Topic: Who are you rooting for in 2020?
Lpdon's photo
Mon 03/11/19 09:15 AM

Personally I'd like to see another
Ross Perot run ( he's too old), but someone like him. He wanted to run the country like a business ( make $ instead of lose $). He was an outsider and really stirred up interest in a third party, but unfortunately we will never convince the majority of people to split from being Democrat or Republican.

There is nothing saying Trump will even run in 2020, or have the Republican endorsement. The Republicans really need to pull a rabbit out of their hat and come up with a good candidate, or just make sure the Democratic candidate really sucks.

Four of the 45 Presidents have been shot and killed in office, a few more have been shot or shot at while in office. Not very good odds if you think about it, would you be willing to take the chance? 5 of them had no political experience before being elected, to me this would not be an issue, sick of the sellouts we got in Washington, but money talks so I really don't see a way to change that.

So your advocating for a President to get shot because you don't like them? Not only is your comment utter BS, it's a Federal Felony.

BTW every President that has been shot all had political experience unless you don't count being a Senator or a Governor political experience.

Our President and Vice President do not need to worry about their safety. We have the best people in the world protecting them and a lot of procedures and technology has changed since the Kennedy and Reagan days.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 03/11/19 09:15 AM

Personally I'd like to see another
Ross Perot run ( he's too old), but someone like him. He wanted to run the country like a business ( make $ instead of lose $). He was an outsider and really stirred up interest in a third party, but unfortunately we will never convince the majority of people to split from being Democrat or Republican.

There is nothing saying Trump will even run in 2020, or have the Republican endorsement. The Republicans really need to pull a rabbit out of their hat and come up with a good candidate, or just make sure the Democratic candidate really sucks.

Four of the 45 Presidents have been shot and killed in office, a few more have been shot or shot at while in office. Not very good odds if you think about it, would you be willing to take the chance? 5 of them had no political experience before being elected, to me this would not be an issue, sick of the sellouts we got in Washington, but money talks so I really don't see a way to change that.

So your advocating for a President to get shot because you don't like them? Not only is your comment utter BS, it's a Federal Felony.

BTW every President that has been shot all had political experience unless you don't count being a Senator or a Governor political experience.

Our President and Vice President do not need to worry about their safety. We have the best people in the world protecting them and a lot of procedures and technology has changed since the Kennedy and Reagan days.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 03/11/19 09:18 AM
Edited by Lpdon on Mon 03/11/19 09:25 AM

Personally I'd like to see another
Ross Perot run ( he's too old), but someone like him. He wanted to run the country like a business ( make $ instead of lose $). He was an outsider and really stirred up interest in a third party, but unfortunately we will never convince the majority of people to split from being Democrat or Republican.

There is nothing saying Trump will even run in 2020, or have the Republican endorsement. The Republicans really need to pull a rabbit out of their hat and come up with a good candidate, or just make sure the Democratic candidate really sucks.

Four of the 45 Presidents have been shot and killed in office, a few more have been shot or shot at while in office. Not very good odds if you think about it, would you be willing to take the chance? 5 of them had no political experience before being elected, to me this would not be an issue, sick of the sellouts we got in Washington, but money talks so I really don't see a way to change that.

Adams served as VP
Jefferson as governor, sec of state, and VP
Madison as congressman and sec of state
Monroe as senator and governor
Adams as senator and secretary of state
Jackson was senator and governor
Van Buren was governor and VP
Harrison, a senator
Tyler, congressman, a senator and VP
Polk, a congressman and governor
Zach Taylor was a soldier ... ONE

Fillmore, congressman and VP
Pierce, congressman and senator
Buchanan, congressman, senator, secretary of state
Lincoln, a congressman
Johnson, congressman, senator, governor, VP
Grant was an Army general ... TWO

Hayes was congressman and governor
Garfield, congressman
Arthur, VP
Cleveland, Mayor
Harrison, Senator
McKinley, congressman and governor
Roosevelt, governor and VP
Taft, justice of supreme court, sec of war ... is this THREE?
woodrow wilson, governor
Harding was a senator
Coolidge, governor and VP
Hoover, sec of commerce ... is this FOUR?
Roosevelt, governor
Truman, senator and vP
Eisenhower, army chief of staff ... is this FIVE?
Kennedy, congressman and senator
Johnson, congressman, senator, VP
Nixon, congressman, senator, VP
Ford, congressman and VP
Carter, governor
Reagan, governor
GHW Bush, congressman, ambassador, VP
Clinton, governor
GW Bush, governor
OBama, state senator and US senator

As far as historically, all presidents have worked within the three branches of the government infrastructure, which I think is an important experience to gain before holding the TOP government office, OR they have served in the military, which as Commander in Chief, is the only experience in lieu of the government that I feel is worthy of POTUS.

I think the US is meant to be run as a 'not for profit', not to profit, but to pursue constitutional objectives and maintain the country. I think, like in any top job of any industry, it is not desirable that someone START gaining experience in the top position, ahead of others who have already started.

I think 4 out of 45 is 8 percent, which leaves 92 percent chance of not getting killed, is not bad odds.

All presidents have been 65 or under when elected, EXCEPT Harrison, Reagan, and Trump, Harrison died of illness in office. Reagan was later announced to have Alzheimers, though not revealed until his 80s, I believe he was beginning to suffer from in office. And Trump seems to have plenty of the signs of senility, regression to childlike thinking and acting. I do hope we get a more 'vibrant' and healthy candidate in office(mentally, physically and emotionally).

I don't care so much about the 'either/or' politics for candidates. Even though we have two main parties, we have a large SPECTRUM of individual political ideas and beliefs.

The candidates, though registered under a political label, are individuals first. And I care about what experience and education and ideas the Individual has. I care whether there is past indicator of their 'concerns' for fellow Americans. I care about their experience with and knowledge of global affairs and with the obstacles and concerns of 'average' AND struggling citizens, not just the elite. Knowledge of/experience with the constitution and military are certainly also a plus.

I really hope we get another OBama or Kennedy(minus the assassination). I wonder what can be accomplished during a time when we are NOT already in economic downfall. I also hope we get someone who can lead with unifying language and behavior.

Grant was commander of the entire US Army and war effort during the Civil War. I would count that as experience. He didn't even want to be President, but he was drafted and then he saw the nation coming apart in the aftermath of the Civil War, and it was. He knew enough about politics and leading that he jumped in and became one of the greatest Presidents in history.

The South was rearming, and Grant saw another war coming. That's why Federal Troops were deployed in a law enforcement capacity in Southern States to put down any chance of rebellion. Johnson also Signed the Posse Comitatus Act, at the end of his Presidency all because the Southern Democrats were having a $hit fit that armed soldiers were in their cities.

You think what were going through now is difficult, doing what right isn't always popular and Lincoln and Grant sure felt the weight of their decisions, and both Presidents are why we are still a nation.

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/11/19 12:20 PM

Personally I'd like to see another
Ross Perot run ( he's too old), but someone like him. He wanted to run the country like a business ( make $ instead of lose $). He was an outsider and really stirred up interest in a third party, but unfortunately we will never convince the majority of people to split from being Democrat or Republican.

There is nothing saying Trump will even run in 2020, or have the Republican endorsement. The Republicans really need to pull a rabbit out of their hat and come up with a good candidate, or just make sure the Democratic candidate really sucks.

Four of the 45 Presidents have been shot and killed in office, a few more have been shot or shot at while in office. Not very good odds if you think about it, would you be willing to take the chance? 5 of them had no political experience before being elected, to me this would not be an issue, sick of the sellouts we got in Washington, but money talks so I really don't see a way to change that.

Adams served as VP
Jefferson as governor, sec of state, and VP
Madison as congressman and sec of state
Monroe as senator and governor
Adams as senator and secretary of state
Jackson was senator and governor
Van Buren was governor and VP
Harrison, a senator
Tyler, congressman, a senator and VP
Polk, a congressman and governor
Zach Taylor was a soldier ... ONE

Fillmore, congressman and VP
Pierce, congressman and senator
Buchanan, congressman, senator, secretary of state
Lincoln, a congressman
Johnson, congressman, senator, governor, VP
Grant was an Army general ... TWO

Hayes was congressman and governor
Garfield, congressman
Arthur, VP
Cleveland, Mayor
Harrison, Senator
McKinley, congressman and governor
Roosevelt, governor and VP
Taft, justice of supreme court, sec of war ... is this THREE?
woodrow wilson, governor
Harding was a senator
Coolidge, governor and VP
Hoover, sec of commerce ... is this FOUR?
Roosevelt, governor
Truman, senator and vP
Eisenhower, army chief of staff ... is this FIVE?
Kennedy, congressman and senator
Johnson, congressman, senator, VP
Nixon, congressman, senator, VP
Ford, congressman and VP
Carter, governor
Reagan, governor
GHW Bush, congressman, ambassador, VP
Clinton, governor
GW Bush, governor
OBama, state senator and US senator

As far as historically, all presidents have worked within the three branches of the government infrastructure, which I think is an important experience to gain before holding the TOP government office, OR they have served in the military, which as Commander in Chief, is the only experience in lieu of the government that I feel is worthy of POTUS.

I think the US is meant to be run as a 'not for profit', not to profit, but to pursue constitutional objectives and maintain the country. I think, like in any top job of any industry, it is not desirable that someone START gaining experience in the top position, ahead of others who have already started.

I think 4 out of 45 is 8 percent, which leaves 92 percent chance of not getting killed, is not bad odds.

All presidents have been 65 or under when elected, EXCEPT Harrison, Reagan, and Trump, Harrison died of illness in office. Reagan was later announced to have Alzheimers, though not revealed until his 80s, I believe he was beginning to suffer from in office. And Trump seems to have plenty of the signs of senility, regression to childlike thinking and acting. I do hope we get a more 'vibrant' and healthy candidate in office(mentally, physically and emotionally).

I don't care so much about the 'either/or' politics for candidates. Even though we have two main parties, we have a large SPECTRUM of individual political ideas and beliefs.

The candidates, though registered under a political label, are individuals first. And I care about what experience and education and ideas the Individual has. I care whether there is past indicator of their 'concerns' for fellow Americans. I care about their experience with and knowledge of global affairs and with the obstacles and concerns of 'average' AND struggling citizens, not just the elite. Knowledge of/experience with the constitution and military are certainly also a plus.

I really hope we get another OBama or Kennedy(minus the assassination). I wonder what can be accomplished during a time when we are NOT already in economic downfall. I also hope we get someone who can lead with unifying language and behavior.

Grant was commander of the entire US Army and war effort during the Civil War. I would count that as experience. He didn't even want to be President, but he was drafted and then he saw the nation coming apart in the aftermath of the Civil War, and it was. He knew enough about politics and leading that he jumped in and became one of the greatest Presidents in history.

The South was rearming, and Grant saw another war coming. That's why Federal Troops were deployed in a law enforcement capacity in Southern States to put down any chance of rebellion. Johnson also Signed the Posse Comitatus Act, at the end of his Presidency all because the Southern Democrats were having a $hit fit that armed soldiers were in their cities.

You think what were going through now is difficult, doing what right isn't always popular and Lincoln and Grant sure felt the weight of their decisions, and both Presidents are why we are still a nation.

I agree 100%. I would add not ONLY is doing what is right not always popular. but nowadays, with minimalistic standards and values, doing what is popular is not always right either.

Issue is, usually, the person elected is doing things that are popular with their constituency(and with the state of education, unfortunately, sometimes because they follow blindly and dont care to know anything but what their candidate proposes and claims). And on the flip side, the person elected is doing things that are unpopular with those not in their consituency(sometimes because they blindly oppose anything that candidate proposes or claims)

Party politics, which focuses on the party and not the individuals themselves, is the biggest problem we face leading to our division and contributing to our falling apart.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 03/11/19 04:28 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Mon 03/11/19 04:34 PM

Four of the 45 Presidents have been shot and killed in office, a few more have been shot or shot at while in office. Not very good odds if you think about it, would you be willing to take the chance?

So your advocating for a President to get shot because you don't like them? Not only is your comment utter BS, it's a Federal Felony.

If you read that I said who would want the job with the risk that goes along with it. Clearly times have changed and there is much better security now.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 03/11/19 05:09 PM

Personally I'd like to see another
Ross Perot run ( he's too old), but someone like him. He wanted to run the country like a business ( make $ instead of lose $). He was an outsider and really stirred up interest in a third party, but unfortunately we will never convince the majority of people to split from being Democrat or Republican.

There is nothing saying Trump will even run in 2020, or have the Republican endorsement. The Republicans really need to pull a rabbit out of their hat and come up with a good candidate, or just make sure the Democratic candidate really sucks.

Four of the 45 Presidents have been shot and killed in office, a few more have been shot or shot at while in office. Not very good odds if you think about it, would you be willing to take the chance? 5 of them had no political experience before being elected, to me this would not be an issue, sick of the sellouts we got in Washington, but money talks so I really don't see a way to change that.

Adams served as VP
Jefferson as governor, sec of state, and VP
Madison as congressman and sec of state
Monroe as senator and governor
Adams as senator and secretary of state
Jackson was senator and governor
Van Buren was governor and VP
Harrison, a senator
Tyler, congressman, a senator and VP
Polk, a congressman and governor
Zach Taylor was a soldier ... ONE

Fillmore, congressman and VP
Pierce, congressman and senator
Buchanan, congressman, senator, secretary of state
Lincoln, a congressman
Johnson, congressman, senator, governor, VP
Grant was an Army general ... TWO

Hayes was congressman and governor
Garfield, congressman
Arthur, VP
Cleveland, Mayor
Harrison, Senator
McKinley, congressman and governor
Roosevelt, governor and VP
Taft, justice of supreme court, sec of war ... is this THREE?
woodrow wilson, governor
Harding was a senator
Coolidge, governor and VP
Hoover, sec of commerce ... is this FOUR?
Roosevelt, governor
Truman, senator and vP
Eisenhower, army chief of staff ... is this FIVE?
Kennedy, congressman and senator
Johnson, congressman, senator, VP
Nixon, congressman, senator, VP
Ford, congressman and VP
Carter, governor
Reagan, governor
GHW Bush, congressman, ambassador, VP
Clinton, governor
GW Bush, governor
OBama, state senator and US senator

As far as historically, all presidents have worked within the three branches of the government infrastructure, which I think is an important experience to gain before holding the TOP government office, OR they have served in the military, which as Commander in Chief, is the only experience in lieu of the government that I feel is worthy of POTUS.

I think the US is meant to be run as a 'not for profit', not to profit, but to pursue constitutional objectives and maintain the country. I think, like in any top job of any industry, it is not desirable that someone START gaining experience in the top position, ahead of others who have already started.

I think 4 out of 45 is 8 percent, which leaves 92 percent chance of not getting killed, is not bad odds.

All presidents have been 65 or under when elected, EXCEPT Harrison, Reagan, and Trump, Harrison died of illness in office. Reagan was later announced to have Alzheimers, though not revealed until his 80s, I believe he was beginning to suffer from in office. And Trump seems to have plenty of the signs of senility, regression to childlike thinking and acting. I do hope we get a more 'vibrant' and healthy candidate in office(mentally, physically and emotionally).

I don't care so much about the 'either/or' politics for candidates. Even though we have two main parties, we have a large SPECTRUM of individual political ideas and beliefs.

The candidates, though registered under a political label, are individuals first. And I care about what experience and education and ideas the Individual has. I care whether there is past indicator of their 'concerns' for fellow Americans. I care about their experience with and knowledge of global affairs and with the obstacles and concerns of 'average' AND struggling citizens, not just the elite. Knowledge of/experience with the constitution and military are certainly also a plus.

I really hope we get another OBama or Kennedy(minus the assassination). I wonder what can be accomplished during a time when we are NOT already in economic downfall. I also hope we get someone who can lead with unifying language and behavior.

Grant was commander of the entire US Army and war effort during the Civil War. I would count that as experience. He didn't even want to be President, but he was drafted and then he saw the nation coming apart in the aftermath of the Civil War, and it was. He knew enough about politics and leading that he jumped in and became one of the greatest Presidents in history.

The South was rearming, and Grant saw another war coming. That's why Federal Troops were deployed in a law enforcement capacity in Southern States to put down any chance of rebellion. Johnson also Signed the Posse Comitatus Act, at the end of his Presidency all because the Southern Democrats were having a $hit fit that armed soldiers were in their cities.

You think what were going through now is difficult, doing what right isn't always popular and Lincoln and Grant sure felt the weight of their decisions, and both Presidents are why we are still a nation.

I agree 100%. I would add not ONLY is doing what is right not always popular. but nowadays, with minimalistic standards and values, doing what is popular is not always right either.

Issue is, usually, the person elected is doing things that are popular with their constituency(and with the state of education, unfortunately, sometimes because they follow blindly and dont care to know anything but what their candidate proposes and claims). And on the flip side, the person elected is doing things that are unpopular with those not in their consituency(sometimes because they blindly oppose anything that candidate proposes or claims)

Party politics, which focuses on the party and not the individuals themselves, is the biggest problem we face leading to our division and contributing to our falling apart.

But you don't agree that President Grant was one of the best Presidents and saved our country?

Lpdon's photo
Mon 03/11/19 05:25 PM

Four of the 45 Presidents have been shot and killed in office, a few more have been shot or shot at while in office. Not very good odds if you think about it, would you be willing to take the chance?

So your advocating for a President to get shot because you don't like them? Not only is your comment utter BS, it's a Federal Felony.

If you read that I said who would want the job with the risk that goes along with it. Clearly times have changed and there is much better security now.

There really isn't much risk. I met President Bush and Vice President Pence. The security is like nothing you have ever seen. Not only do they have their Secret Service Detail but they pull Agents from every Office within a two state radius. They also have all the other Federal Agents (FBI, DEA, US MARSHALLS, HOMELANCE SECURITY, ICE) wearing their jackets and fully armed. As well as the Uniformed Secret Service Division and all local Law Enforcement and members of the military. The President's limo can take a direct hit from a tank and not be breached. Roads are closed off and if the President is out in the open they have both Federal Snipers and Military Snipers looking for any possible threat.

