Topic: "Your Top 10 Favorite Horror Movies"
no photo
Sun 12/09/18 01:01 PM
cannot watch them even for 30 sec
horrifies me :(

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Sun 12/09/18 03:10 PM

Welcome to my cyber i take it though you not a fan to horror movies. Okay let me ask you this. Lets go back in time. Remember when you was young girl living among your family. What scary movie did you find creepy. It dont have to be gory. It can be classic black n white horror like Dracula, The Wolfman type if you like?

matt28456's photo
Sun 12/09/18 06:52 PM
The Rob zombie Halloween movies are great in my opinion although some purists scalded him for them

matt28456's photo
Sun 12/09/18 06:55 PM

Welcome to my cyber i take it though you not a fan to horror movies. Okay let me ask you this. Lets go back in time. Remember when you was young girl living among your family. What scary movie did you find creepy. It dont have to be gory. It can be classic black n white horror like Dracula, The Wolfman type if you like?

My dad was cool he would rent any horror movie for me, Friday the 13th and Maniac cop I remember seeing first

matt28456's photo
Sun 12/09/18 06:58 PM
I always have more than 10 movies I like

no photo
Sun 12/09/18 07:10 PM


Welcome to my cyber i take it though you not a fan to horror movies. Okay let me ask you this. Lets go back in time. Remember when you was young girl living among your family. What scary movie did you find creepy. It dont have to be gory. It can be classic black n white horror like Dracula, The Wolfman type if you like?

thanks for taking my post serious.
when i was about 7 i guess, my cousin whı was abot 15 by that time, forced me to watc a horror one. it wa a haunted house one. i am a brave person. but after that i could never watch anything scary.
many thanks for your consider.

no photo
Sun 12/09/18 07:10 PM


Welcome to my cyber i take it though you not a fan to horror movies. Okay let me ask you this. Lets go back in time. Remember when you was young girl living among your family. What scary movie did you find creepy. It dont have to be gory. It can be classic black n white horror like Dracula, The Wolfman type if you like?

thanks for taking my post serious.
when i was about 7 i guess, my cousin whı was abot 15 by that time, forced me to watc a horror one. it wa a haunted house one. i am a brave person. but after that i could never watch anything scary.
many thanks for your consider.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Sun 12/09/18 07:28 PM

Welcome to my cyber mansion....Halloween Rob Zombie reboot did get mixed reviews. I like anything he does. I think what hurt the reboot brand is he focused too much on creating a new back story for young Mike Myers and it made the movie to critics feel l ike its a dlow watch to build up to Michael Myers as an adult. Hey you like it. I love it...

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Sun 12/09/18 07:30 PM

You have top 10 list ? Please share my " Vocal Avengers" & i love to talk about it even if its alot of read....Here alot of read is amazing.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Sun 12/09/18 07:40 PM

Okay do you like science fiction? Or Fantasy ? I will make commodations to please my fellow posters. I know ypu have some syfy movies or fantasy flicks you enjoy? I help you out Have you seen

" Independence Day"
" Battle Of Los Angeles"
" Zona Del Silencio Mystery"
" Legend" ( Tom Cruise & Mia Sara)"
" SyFy Channel's Lost In The Bermuda Teiangle"
Just to name a few ....

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Sun 12/09/18 07:45 PM

Well it looks like your you and your dad made great memories with showing you guys Friday The 13th. The first part to me will always be the scariest part. With the late Betsy Palmer as Ms Voorhees Jason mother revenging her sons death was creepy good choice.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Sun 12/09/18 08:02 PM

America, as a kid watching what i was allowed to watch monitored by my mon back in time where me and my siblings wasnt alllowed to watch anything with alot of profanity, sexual scenes, or too much demonic activity. But thruout my teen years when i was mature enough to see those types of horror my macabre grew to mountain size anticipation. Now as an middle age adult really thats the only type of movies interest me. Gore, good storylines, catchy music scores, sex, bone chilling signature deaths and a little humor. If you a horror buff like me well then its a matter not just watching killings and gore but macabre fans like me are in to CGI effects, After movie interviews with movie actors directors and sometimes alternate endings. This what make us true fans of horror. Horror films will always be an American culture. People want to scream. They want to hold there true love tightly. People to build relationships with likable characters. We want to love the hero and hate the villain. Sometimes its the other way around. Im a fan, my kids are too and my girlfriend coming around....Master Of Horror like George Romero, Stephen King" Wes Craven, Tobe Hooper, & all those to keep us on the edge of our seats thank you horror i will certainly keep watching.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 12/09/18 11:10 PM
Here's a list of the movies I have.
I've seen the ones you suggested.
Get To Know Me - My Movie Collection (Always Growing)

The Seasoning House
P2 (Christmas time)
Two more for you to check out...

Here's a list of my Horror Sets.
For the purpose of a "SET" a film must have at least two or more films related.

Horror Sets

28 Days Set
30 Days of Night Set
A Haunted House Set
All Hallows Eve Set
Alone in the Dark Set
American Psycho Set
Amityville Set
Ancient Evil Set
Annabelle Set
Art of the Devil Set
August Underground Set
Baby Jane Set
Bathory Set
Blade Set
Bloodrayne Set
Bloody Murder Set
Boogeyman Set
Brotherhood Set
Buried Alive Set
Cabin Fever Set
Camp Blood Set
Candyman Set
Cannibal Ferox Set
Carrie Set
Cheerleader Massacre Set
Children of the Corn Set
Children of the Grave Set
Children of the Night Set
Child's Play Set
Coffin Set
Cold Prey Set
Conjuring Set
Contracted Set
Creepshow Set
Critters Set
Cruel Intentions Set
Day of the Dead Set
Dead Rising Set
Dead Snow Set
Death Factory Set
Decadent Evil Set
Dementia 13 Set
Demoni Set
Demonic Toys Set
Descent Set
Don't Look in the Basement Set
Dy Jekyll Movies
Dracula Movies
Dusk Till Dawn Set
Embrace the Darkness Set
Evil Dead Set
Exorcist Set
Fear of Clowns Set
Feeders Set
Friday the 13th Series
Fright Night Set
Gargoyles Set
GhostBusters Set
Guinea Pig Set
Halloween Series
Hannibal Lector Set
Hatchet Set
Haunted Hill Set
Haunting Connecticut Set
Hayride Set
Hellraiser set
Hills Have Eyes Set
Hostel Set
House of the Dead Set
House Set
Human Centipede Set
Insidious Set
It's Alive Set
Jeepers Creepers Set
Joy Ride Set
Killer Tomatoes Set
Killjoy Set
Krampus Movies
Laid To Rest Set
Lake Fear Set
Last Exorcism Set
Last House on the Left Set
Last Summer Set
Lizzy Borden Movies
Lord of the Flies Set
Lost Boys Set
Lovecraft Color Out of Space Set
Martyrs Set
Meat Market Set
Midnight Man Set
Mirror Mirror Set
Mirrors Set
Molly Hartley Set
Mostly Ghostly Set
Mummy Movies
Night of the Demons Set
Night of the Living Dead Set
Nightmare on Elm St Set
Offspring Set
One Missed Call Set
Ouija Set
Outpost Set
Pet Semetary Set
Phantasm Set
Playing With Dolls Set
Poltergeist Set
Prom Night Set
Psycho Set
Pulse Set
Pumpkinhead Set
Puppet Master Set
Quarantine Set
Quatermass Set
ReAnimator Set
Reeker Set
Resident Evil Set
Rest Stop Set
Return of the Living Dead Set
Ripper Set
Robert the Doll Set
Salem's Lot Set
Saw Series
Scary Movie Set
See No Evil Set
Serial Killer Movies
Silent Hill Set
Silent Night Bloody Night Set
Silent Night Deadly Night Set
Silent Night Set
Sinister Set
Skeleton Key Set
Sleepaway Camp Set
Sometimes They Come Back Set
Son of Sam Set
Spit on Your Grave Set
Stephen King Movies
Stir of Echoes Set
Strange Frequencies Set
SubSpecies Set
Super Psycho Sweet 16 Set
Sweeney Todd Set
Tag Along Set
Tales From The Crypt Movies
Texas Chainsaw Set
The Cell Set
The Collector Set
The Crow Set
The Eye Set
The Fog Set
The Gate Set
The Grudge Set
The Hidden Set
The Hitcher Set
The Mangler Set
The Messengers Set
The Omen Set
The Pact Set
The Prophecy Set
The Ring Set
The Shining Set
The Stand Set
The Triangle Set
The Unborn Set
Trilogy of Terror Set
Truth or Dare Set
Underworld Set
Unnamable Set
Unseen Evil Set
Urban Legends Set
Vacancy Set
Carpenter's Vampires Set
Village of the Damned Set
Warlock Set
Watchers Set
Werewolf Set
Wicker Man Set
Wishmaster Set
Witchboard Set
Witchcraft Set
Wolf Creek Set
Woman in Black Set
Wrong Turn Set
Zombi Set

Monster Sets

Bigfoot Movies
Black Lagoon Set
Carnosaur Trilogy
Cloverfield Set
Dragonheart Set
Feast Set
Gamera Collection
Giant Slayer Collection
Godzilla Dub Collection
Gremlins Set
Island of Dr Moreau Set
Jurassic Park Set
King Kong Set
Mimic Set
Monsters Set
Pacific Rim Set
Rebirth of Mothra Set
Scarecrow Movies
Swamp Thing Set
Terror Within Set
The Beast Set
The Fly Set
The Lost World Set
The Thing Set
Tremors Set
Troll Hunter Set

If you will include scifi & fantasy
Here are those sets.

Science Fiction Sets

50ft Woman Set
2001 Space Set
AI & Robot Movies
Alien Movies
Alien Series Set
Avatar Set
Babylon Five Movies
Back to the Future Set
Blade Runner Set
Body Snatchers Set
Cargo Set
Cube Trilogy
Dark Universe Set
Day the Earth Stood Still Set
Decoys Set
Destination Space Set
Divergent Set
Dredd Set
Dune Set
Epoch Set
Event Horizon Set
Fahrenheit 451 Set
Femalien Set
Firestarter Set
First Men In The Moon Set
Flatliners Set
Frankenstein Movies
Guyver Set
Hollow Man Set
Independence Day Set
Invaders From Mars Set
Invisible Set
Iron Sky Set
Lawnmower Man Set
Man From Earth Set
Matrix Set
Maze Runner Set
Men In Black Set
Moon Trap Set
Not of This Earth Set
Not Quite Human Set
Oblivion Set
Omega Man Set
Planet of the Apes Set
Predator Set
Riddick Set
Robo Cop Set
Rollerball Set
Scanners Set
Screamers Set
Serenity Set
Short Circut Set
Silent Running Set
Skyline Set
Space Movies
Species Set
Star Trek Movies
Star Wars Movies
Starship Troopers Trilogy
Terminator Series
The Blob Set
The Philadelphia Experiment Set
Time Machine Set
Time Movies
Total Recall Set
Trancers Set
Tron Set
War of the Worlds Set
Westworld Set
X-Files Movies
Xtro Set

Superhero Sets

Antboy Set
Antman Set
Aquaman Set
Avengers Set
Batman Set
Captain America Set
Chameleon Set
Darko Set
Deadpool Set
Doctor Strange Set
Fantastic Four Set
Ghost Rider Set
GI Joe Set
Green Lantern Set
Guardians of the Galaxy Set
Hellboy Set
Iron Man Set
Justice League Set
Spiderman Movies
Superman Movies
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movies
The Hulk Set
Thor Set
Transformers Series
Watchmen Set
Wonder Woman Set
X-Men Set

Marvel Cinematic Universe
M1 Captain America: The First Avenger
M2 Iron Man 1
M3 The Incredible Hulk
M4 Iron Man 2
M5 Thor 1
M6 The Avengers 1
M7 Iron Man 3
M8 Thor: The Dark World
M9 Captain America: The Winter Soldier
M10 Guardians of the Galaxy 1
M11 Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2
M12 The Avengers: Age of Ultron
M13 Ant-Man 1
M14 Captain America: Civil War
M15 Doctor Strange 1
M16 Spider-Man: Homecoming
M17 Thor: Ragnarok
M18 Black Panther 1
M19 Avengers: Infinity War
M20 Ant-Man and the Wasp
M21 Captain Marvel 1
M22 Avengers 4

Fantasy Sets

Alice in Wonderland Set
Arthur and Merlin Movies
Atlas Shrugged Set
Attack on Titan Set
Cat People Set
Clash of the Titans Set
Conan Set
Crocodile Dundee Trilogy
Descendants Set
Escape From Set
Goosebumps Set
Hansel & Gretel Movies
Harry Potter Set
Hercules Set
Honey, Shrunk Kids Set
Horatio Hornblower Set
Hunger Games Set
Indiana Jones Set
Josh Kirby Time Warrior Set
Journey to the Center of the Earth Set
Journey to the West Set
Jumanji Set
Jungle Book Set
Lara Croft Tomb Raider Set
Left Behind Set
Librarian Trilogy
LOTR Hobbit Set
Mortal Instruments Set
Mortal Kombat Set
Mysterious Island Set
Mythica Set
Night at the Museum Set
Oh God Set
Parasyte Set
Percy Jackson Set
Pirates of the Caribbean Set
Revelation Road Set
Robin Hood Set
Scorpion King Set
Sherlock Holmes Set
Snow White Set
Sword & Sandal Set
Teenage Caveman Set
The Alphas Set
The Mark Set
Treasure Island Set
Viking Set

Animal Sets

Anaconda Series
Bats Set
Birdemic Set
Crocodile & Alligator Movies
Deep Blue Sea Set
Grizzly Movies
Grizzly Set
Jaws Series
Komodo Set
Lake Placid Series
Piranha Movies
Python Set
Shark Attack Set
Shark Movies
Snake Movies
Spider Movies
The Beastmaster Set
The Birds Set
The Nest Set
Willard Set

Disaster Sets

10.5 Set
Andromeda Strain Set
Disaster Lowbudget Movies
Final Destination Set
Impact Set
Poseidon Adventure Set
Virus Set

girlie_tazmania's photo
Mon 12/10/18 07:16 AM
* Train To Busan.
* Pet Sematary 1.
* Pet Sematary 2.
* Mortuary.
* Imaginary Playmate.
* What Lies Beneath.
* Haunted 3D.
* Sleepwalkers.
* Fright Night.
* Drag Me To Hell.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Mon 12/10/18 09:10 AM
Oh My Freakin God, you really have this much movies..? I thought i had a nice collection ...(smiling). Well lets talk about it People like us that collect horror movies are a rarity. I have alot movies i give you 20 out 3000 i have

20. " Burnt Offerings"
19. " The Devil's Rejects"
18" " Annabelle"
17. " Blair Witch Project 2017"
16. " The Thing"
15. " Creepshow"
14. " Langorliers"
13. " Thinner"
12. " Needful Things"
11. " The Car"
10. " The Wraith"
9. " The Mist"
8. " Tales From The Hood"
7. " American Pyscho"
6. " April Fools"
5. " Area 51"
4. " Fire In The Sky"
3. " Twilight"
2. " Dusk Til Dawn"
1. " Night Of The Living Dead "

Just to give you a few of my archives. Horror movies are my life

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Mon 12/10/18 09:15 AM

Welcome to my cyber mansion....i read your movie list and I'm impressed. Half your list i own those movies.... Its nice to see a woman who not too spooked on horror movies. Not a woman like you we open the flood gates with movie titles.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 12/10/18 12:10 PM
20. " Burnt Offerings"
19. " The Devil's Rejects"
18" " Annabelle"
17. " Blair Witch Project 2017"
16. " The Thing"
15. " Creepshow"
14. " Langorliers"
13. " Thinner"
12. " Needful Things"
11. " The Car"
10. " The Wraith"
9. " The Mist"
8. " Tales From The Hood"
7. " American Pyscho"
6. " April Fools"
5. " Area 51"
4. " Fire In The Sky"
3. " Twilight"
2. " Dusk Til Dawn"
1. " Night Of The Living Dead "

I absolutely will not watch the "Twilight" films. Sparkly vampires, really? Whatch "30 Days of Night" instead, hell watch any vampire movie instead.

My sister saw the original "Night of the Living Dead" at the theater and it scared her bad. I watched it and found it amusing. Did you know that Romero never considered them zombies? They were "ghouls" and it was caused by a meteor so technically, its a science fiction film.

Question, do you like slow zombies or fast zombies in your zombie horror films?

I see a few Stephen King based films in your list. They're certainly watchable but not what I would consider hard core horror.

Hard Core Horror are films like "Flowers", "A Serbian Film", "Necromentia", "Cannibal Holocaust", "Faces of Death" and other extremely twisted films.

Some horror films are over-the-top roller coaster rides of fear, gore and comedy. "Evil Dead 2" & "Feast" trilogy are two that come to mind right off the bat. "Dusk Till Dawn" fits nicely in that type of playlist.

The hooror films that creep me out are the sadistic serial killer films that could actually happen in real life. "Split" with James McAvoy was fantastic. "Morgan", "Marrowbone", "The 6th Sense", "10 Cloverfield Lane" (John Goodman) and others like them. James McAvoy is doing another multiple personality character in Glass (2019). It also stars Bruce Willis.

There's very few 'found footage/shaky camera' films that I can tolerate. I can't stand "Blair Witch" type movies. There are some exceptions like "Area 407" and "The Dinosaur Project". "Rekill" wasn't too bad. It just seems that anyone with a video camera )and I have even seen phone filmed movies) thinks they can make a movie. Good filmmaking requires many different elements to be combined into a well-made composition.
The horror movie genre is filled with lo-quailty wastes and acting is not the only thing that turns me off. I'm to the point that I can tell if a movie is any good during the opening scene.
Foley art is the act of superimposing sound over film. Most of the better made films have little raw camera microphone feeds, the sounds are over-laid onto the film and clean.
Another thing is the raw video look. Most of the well-made films have filters that soften the scene. The filmmaker pays attention to and uses shadows. Then you have wardrobes that look like you raided grandma and grandpa's old trunk.
Good filmmaking requires attention to detail.
Having watched so many films, I notices these things in the first 5 minutes.

Then we have the age of prequels.
"Jeepers Creepers" is one film series that 'breaks' if you watch the movies by release. I hear people complaining about "Jeepers Creepers 3" all the time. If watched by order of release, it sucks but if the movies are watched 1, 3, 2 it all makes sense.

The same thing goes for the "Alien" movies and the "Marvel Cinematic Universe". You gotta watch them in order of 'timeline' to appreciate them.
Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016) happens before Ouija (2014). If you watch them according to timeline, back to back, its a better movie experience.
When The Thing (2011) came out, I watched it and immediately watched The Thing (1982). From a timeline perspective it fits well but the filmmaking styles leave a big gap. Aside from the SFX disparity, I thought it was important that the 2011 film paid enough attention to detail to include lil indicators that showed in the 1982 version. Its that 'attention to detail' that marks a film as well-made, IMO.

In "Prometheus" and "Covenant", the disparity of the SFX with "Alien" is not addressed.
You can read fandom that tries to explain the reasons off-screen but the finished product fails because it was not addressed in the films.
Plus, you have the whole idea of the xenomorphs being created by David which indicates "lazy writing" and lack of "imagination and creativity". It "breaks" the original film.

One of the biggest turn-offs for me in any 'genre' driven film is lazy writing and lack of creativity.
Same thing/different movie.
Same thing/different show.
Its like there is a handbook that dictates the way a movie or how must be written to make money and each must have certain plot elements.
Granted, movies and shows are made to make money but c'mon.

Horror Movie Wisdom

1.When it seems that you’ve killed the monster, never check to see if it's really dead.

2.If you find out that your house is built upon or near a cemetery, was once a church used for black masses, had previous inhabitants who went mad or comited suicide, or died in some horrible fashion or who performed necrophilia or satanic practices, move away imediatly!!

3.Do not search the basement, especially when the power has just gone out.

4. If your children speak to you in Latin or any other language which they do not know, or if they speak using a voice other than their own, shoot them at once. It will save you a lot of grief in the long run. Note: it's unlikely they'll die easy, so be prepared.

5. When you have the benefit of numbers, never go alone.

6. If you're searching for something which caused a noise and find out that it's just the cat, leave the room immediately if you value your life.

7. If you're running from the monster, you will most likely trip or fall. If you are female you definitely will.

8. Stay away from certain geographical locations, some of which are listed here: Amityville, Elm Street, Transylvania, Nilbog, the Bermuda Triangle, or any small town in Maine, especially if it is called Derry.

9. If your car runs out of gas at night, do not go to the nearby deserted-looking house to phone for help.

10. When something bad is chasing you, bear in mind that when you try to start your car, no matter how reliable the vehicle is normally, you'll have to crank the engine over many times before it will fire up.

11. People arriving to rescue you generally get ambushed by the monster, so don't rely on them as your only means of escape. In fact, expect to be surprised and delayed by encountering their flayed corpse at some point.

12. Do not call the police, as they are either evil and will turn you in, or will not believe you and laugh at you. Either way, you must handle the problem yourself.

13. If you are using a gun to combat the all-consuming evil, it is a good idea to quickly find a new means of defense, because no matter how much ammo you have, you'll run out just before you kill the monster (unless your name is Ash, in which case, you'll never have to reload).

14. If you have defeated the monster, pay close attention to the camera, if it pans away for no apparent reason at all, get the heck out of there.

15. Skeptics are always proved wrong in some horrible, nasty, painful way. Be a believer.

16. If you are a child, don't panic! Monsters only attack overly horny teenagers. Children can NOT be killed in a movie, only possessed or absorbed. So cheer up!

