Topic: Help
bigtank 's photo
Wed 03/06/19 05:46 PM
I am having trouble with one of the women she is trying to blackmail me on a different site and this one

Datwasntme's photo
Wed 03/06/19 06:06 PM

I am having trouble with one of the women she is trying to blackmail me on a different site and this one

guessen its a little late to tell ya about handing out personal info on the net
but any who

there should be an ignore button on there profile (if you dont use an add blocker ) or in the email

granted not sure cause i run an add blocker , and i have not reported in a long long time and not even sure if i have ignored someone here lol

but try blocking them

hope that helps

oh you can all so set email limits
that might help you as well

best wishes on your hunt

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 03/06/19 06:20 PM
The only thing that you can do is report them with added info so the site can deal with the profile on this site.. Beyond that this site has no control over what happens off this site.. And only limited to banning members that are here for false pretense..

Anything beyond that you will have to call and file reports within your area...

Never give out your personal info to others and never use a CC this site does not require you to give out this type of info.. Unless you are doing the upgrade which is not required.

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