We learned a lot from the Kennedy and Reagan attacks. Hell, they have sent President Bush, VP Cheney, President Obama, President Trump and Vice President Pence into a war zone and they were still safe. There also was an attempt on VP Cheney in Iraq that was well planned and coordinated and it didn't even come close.

FeelYoung's photo
Mon 03/11/19 07:11 PM

Zachary Taylor, no. Heck, he didn't even vote before he became president. Another little curious thing- his second daughter was married to Jefferson Davis for a time. (She died three months after they were married)

I love those Confederates. Maybe we can get another Robert E. Lee to run for president. And stop pulling down historical statues. If no Lee, then I will vote for Trump again if he decides to run.

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/11/19 07:25 PM

Personally I'd like to see another
Ross Perot run ( he's too old), but someone like him. He wanted to run the country like a business ( make $ instead of lose $). He was an outsider and really stirred up interest in a third party, but unfortunately we will never convince the majority of people to split from being Democrat or Republican.

There is nothing saying Trump will even run in 2020, or have the Republican endorsement. The Republicans really need to pull a rabbit out of their hat and come up with a good candidate, or just make sure the Democratic candidate really sucks.

Four of the 45 Presidents have been shot and killed in office, a few more have been shot or shot at while in office. Not very good odds if you think about it, would you be willing to take the chance? 5 of them had no political experience before being elected, to me this would not be an issue, sick of the sellouts we got in Washington, but money talks so I really don't see a way to change that.

Adams served as VP
Jefferson as governor, sec of state, and VP
Madison as congressman and sec of state
Monroe as senator and governor
Adams as senator and secretary of state
Jackson was senator and governor
Van Buren was governor and VP
Harrison, a senator
Tyler, congressman, a senator and VP
Polk, a congressman and governor
Zach Taylor was a soldier ... ONE

Fillmore, congressman and VP
Pierce, congressman and senator
Buchanan, congressman, senator, secretary of state
Lincoln, a congressman
Johnson, congressman, senator, governor, VP
Grant was an Army general ... TWO

Hayes was congressman and governor
Garfield, congressman
Arthur, VP
Cleveland, Mayor
Harrison, Senator
McKinley, congressman and governor
Roosevelt, governor and VP
Taft, justice of supreme court, sec of war ... is this THREE?
woodrow wilson, governor
Harding was a senator
Coolidge, governor and VP
Hoover, sec of commerce ... is this FOUR?
Roosevelt, governor
Truman, senator and vP
Eisenhower, army chief of staff ... is this FIVE?
Kennedy, congressman and senator
Johnson, congressman, senator, VP
Nixon, congressman, senator, VP
Ford, congressman and VP
Carter, governor
Reagan, governor
GHW Bush, congressman, ambassador, VP
Clinton, governor
GW Bush, governor
OBama, state senator and US senator

As far as historically, all presidents have worked within the three branches of the government infrastructure, which I think is an important experience to gain before holding the TOP government office, OR they have served in the military, which as Commander in Chief, is the only experience in lieu of the government that I feel is worthy of POTUS.

I think the US is meant to be run as a 'not for profit', not to profit, but to pursue constitutional objectives and maintain the country. I think, like in any top job of any industry, it is not desirable that someone START gaining experience in the top position, ahead of others who have already started.

I think 4 out of 45 is 8 percent, which leaves 92 percent chance of not getting killed, is not bad odds.

All presidents have been 65 or under when elected, EXCEPT Harrison, Reagan, and Trump, Harrison died of illness in office. Reagan was later announced to have Alzheimers, though not revealed until his 80s, I believe he was beginning to suffer from in office. And Trump seems to have plenty of the signs of senility, regression to childlike thinking and acting. I do hope we get a more 'vibrant' and healthy candidate in office(mentally, physically and emotionally).

I don't care so much about the 'either/or' politics for candidates. Even though we have two main parties, we have a large SPECTRUM of individual political ideas and beliefs.

The candidates, though registered under a political label, are individuals first. And I care about what experience and education and ideas the Individual has. I care whether there is past indicator of their 'concerns' for fellow Americans. I care about their experience with and knowledge of global affairs and with the obstacles and concerns of 'average' AND struggling citizens, not just the elite. Knowledge of/experience with the constitution and military are certainly also a plus.

I really hope we get another OBama or Kennedy(minus the assassination). I wonder what can be accomplished during a time when we are NOT already in economic downfall. I also hope we get someone who can lead with unifying language and behavior.

Grant was commander of the entire US Army and war effort during the Civil War. I would count that as experience. He didn't even want to be President, but he was drafted and then he saw the nation coming apart in the aftermath of the Civil War, and it was. He knew enough about politics and leading that he jumped in and became one of the greatest Presidents in history.

The South was rearming, and Grant saw another war coming. That's why Federal Troops were deployed in a law enforcement capacity in Southern States to put down any chance of rebellion. Johnson also Signed the Posse Comitatus Act, at the end of his Presidency all because the Southern Democrats were having a $hit fit that armed soldiers were in their cities.

You think what were going through now is difficult, doing what right isn't always popular and Lincoln and Grant sure felt the weight of their decisions, and both Presidents are why we are still a nation.

I agree 100%. I would add not ONLY is doing what is right not always popular. but nowadays, with minimalistic standards and values, doing what is popular is not always right either.

Issue is, usually, the person elected is doing things that are popular with their constituency(and with the state of education, unfortunately, sometimes because they follow blindly and dont care to know anything but what their candidate proposes and claims). And on the flip side, the person elected is doing things that are unpopular with those not in their consituency(sometimes because they blindly oppose anything that candidate proposes or claims)

Party politics, which focuses on the party and not the individuals themselves, is the biggest problem we face leading to our division and contributing to our falling apart.

But you don't agree that President Grant was one of the best Presidents and saved our country?

what makes you say that?