17. If you've beaten the monster into a bloody pulp and you're sure he must be dead, take the opportunity to dismember, burn, eat, blow up or otherwise utterly destroy him.

18. If appliances start operating by themselves, move out.

19. Do not take (or borrow) anything from the dead.

20. As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell.

21. Listen closely to the soundtrack; and pay attention to the audience, since they are usually far more intelligent than you could ever hope to be.

22. Never, never, NEVER try to communicate with something icky because "there's so much we can learn from them".

23. Don't make fun of or play with dead things.

24. If you walk into the local abandoned-looking church to seek help or shelter, and you notice that the crucifix is mounted upside down, turn around and go back outside as quietly as possible.

25. When you happen to be one of the fortunate ones and actually make it through the film alive, never, NEVER sign on to do a sequel. If you do, expect to depart this world in the first five minutes.

26. If you assist the villain of the film, do not expect gratitude in exchange for your services. In fact, do not expect anything other then death, which will come in the final minutes of the film and usually over the girl you have become attracted to, but the villain wants as their own.

27. When you land on a distant planet and find some objects that look like eggs, leave them alone.

28. When one of your spaceship's crew finds a hideous parasite attached to his body (as a result of disobeying the previous rule), don't let him back on the ship. The guy's dog meat anyway.

29. When a hideous alien menace is hunting you (as a result of disobeying the previous two rules never wander off alone to hunt for the ship's cat.

30. Never, EVER go in/out there (There being the attic, closet, barn, basement, dark alley, dark anywhere else, the all-concealing shadows, the woods or the lake).

31. If someone who seems important tells you to do or NOT do something (like DON'T fall asleep, DON'T leave me, DON'T look for the homicidal-chainsaw-wielding-psychopath by yourself by all means, listen to them, unless doing so would break another of the guidelines.

32. Don't open the closed door, especially if you hear scratching, heavy breathing, or any other strange noises from the other side.

33. DO NOT go into the dark room.

34. If you're a male, get out of there as fast as possible! The only one who ever survives is a female.

35. While in a horror film, never bathe, especially when in the house alone.

36. Ask why the estate is being sold so cheap.

37. If the phone lines are dead, and you hear footsteps upstairs, when you're supposed to be alone, don't follow the noises to see who your "guest" is. LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. Unless you want to die!!

38. Your dog can take care of itself...

39. So can your spouse...

40. And your kids.

41. Self-sacrifice is a bad idea, as the person you saved will usually die anyway.

42. Your plan takes into account all possible situations ... except for the one that actually occurs.

43. Feel no guilt.

44. If you throw away some possession of yours (antique dolls and ventriloquist's dummies in particular), and you find it again in your house/car/pockets/etc. move to another country IMMEDIATELY! Of course, it WILL be waiting for you in the car as you go to leave.

45. If you try to run away, always take the bus. If you take a car the monster will be in it. Cabbies are always demonically possessed. Monsters will destroy any plane/boat you try to take. And you have to go through dark, underground stations to get on a subway.

46. If you're being chased by a monster and you find one of your friends and they ask "what's wrong?", don't stop and try to explain. Just tell them to run as you go by. If they're really your friend they'll follow. If not -that's their tough luck.

47. If you should easily enter a home that you've either heard a scream from or there is no sign of life when there should be, do not be surprised to find that all means of escape (i.e. doors, windows, etc.) will be locked, effectively allowing the monster to come within a gnat's hair to you.

48. If you should run across one of the escape routes from the previous rule that is made of glass, DO NOT waste time pounding on it. Breaking it would prove to be a better course of action. (Remember, a cut-up hand is better than a chest wound.)

49. If you are a good dog you have a 50-50 chance of survival. Good dogs will only die if they stand up to the monster in defence of their master. Bite the hand that feeds you and run away!

50. If you are a bad dog (bad dog!), you WILL be dead by the movie's end. Therefore, kill all people you encounter, except for your ex-master, whom you feel strangely compelled to avoid.

51. If you're a cat, just hide your head and pray that the monsters won't eat you, the Catholic Inquisitors won't burn you as a witch's familiar, and/or the horny teen-age guys don't throw you over the edge of a cliff to see if you land on your feet.

52. If you find a lot of dead people running around making zombies out of the living, kill yourself IMMEDIATELY! There is no happiness to be found when you're being eaten alive.

53. A single monster can never be killed. Multiple monsters can never be driven to extinction. Therefore, try to get one kind to go after the other.

54. When you fight a monster use fire, electricity or acid whenever possible. Preferably use all of the above. And an atom bomb.

55. Always make eye shots whenever possible as all monsters ignore chest/limb attacks. If you hit the eye the monster will be blinded for a while (maybe ... and if you're reaaallly lucky... and if the creature even has any eyes to shoot in the first place).

Never read a book of demon summoning aloud, even as a joke.

Never stand in, on, above, below, beside or anywhere near a grave, tomb, crypt, mausoleum or any other house of the dead. Never dance drunk on a grave.

Never listen to music that contains staccato shrieking violins.

If you are a woman, never strip and take a shower in slow motion.

The first woman to either lose or remove her clothing is dead meat.
The guy with the testosterone overdose is also dead meat.
Along with the guy that is always making jokes, especially lame ones.

Never babysit. There are enough babysitter-in-danger-thanks-to-a-stupid-killer flicks out there already.

If you ARE stupid enough to babysit, never try on the mom’s nightgown collection. You’ll only end up showing more skin. Remember: Skin=Death.

Always remember — SEX=DEATH!

If you are a stoner among other stoners, be the quiet one or the lovable one. All the other stoners will be killed.

Never let someone hypnotize you at a party.

If you are trying to escape the killer, sliding through the cat door in the electronic garage door will not help you any.

Stay away from sewers.

Don’t ever do something just because someone dares you to.

A small town’s little summer celebration might sound like fun. But if you hear the locals say things like, “Why you’re the guest of honor! We couldn’t even have the barbecue with out you!”, run like hell.

If you are trapped in a house surrounded by demons, making coffee will not help anyone.

Always be nice to the shy, quiet, unpopular girl in school.

Clowns never have, nor will they ever be helpful to hang around while in a horror movie. As harmless as the might seem, they WILL kill you once you let your guard down.

Avoid people with pointy teeth.

Avoid people with lots of facial hair.

Avoid people with pale complexions who sway and moan,

If the barber remarks on the “666” tattoo your kid has, abandon the kid and move to Irkutsk.

If you see a burly man wearing a hockey mask and toting a chainsaw, DO NOT stick around to see if he’s with the Philadelphia Flyers.

Never buy your kid a toy that talks back.

Remember: Just say “NO” to human blood.

Never watch a horror movie while you’re in a horror movie.

Never, under any circumstance, plan a camping trip that coincides with Friday the 13th.

Pigs blood is not now, nor has it ever been funny.

If the young girls of the neighborhood start singing songs about boogeymen while jumping rope, consider moving.

If you hit a man with a car in the middle of the night and try to roll him off of a dock, make sure that he is dead!

Never EVER play with any Ouija board that you find in the basement of your newly bought, run-down house.

Never run into a deserted graveyard at night.

If running from the monster/killer, try to make the least amount of noise possible. Especially if you are female. Panting, crying and screaming is not going to help you hide any better.

For pete’s sake…NEVER stick your hand down the garbage disposal. Especially if you just heard strange noises in your house or while sinister music is playing.

Don’t marry a guy that has Satan Worshippers as friends. They will want you to birth the new Anti-Christ.

If you think you see your girlfriend/boyfriend and they are wearing a mask, not talking, or conspicuously hiding their face, it’s not them.

Don’t be mean to the new kid. They will just end up killing you.

If you hear a strange noise coming from upstairs that sounds similar to, oh let’s say a severed head falling to the floor, don’t go trying to find out what it is.

Never touch something that just oozed out of a comet that landed near an abandoned farm house.

When battling zombies, always sever their head or shoot them in the brain. If you they still want to eat you after that, just surrender. There’s no hope for you anyway.

Never wait until you NEED the gun to check and see if it’s loaded.

If you buried your child in a strange place and he came back as a demon, DON’T bury your wife in the same place.

Don’t spend a lot of time in houses decorated with an excessive amount of medivel weaponry. It will be used eventually.

Don’t make a documentary that requires you to hike through the woods while looking for a witch that leaves stick figures hanging in trees.

Never transport the killer in an ambulance from one place to another. Even if they’ve been in a coma for 10 years, they’ll wake up.

If your hand has been possesed by the Force of Evil, do NOT chop off your hand. Doing so will merely allow the disembodied hand the freedom to wreak havoc independent of your body. And now you have to spend the rest of the film trying to track it down,

If you have a feeling you’ll end up being chased by zombies during the night, remember to wear comfortable running shoes.

If you are a girl with long blonde hair, blue eyes and big boobs, well, you are pretty much screwed.

Always check the backseat of your car before you get in.

If a giant shark is chasing your family, don’t go swimming. Actually, stay away from the water, period.

If you are fleeing from a killer or supernatural being and you see a cop car, run right by it. There are three possible ways that things will turn out if you try to get the cops attention and none are good:

A. The cop is already dead in some gruesome way that will cause you to scream and alert the killer/monster as to where you are.

B. The cop will probably end up dead as he tries to help you, this will only distract the killer away from you for a few seconds, but chances are you will end up getting killed anyway.

C. The supernatural being has assumed the form of a cop and just when you think you are safe…he will kill you.

If the locals say the camp is haunted, it probably is.

Kill the Scientist. No matter what else you do, kill him off right away. They always want to study “it,” or take “it” back to the corporate masters, or learn from “it” at the expense of comrades lives. Eggheads are always trying to understand the unknown, and get nearly everyone killed doing it. Get a clue, kill the guy with the pocket protector, he’s going to sacrifice you anyway.

If the killer is standing three feet in front of you, don’t just stand there and scream while he comes running towards you. It may comes as a shock, but he DOES in fact want to kill you.

A female should never wear a white shirt without a bra while escaping the monster. It will only increase your chances of falling and causing a freak rainstorm that will make your shirt transparent and result in your immediate death.

If you live in Maine and your hometown includes a clown driving a car he calls Christine with a large ,rabid St. Bernard in the backseat, while residing in an old, haunted hotel near a strange Pet Semetary and hangs out with teenage girls with telekenetic powers….you’re pretty much screwed.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Mon 12/10/18 03:42 PM
Edited by EyeAmYourHost39 on Mon 12/10/18 03:46 PM

Lol....okay a man of your calibur not big on " Twilight" films i just like the CGI Effects.....Now your question to me is do i perfur fast zombies or slow zombies. Well if you ever watched my favorite zombie show til this day is " Z-Nation" " Z-Nation " zombies are fast. I prefer faster zombies because faster zombies seem to be more reali s tic. If a zombie Apacalypse would happen i think the movements would be the CGI effects on faster but better. Have you ever seen the movie " Annabelle? I think Annabelle is way better killer doll than chucky....well lets analyze why. Annabelle according to the movie promos Annabelle can or is based on real demonic possession. Chucky is only voice over and CGI effects.

no photo
Mon 12/10/18 04:28 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Mon 12/10/18 04:38 PM
Hannibal Lecter

I don't really like. Scary but Anthony Hopkins movies are strange .scared I have watched them.

Also, I Am Legend

Will Smith

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 12/10/18 05:31 PM
I posted a question to a zombie movies fan site.

Why don't zombies freeze solid in freezing weather?

Zombies have no metabolism, they are basically room temperature (vampires are zombies too, undead, room temperature).
You stick the bunny you just trapped in the freezer and it gets stiff as a board. Same thing with zombies and vampires, right?

Annabelle is losely based on the real-life couple Ed and Lorraine Warren.
The Annabelle doll looks nothing like the dolls in the two annabelle movies or the doll in the "safe room" (Occult Museum) in the Conjuring movies.
The actual supposedly possessed doll named Annabelle looks like a Ragety Ann doll.

Of the two Annabelle movies, Annabelle Creation was the better one.

If you haven't seen the two Conjuring films yet, you're in for a pleasant surprise if you like Annabelle.
Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga have that on-screen presence that pulls you into the movies. I like them both.
BTW, in the Conjuring 2, Vera Farmiga has to deal with a demon nun and that nun is then featured in its own Film that came out this year The Nun (2018). Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga did not reprise their roles as the Warrens and there is no mention of the Warrens or any connection of the Nun with Lorraine Warren. At least not that I saw.
ScreenRant does make a connection tho...

The malevolent, demonic force known as Valak was first introduced in The Conjuring 2, seen most commonly on Earth in the form of a ghostly Nun. In James Wan's 2016 sequel, she plotted to both kill Ed Warren as a means to pacify the psychic Lorraine and possess a teenage girl as part of the real-life Enfield haunting. Fortunately, the Warrens discovered the plot and by finally speaking its name, Lorraine was able to banish Valak to hell. Annabelle: Creation went on to establish that the Nun was previously from a convent in Romania, with a post-credits scene teasing her full spinoff.