Topic: Age seeking
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Tue 02/05/19 10:10 AM
I reside in Ontario Canada
Can anyone assist je with intrucations in how to stop younger men from messaging me.
When i enter into search match , the age is always at 36 to 76
How do i permantley have it stay at 51 to 61.

NotPay4Play's photo
Tue 02/05/19 11:18 AM
You can set up your filters to where the younger men can't message you. Just view you.

no photo
Tue 02/05/19 04:43 PM
Can you please instruct me

no photo
Tue 02/05/19 04:46 PM
It didnt work the first time
But you are right it always goes back to 36 to 76.
I will inform the date site to update this option
Thanks again

no photo
Wed 02/06/19 02:47 AM
I shouldn't really disagree with Di but here on my Windows 7 desktop I find that when I search it has remembered my search criteria and always returns to the last search I did.

NotPay4Play's photo
Wed 02/06/19 02:58 AM
Edited by NotPay4Play on Wed 02/06/19 03:31 AM

Can you please instruct me

Under the full site or pc mode. on settings.
2. Click on limit to who can send messages.

When done click on save or update.

Oh they can view you and post in the forums. Just not message you directly.

no photo
Wed 02/06/19 03:34 AM

I shouldn't really disagree with Di but here on my Windows 7 desktop I find that when I search it has remembered my search criteria and always returns to the last search I did.

mkg the apps work differently for a bunch of functions

no photo
Thu 02/07/19 05:28 AM

But you are right it always goes back to 36 to 76.

Looking at your profile on my Windows 7 desktop, the age range is from 49 to 65. Would it be different if I was using the android app?

no photo
Fri 02/08/19 06:11 PM
Thanks to everyone that informed me on this issue
Hugs to everyone

NotPay4Play's photo
Fri 02/08/19 08:58 PM

But you are right it always goes back to 36 to 76.

Looking at your profile on my Windows 7 desktop, the age range is from 49 to 65. Would it be different if I was using the android app?

Actually i think it would be the same. The pc or full Mobile version allows you to more settings. Whereas the app or mobile version is more streamlined and a bit more graphical interface. Plus the app has chat rooms now.

Ss3for informing the site. They know. It's just how the site was set up many years ago. So it's not on the list of fixes.

no photo
Sat 02/09/19 02:52 AM
A little strange that the app and PC version are so different. Seems the app is better for some things and the PC for others. Guess I need to get the app and use both of them!

no photo
Wed 02/13/19 05:15 AM
Thanks for your assistance

no photo
Thu 02/14/19 12:47 AM
You're welcome. Another success story for the forums happy