Im not a historian, I dont do best presidents because so many have done well in different areas and not so well in others. it would depend on which areas were considered 'most important' to really say, and I dont do that either.

LonnieBrighton777's photo
Mon 03/11/19 08:28 PM
I've never voted Republican and I hope to the stars that I never will. U_U

Lpdon's photo
Wed 03/13/19 02:05 AM

Personally I'd like to see another
Ross Perot run ( he's too old), but someone like him. He wanted to run the country like a business ( make $ instead of lose $). He was an outsider and really stirred up interest in a third party, but unfortunately we will never convince the majority of people to split from being Democrat or Republican.

There is nothing saying Trump will even run in 2020, or have the Republican endorsement. The Republicans really need to pull a rabbit out of their hat and come up with a good candidate, or just make sure the Democratic candidate really sucks.

Four of the 45 Presidents have been shot and killed in office, a few more have been shot or shot at while in office. Not very good odds if you think about it, would you be willing to take the chance? 5 of them had no political experience before being elected, to me this would not be an issue, sick of the sellouts we got in Washington, but money talks so I really don't see a way to change that.

Adams served as VP
Jefferson as governor, sec of state, and VP
Madison as congressman and sec of state
Monroe as senator and governor
Adams as senator and secretary of state
Jackson was senator and governor
Van Buren was governor and VP
Harrison, a senator
Tyler, congressman, a senator and VP
Polk, a congressman and governor
Zach Taylor was a soldier ... ONE

Fillmore, congressman and VP
Pierce, congressman and senator
Buchanan, congressman, senator, secretary of state
Lincoln, a congressman
Johnson, congressman, senator, governor, VP
Grant was an Army general ... TWO

Hayes was congressman and governor
Garfield, congressman
Arthur, VP
Cleveland, Mayor
Harrison, Senator
McKinley, congressman and governor
Roosevelt, governor and VP
Taft, justice of supreme court, sec of war ... is this THREE?
woodrow wilson, governor
Harding was a senator
Coolidge, governor and VP
Hoover, sec of commerce ... is this FOUR?
Roosevelt, governor
Truman, senator and vP
Eisenhower, army chief of staff ... is this FIVE?
Kennedy, congressman and senator
Johnson, congressman, senator, VP
Nixon, congressman, senator, VP
Ford, congressman and VP
Carter, governor
Reagan, governor
GHW Bush, congressman, ambassador, VP
Clinton, governor
GW Bush, governor
OBama, state senator and US senator

As far as historically, all presidents have worked within the three branches of the government infrastructure, which I think is an important experience to gain before holding the TOP government office, OR they have served in the military, which as Commander in Chief, is the only experience in lieu of the government that I feel is worthy of POTUS.

I think the US is meant to be run as a 'not for profit', not to profit, but to pursue constitutional objectives and maintain the country. I think, like in any top job of any industry, it is not desirable that someone START gaining experience in the top position, ahead of others who have already started.

I think 4 out of 45 is 8 percent, which leaves 92 percent chance of not getting killed, is not bad odds.

All presidents have been 65 or under when elected, EXCEPT Harrison, Reagan, and Trump, Harrison died of illness in office. Reagan was later announced to have Alzheimers, though not revealed until his 80s, I believe he was beginning to suffer from in office. And Trump seems to have plenty of the signs of senility, regression to childlike thinking and acting. I do hope we get a more 'vibrant' and healthy candidate in office(mentally, physically and emotionally).

I don't care so much about the 'either/or' politics for candidates. Even though we have two main parties, we have a large SPECTRUM of individual political ideas and beliefs.

The candidates, though registered under a political label, are individuals first. And I care about what experience and education and ideas the Individual has. I care whether there is past indicator of their 'concerns' for fellow Americans. I care about their experience with and knowledge of global affairs and with the obstacles and concerns of 'average' AND struggling citizens, not just the elite. Knowledge of/experience with the constitution and military are certainly also a plus.

I really hope we get another OBama or Kennedy(minus the assassination). I wonder what can be accomplished during a time when we are NOT already in economic downfall. I also hope we get someone who can lead with unifying language and behavior.

Grant was commander of the entire US Army and war effort during the Civil War. I would count that as experience. He didn't even want to be President, but he was drafted and then he saw the nation coming apart in the aftermath of the Civil War, and it was. He knew enough about politics and leading that he jumped in and became one of the greatest Presidents in history.

The South was rearming, and Grant saw another war coming. That's why Federal Troops were deployed in a law enforcement capacity in Southern States to put down any chance of rebellion. Johnson also Signed the Posse Comitatus Act, at the end of his Presidency all because the Southern Democrats were having a $hit fit that armed soldiers were in their cities.

You think what were going through now is difficult, doing what right isn't always popular and Lincoln and Grant sure felt the weight of their decisions, and both Presidents are why we are still a nation.

I agree 100%. I would add not ONLY is doing what is right not always popular. but nowadays, with minimalistic standards and values, doing what is popular is not always right either.

Issue is, usually, the person elected is doing things that are popular with their constituency(and with the state of education, unfortunately, sometimes because they follow blindly and dont care to know anything but what their candidate proposes and claims). And on the flip side, the person elected is doing things that are unpopular with those not in their consituency(sometimes because they blindly oppose anything that candidate proposes or claims)

Party politics, which focuses on the party and not the individuals themselves, is the biggest problem we face leading to our division and contributing to our falling apart.

But you don't agree that President Grant was one of the best Presidents and saved our country?

what makes you say that?

Im not a historian, I dont do best presidents because so many have done well in different areas and not so well in others. it would depend on which areas were considered 'most important' to really say, and I dont do that either.

I would say keeping the country together after the Civil War was a huge accomplishment, especially since everyone predicted that the Southern States were going to pick right back up. General Grant saw that coming and is why he accepted the nomination at the Convention. He really didn't want to be President.

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/13/19 03:00 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 03/13/19 03:03 AM

Personally I'd like to see another
Ross Perot run ( he's too old), but someone like him. He wanted to run the country like a business ( make $ instead of lose $). He was an outsider and really stirred up interest in a third party, but unfortunately we will never convince the majority of people to split from being Democrat or Republican.

