Topic: Now, who can help me with my imagination?
chun's photo
Sat 12/22/18 08:35 PM
Now, who can help me with my imagination?

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 12/22/18 08:37 PM
This guy.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 12/22/18 08:57 PM

no photo
Sat 12/22/18 09:12 PM
Sponge Bob can totally help you if not hit up Barney

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sat 12/22/18 10:16 PM
You need HELP with your imagination?

Are you looking for validation or are you incapable of imagining?
The thing about imagination is that its YOURS and no validation is needed.

Whether or not others accept your imagination is a personal issue that you need to address yourself.

Needing validation for your imagination hints at self-esteem issues and you should look into finding healthy self-esteem.

As for your creativity, can't help you with that.

no photo
Sun 12/23/18 10:24 AM
I think chun is looking for ideas. Why not look at other profiles and copy something that looks interesting? OK it's cheating, but it won't hurt to copy just a little from someone else...... :wink: