or destroyed only transformed. and entropy is the movement of that energy.(second law) I have never had advanced science or philosophy so forgive me if I am confusing. This sounds very similar to the way I was describing it. Its ok, I am about to graduate in engineering so sometimes what seems like basic knowledge to me really isn't basic knowledge at all lol. Just comes with the territory I guess. I think we are talking about the same thing though. |
its the conservation of energy. Same as the first law of thermo but most know it by this name. Basically there is only so much energy in the universe it can not be created or destroyed but can be transformed and transfered. I would not say finite form of energy. There is no boundaries to this energy I speak of. But the non-destructibility of it and the transferance I would agree. If one takes themselves to a point of self where there is no outside influence so to speak in the form of thoughts, emotions, perceptions, judgements, etc.... there is a force in us that is pure energy, life force. The force of life. One can feel it. This is the force or energy I am speaking of. Someone said you can feel it in transendental meditation. I am not talking of leaving yourself but going so deep into yourself that you get to a point of just being. Being alive. Just to be. One can then feel this energy/light at this time. This is what I perceive. Unlike the religious soul it is not a separate part of us but it is us. It does not go to heaven or hell. When we die, it just becomes part of the universe energy. This is the point I was trying to say and have been having a terrible time portraying it. So if I am still not doing well, I do apologize. |
well if the energy you speak of is not boundless(it is incredibly vast thought. I would think almost immeasurable) then it could not exist in the physical world, only in a spiritual since. In the physical world energy is constantly flowing, we absorb it, we release it, but we don't and can't create it. When we die our energy(at least in the scientific since of the word) is just transfered and transformed.
With this I am going to bed lol. |
well if the energy you speak of is not boundless(it is incredibly vast thought. I would think almost immeasurable) then it could not exist in the physical world, only in a spiritual since. In the physical world energy is constantly flowing, we absorb it, we release it, but we don't and can't create it. When we die our energy(at least in the scientific since of the word) is just transfered and transformed. With this I am going to bed lol. Naturally in the scientific world there are limits set. And only because I only have science or spiritual to go by for lack of better definition, I would have to say spiritual. But I beleive as science advances this energy will be defined one day. Not only defined but harnassed and we all will utilize it in many more ways then is currently available. I believe this energy is responsible for a lot of the unexplained areas of science. It is already viewable with the kirlian photograph or at least some of it is viewable this way. Even plants have this energy in the kirlian photo. |
Okay, understood. But I think of it in reverse of that. There can be no "fishbowl" so to speak because the energy or force is beyond any capture. I will give you an example, it may be a sad one but have you seen the matrix? Remember when neo transformed through death to be "one"? He saw the energy of everything around him. He could harnass it at a level we cannot but that is what I am referring to, in a way. We are figures of energy and so is everything else in the universe. I say universe because we tend to think in a closed box of restrictions from thought but it exceeds this realm of thought. Does it make sense? ![]() the "Matrix" .. supports the phrase "to believe is to doubt" because nothing in the Matrix was real but one thing "THOUGHT" and in the matrix "THOUGHT" could be used to alter the laws of Physics because in reality The Laws of Physics didn't exist there every human in the matrix were actually a God but didn't know it just like in this reality Neo became the "ONE" because Morphues told him don't think or believe you are know you are and once NEO comprehended that, he could alter reality in the Matrix and even outside the Matrix and that was the true destiny of NEO was to become a God in his reality and stop the machines that way in our suppose reality the universe is composed of energy and think of that energy as being "PLAY DOO" or "CLAY" that can be molded anyway you choose by a single thought by simply altering manipulating or cancelling out the Laws of Physics reality is not truth and is not constant and therefore can be altered by a single thought and that is what Gods do and that is what faith is suppose to do ...and that is why anyone that claim they have faith is placing theirselves into the role of God .. |
It can't be explained to anyone who has not experienced the Living God in ones soul......All I can say is that for me, myself, and I......It's very real.....God talks to me......God has given me gifts, God shows me the path that I am to take. And to try to explain this to anyone is a mute point....I must be found by ones self. That is why I always say that a relationship with God, and Jesus Christ is a very very personal one. I already told you have it could be explained very easily by simply telling of something God told you that you didn't accidently hear your next door neighbor say out loud and you mistaking thought it was God talking to you ... And to tell someone they are delusional because of just a sad thing......but you also know funches that we share a special bond...and nothing you say or do will ever change that. And if we never see eye to eye on any of this....oh well such is life.....It would not change how I feel about ya.'s only a discussion you're not planning on trying to impale me or anything are you Actually I did respond to your tell me what God told you question....I can't help that you chose not to read it......Will not repeat can go search for it.... I would not hurt one lil hair on your head every.... ![]() ![]() yes you responded but I asked you to tell of something that only God could tell you just told of something that you could have over heard your heathenous next door neighbors scream and mistake it as being God |