There is nothing saying Trump will even run in 2020, or have the Republican endorsement. The Republicans really need to pull a rabbit out of their hat and come up with a good candidate, or just make sure the Democratic candidate really sucks.

Four of the 45 Presidents have been shot and killed in office, a few more have been shot or shot at while in office. Not very good odds if you think about it, would you be willing to take the chance? 5 of them had no political experience before being elected, to me this would not be an issue, sick of the sellouts we got in Washington, but money talks so I really don't see a way to change that.

Adams served as VP
Jefferson as governor, sec of state, and VP
Madison as congressman and sec of state
Monroe as senator and governor
Adams as senator and secretary of state
Jackson was senator and governor
Van Buren was governor and VP
Harrison, a senator
Tyler, congressman, a senator and VP
Polk, a congressman and governor
Zach Taylor was a soldier ... ONE

Fillmore, congressman and VP
Pierce, congressman and senator
Buchanan, congressman, senator, secretary of state
Lincoln, a congressman
Johnson, congressman, senator, governor, VP
Grant was an Army general ... TWO

Hayes was congressman and governor
Garfield, congressman
Arthur, VP
Cleveland, Mayor
Harrison, Senator
McKinley, congressman and governor
Roosevelt, governor and VP
Taft, justice of supreme court, sec of war ... is this THREE?
woodrow wilson, governor
Harding was a senator
Coolidge, governor and VP
Hoover, sec of commerce ... is this FOUR?
Roosevelt, governor
Truman, senator and vP
Eisenhower, army chief of staff ... is this FIVE?
Kennedy, congressman and senator
Johnson, congressman, senator, VP
Nixon, congressman, senator, VP
Ford, congressman and VP
Carter, governor
Reagan, governor
GHW Bush, congressman, ambassador, VP
Clinton, governor
GW Bush, governor
OBama, state senator and US senator

As far as historically, all presidents have worked within the three branches of the government infrastructure, which I think is an important experience to gain before holding the TOP government office, OR they have served in the military, which as Commander in Chief, is the only experience in lieu of the government that I feel is worthy of POTUS.

I think the US is meant to be run as a 'not for profit', not to profit, but to pursue constitutional objectives and maintain the country. I think, like in any top job of any industry, it is not desirable that someone START gaining experience in the top position, ahead of others who have already started.

I think 4 out of 45 is 8 percent, which leaves 92 percent chance of not getting killed, is not bad odds.

All presidents have been 65 or under when elected, EXCEPT Harrison, Reagan, and Trump, Harrison died of illness in office. Reagan was later announced to have Alzheimers, though not revealed until his 80s, I believe he was beginning to suffer from in office. And Trump seems to have plenty of the signs of senility, regression to childlike thinking and acting. I do hope we get a more 'vibrant' and healthy candidate in office(mentally, physically and emotionally).

I don't care so much about the 'either/or' politics for candidates. Even though we have two main parties, we have a large SPECTRUM of individual political ideas and beliefs.

The candidates, though registered under a political label, are individuals first. And I care about what experience and education and ideas the Individual has. I care whether there is past indicator of their 'concerns' for fellow Americans. I care about their experience with and knowledge of global affairs and with the obstacles and concerns of 'average' AND struggling citizens, not just the elite. Knowledge of/experience with the constitution and military are certainly also a plus.

I really hope we get another OBama or Kennedy(minus the assassination). I wonder what can be accomplished during a time when we are NOT already in economic downfall. I also hope we get someone who can lead with unifying language and behavior.

Grant was commander of the entire US Army and war effort during the Civil War. I would count that as experience. He didn't even want to be President, but he was drafted and then he saw the nation coming apart in the aftermath of the Civil War, and it was. He knew enough about politics and leading that he jumped in and became one of the greatest Presidents in history.

The South was rearming, and Grant saw another war coming. That's why Federal Troops were deployed in a law enforcement capacity in Southern States to put down any chance of rebellion. Johnson also Signed the Posse Comitatus Act, at the end of his Presidency all because the Southern Democrats were having a $hit fit that armed soldiers were in their cities.

You think what were going through now is difficult, doing what right isn't always popular and Lincoln and Grant sure felt the weight of their decisions, and both Presidents are why we are still a nation.

I agree 100%. I would add not ONLY is doing what is right not always popular. but nowadays, with minimalistic standards and values, doing what is popular is not always right either.

Issue is, usually, the person elected is doing things that are popular with their constituency(and with the state of education, unfortunately, sometimes because they follow blindly and dont care to know anything but what their candidate proposes and claims). And on the flip side, the person elected is doing things that are unpopular with those not in their consituency(sometimes because they blindly oppose anything that candidate proposes or claims)

Party politics, which focuses on the party and not the individuals themselves, is the biggest problem we face leading to our division and contributing to our falling apart.

But you don't agree that President Grant was one of the best Presidents and saved our country?

what makes you say that?

Im not a historian, I dont do best presidents because so many have done well in different areas and not so well in others. it would depend on which areas were considered 'most important' to really say, and I dont do that either.

I would say keeping the country together after the Civil War was a huge accomplishment, especially since everyone predicted that the Southern States were going to pick right back up. General Grant saw that coming and is why he accepted the nomination at the Convention. He really didn't want to be President.

I get that. A great contribution to take on the position for noble reasons, if that is the case. I believe there were a few presidents after the civil war, so I don't know how one decides which ones held the country together or how one defines what that means, so I would just not personally rank accomplishments that way.

Presidents throughout history have made contributions and had accomplishments on some level or another though. I guess its just hard to me to say which are 'better' contributions than others.

petenh's photo
Wed 03/13/19 07:35 AM

Personally I'd like to see another
Ross Perot run ( he's too old), but someone like him. He wanted to run the country like a business ( make $ instead of lose $). He was an outsider and really stirred up interest in a third party, but unfortunately we will never convince the majority of people to split from being Democrat or Republican.

Well, Perot brings up "the Perot Factor" that both parties have been scared of since '92. The Perot Factor is "What does a third party candidate do to an election?" We know that Perot took most of his votes from Big Bush (who was supposed to win handily.... Clinton was put in as a candidate because they actually were eyeing him to run the DNC after he lost), and resulted in a Clinton win.

The Perot factor came into play with the Tea Party too. Our best chance to have had a strong and real third party in the past 40 years, the GOP saw that the Tea Party could fracture its base, and did everything it could to incorporate the Tea Party into the GOP... Hence Palin being the bottom name on the ticket with McCain.

In 2016, Trump was almost begging the GOP not to pick him as a candidate (remember, Trump was a Dem for most of his life, up until recent times), so he could be "mandated by the people" to create his own party, then be a third party maggot that would throw excrement at both parties during the debates. (Those who remember Perot will recall that Perot's debate style took the debates down into the mud, just like Trump couldn't follow debate rules and keep his mouth shut when it was not his turn to speak... in essence, he cheated in the debate) Again, the GOP, fearing the Perot Factor, held their nose and placed him on the ticket. It is why you are now seeing the GOP support fracturing behind Trump; he is not truly one of "theirs", and the leadership does not feel the need to support him.

The COOL thing about Trump is that all the wackos who used to be Lyndon Larouche supporters, Libertarian fruitcakes, and all the other fringe-candidate supporters (Including lots of the folks who usually say "I hate both the Dem and the GOP candidate, so I will throw my vote Libertarian, to show my dismay with the major picks") pulled the lever this time for Trump.... The GOP is now trying to figure out how to hold those votes, like they held the Tea Party votes. "We certainly don't want these nuts' planks in OUR platform, but we like their votes"

petenh's photo
Wed 03/13/19 07:51 AM

I've never voted Republican and I hope to the stars that I never will. U_U

Always keep an open mind in politics. Vote the person, not the party. Remember that JFK's policies are now looked at as conservative enough to be considered on the Republican side of the current aisle.

I have pulled the lever for MANY Republicans, including Reagan the second time around (which actually shocked even myself)... However, if the Republican candidate in 2020 is the Cheato Chucklehead, nothing in hell could get me to pull the lever for him. We will be lucky enough to survive 4 years with him lining his own pockets at the country's expense.

Liz's photo
Wed 03/13/19 09:53 AM
Boring short answer or not, I will vote Republican.

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/13/19 11:09 AM

I've never voted Republican and I hope to the stars that I never will. U_U

Always keep an open mind in politics. Vote the person, not the party. Remember that JFK's policies are now looked at as conservative enough to be considered on the Republican side of the current aisle.

I have pulled the lever for MANY Republicans, including Reagan the second time around (which actually shocked even myself)... However, if the Republican candidate in 2020 is the Cheato Chucklehead, nothing in hell could get me to pull the lever for him. We will be lucky enough to survive 4 years with him lining his own pockets at the country's expense.

always nice to read a voice of logic in a sea of mind numbing brainwashed partisan politics ....drinker

dust4fun's photo
Wed 03/13/19 05:36 PM

Personally I'd like to see another
Ross Perot run ( he's too old), but someone like him. He wanted to run the country like a business ( make $ instead of lose $). He was an outsider and really stirred up interest in a third party, but unfortunately we will never convince the majority of people to split from being Democrat or Republican.

There is nothing saying Trump will even run in 2020, or have the Republican endorsement. The Republicans really need to pull a rabbit out of their hat and come up with a good candidate, or just make sure the Democratic candidate really sucks.

Four of the 45 Presidents have been shot and killed in office, a few more have been shot or shot at while in office. Not very good odds if you think about it, would you be willing to take the chance? 5 of them had no political experience before being elected, to me this would not be an issue, sick of the sellouts we got in Washington, but money talks so I really don't see a way to change that.

Adams served as VP
Jefferson as governor, sec of state, and VP
Madison as congressman and sec of state
Monroe as senator and governor
Adams as senator and secretary of state
Jackson was senator and governor
Van Buren was governor and VP
Harrison, a senator
Tyler, congressman, a senator and VP
Polk, a congressman and governor
Zach Taylor was a soldier ... ONE

Fillmore, congressman and VP
Pierce, congressman and senator
Buchanan, congressman, senator, secretary of state
Lincoln, a congressman
Johnson, congressman, senator, governor, VP
Grant was an Army general ... TWO

Hayes was congressman and governor
Garfield, congressman
Arthur, VP
Cleveland, Mayor
Harrison, Senator
McKinley, congressman and governor
Roosevelt, governor and VP
Taft, justice of supreme court, sec of war ... is this THREE?
woodrow wilson, governor
Harding was a senator
Coolidge, governor and VP
Hoover, sec of commerce ... is this FOUR?
Roosevelt, governor
Truman, senator and vP
Eisenhower, army chief of staff ... is this FIVE?
Kennedy, congressman and senator
Johnson, congressman, senator, VP
Nixon, congressman, senator, VP
Ford, congressman and VP
Carter, governor
Reagan, governor
GHW Bush, congressman, ambassador, VP
Clinton, governor
GW Bush, governor
OBama, state senator and US senator

As far as historically, all presidents have worked within the three branches of the government infrastructure, which I think is an important experience to gain before holding the TOP government office, OR they have served in the military, which as Commander in Chief, is the only experience in lieu of the government that I feel is worthy of POTUS.

I think the US is meant to be run as a 'not for profit', not to profit, but to pursue constitutional objectives and maintain the country. I think, like in any top job of any industry, it is not desirable that someone START gaining experience in the top position, ahead of others who have already started.

I think 4 out of 45 is 8 percent, which leaves 92 percent chance of not getting killed, is not bad odds.

All presidents have been 65 or under when elected, EXCEPT Harrison, Reagan, and Trump, Harrison died of illness in office. Reagan was later announced to have Alzheimers, though not revealed until his 80s, I believe he was beginning to suffer from in office. And Trump seems to have plenty of the signs of senility, regression to childlike thinking and acting. I do hope we get a more 'vibrant' and healthy candidate in office(mentally, physically and emotionally).

I don't care so much about the 'either/or' politics for candidates. Even though we have two main parties, we have a large SPECTRUM of individual political ideas and beliefs.

The candidates, though registered under a political label, are individuals first. And I care about what experience and education and ideas the Individual has. I care whether there is past indicator of their 'concerns' for fellow Americans. I care about their experience with and knowledge of global affairs and with the obstacles and concerns of 'average' AND struggling citizens, not just the elite. Knowledge of/experience with the constitution and military are certainly also a plus.

I really hope we get another OBama or Kennedy(minus the assassination). I wonder what can be accomplished during a time when we are NOT already in economic downfall. I also hope we get someone who can lead with unifying language and behavior.

Grant was commander of the entire US Army and war effort during the Civil War. I would count that as experience. He didn't even want to be President, but he was drafted and then he saw the nation coming apart in the aftermath of the Civil War, and it was. He knew enough about politics and leading that he jumped in and became one of the greatest Presidents in history.

The South was rearming, and Grant saw another war coming. That's why Federal Troops were deployed in a law enforcement capacity in Southern States to put down any chance of rebellion. Johnson also Signed the Posse Comitatus Act, at the end of his Presidency all because the Southern Democrats were having a $hit fit that armed soldiers were in their cities.

You think what were going through now is difficult, doing what right isn't always popular and Lincoln and Grant sure felt the weight of their decisions, and both Presidents are why we are still a nation.

I agree 100%. I would add not ONLY is doing what is right not always popular. but nowadays, with minimalistic standards and values, doing what is popular is not always right either.

Issue is, usually, the person elected is doing things that are popular with their constituency(and with the state of education, unfortunately, sometimes because they follow blindly and dont care to know anything but what their candidate proposes and claims). And on the flip side, the person elected is doing things that are unpopular with those not in their consituency(sometimes because they blindly oppose anything that candidate proposes or claims)

Party politics, which focuses on the party and not the individuals themselves, is the biggest problem we face leading to our division and contributing to our falling apart.

But you don't agree that President Grant was one of the best Presidents and saved our country?

what makes you say that?

Im not a historian, I dont do best presidents because so many have done well in different areas and not so well in others. it would depend on which areas were considered 'most important' to really say, and I dont do that either.

I would say keeping the country together after the Civil War was a huge accomplishment, especially since everyone predicted that the Southern States were going to pick right back up. General Grant saw that coming and is why he accepted the nomination at the Convention. He really didn't want to be President.

Who's to say that we wouldn't be better off being two or more countries? Or part of Canada, or Mexico. The thing is we will NEVER truly know what could have happened. Any decision made whether personally or politically could change the coarse of history. Some how we have been able to keep things together as a country pretty good so far, but that could easily change someday, so even thou we complain about congress and the President not accomplishing much, just maybe we are much better off that way.

petenh's photo
Thu 03/14/19 10:13 AM
What is weird is that we need another Gerald Ford in 2020:

This president is going to inherit an extremely divided nation (I have not seen this nation so divided since Nixon and the 'Nam war), an out-of control debt that is verging us on bankruptcy, pissed-off allies, emboldened enemies, foreign influence now deeply seated in all areas of the administration for the past 4 years, and whole departments (such as Dept of Energy... Read Michael Lewis' book "The Fifth Risk", and try to get to sleep after) which have been shut down and plundered for 4 years.

Ford is not remembered as one of the 10 Best in the "House of 45", but he did restore some trust in the government again, he never reacted to parodies of himself (I would bet he even privately laughed at Chevy Chase's portrayal of him on SNL), he faced down some ugly domestic situations, including gas rationing, inflation, being shot twice, had a wife in rehab, rebellious kids in the White House... and did it all with presidential grace and never a belligerent blow up at the press or any kind of public temper tantrum. He had experience in working across the aisle to get things done, as he had EXPERIENCE in public office.

I would add that Ford was handsome and not cartoonish (no bright orange combovers there!), had served in his country's military, and (contrary to his penchant for falling down the jetway stairs off planes) was trim and athletic, having played college ball in Michigan. He was an image of a PRESIDENT, not a Bond villain.

Who do we have now that can fill that bill? Dem or Rep? We are going to need some serious healing.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 03/14/19 10:41 AM
"Who do we have now that can fill that bill? Dem or Rep? We are going to need some serious healing."

I think that is impossible for 2020. Trump most probably will be the Republican candidate; the unknown is on the left. With the democrat progressives having significant sway in the party, the finale candidate will be from the far left. Neither one will be able to bring anyone together for the good of the country. More divisive politics ahead as far as the eye can see.

petenh's photo
Thu 03/21/19 11:35 AM
I think we can already see who the GOP is most scared of. Beto ORoarke is already getting a lot of the GOP attention: Somewhat Kennedy-like (has Kennedy friends too), young, in shape, had a respectable campaign in his loss in Texas to an establishment contender. He will definitely appeal to the younger voters who are looking for an antithesis to a dottering old fool like Trump. Part of the "Obama appeal" was his youth and vigor, and I think the GOP is taking note.

I have already heard of the skeletons in his closet with the motor vehicle incident, and that sounds like it has already played out. What else is being dug up in his background? Of course, with 45, it is going to be tough for the GOP playing that "character is an issue", because we now have the single slimiest character ever in the WH. I mean, 45 would not recognize the truth if it bit him on each nether cheek.

But then again, with the rate of defections from the main line of the GOP standing behind Trump, I am wondering if they run him again. Yes, this brings another "Perot Factor" into play, because the Cheeto will say that his bigly followers want him to run, so he goes independent, and that TOTALLY puts a Dem in the WH in 2020.

Maybe the GOP slips Trump a Mickey and makes the Cheeto bow out for 2020, medical reasons (would not be hard, all that McDonalds in trump's system, his lack of physical shape, probably one small syringe from the CIA)... leaving Pence at the top of the GOP ticket.... Beto easily beats Pence in a run-off

Yep, the GOP is scared for 2020. A big get-out-the-vote initiative like 2018, and a candidate that appeals to young voters, should be interesting.