Topic: Boy George: Mutual Match | |
Did someone mention linkin logs?
![]() I'll bring a slinky! |
I've cleaned out my peepers row umm sorry I mean people whom viewed me all the time now. That's my new one. I want to message my viewers back with colorful comments but I just can't do it. I keep em to myself but say them outloud to my computer. How bout you lex? It's strange because lately I've been getting a lot of views from people who never post. They will check out my profile over and over (in all fairness, it's very long and I keep adding to it, so it's probably not an "all-in-one-sitting" kind of document), and they never write. One actually dropped me a note the other day, just to say "Hi, that's a lot of material you got there" and I was shocked by this. Because I get a lot of e-mailm, but 98% of it is from people I have interacted with in the forums or e-mail, etc. I have thought about sending little notes to the "strangers" who view me; but, after looking at their profiles, there just isn't anything even remotely approaching a "common ground" for us to talk about. "How's the weather in Mastodon Crossing, Nevada?" Nah, I don't do mainstream. I keep wondering how long it'll be before one of the local girls looks at my profile and then ignores me. Because they're really good at ignoring me already, but nobody local ever even looks at the profile! I swear, there's some sort of JSH force field in place, that renders me invisible to anyone within 897,000 miles.... |
And I've discovered a new pet peeve I have. Why is it playas and pickup artists are fairly decent looking and give us so much alpha male and ego driven advice? Where would they be and where would their egos take them if they didn't have the looks? Oh that's right! Mcdonalds! Would you like fries with that baby? No really they would probably be successful like us. I have no desire to sleep with every woman in the county. They all nasty. But I'm glad there are guys like them who will. Takes the heat off me. Picture the women pickup artists and playas get. Springer rejects who spend off time modelling for childrens jack o lanterns. Ewwww!
But hey I'm an 18 year old alpha male who can have any woman I want if I don't trip over my ego in my house of mirrors.
I think its great! I had freinds that were like that 20 years ago. Do you know where they are today?
![]() I have ALWAYS wondered WHY, the Hottest babes or dudes are GAY,lol,lol... I mean here's a chick who could HAVE "ANY" dude, and SHE WANTS A CHICK,,,,? DAMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I mean like TRY-ME, ya might like ME...LOL Now I opened a can of worms,,huh?.... ![]() |
And I've discovered a new pet peeve I have. Why is it playas and pickup artists are fairly decent looking and give us so much alpha male and ego driven advice? Where would they be and where would their egos take them if they didn't have the looks? Oh that's right! Mcdonalds! Would you like fries with that baby? No really they would probably be successful like us. I have no desire to sleep with every woman in the county. They all nasty. But I'm glad there are guys like them who will. Takes the heat off me. Picture the women pickup artists and playas get. Springer rejects who spend off time modelling for childrens jack o lanterns. Ewwww! What I've seen is that some guys start out with enough looks to get the shallow girls pretty much automatically. So they kind of get locked into that mode, because it's easy and presents no challenge. It keeps THEM shallow as well, so you get this symbiosis of superficialities that, frankly, works for me because it takes so many shlubs out of the equation altogether. I was married to a girl whose family would have been worth a whole week of Springer episodes (seriously), so I have seen that sort of catastrophe in action from the inside, and it was NOT pleasant. |
I'm a 40 year old alpha male who doesn't want any more women because of the herpes flareups and warts and the 5 children I fathered with 5 different women and have to pay 2000 dollars a month in child support to. I'm so broke I had to move back in with my mom and she has to drive me to work because I've turned into an alcoholic and lost my license because of those 4 dui's. Man kyle I shoulda listened to you and kept my pecker in my pants then maybe I could be riding brand new harleys all the time and travelling and havin rockstars for freinds. Boo hoo hoo!
I'm a 40 year old alpha male who doesn't want any more women because of the herpes flareups and warts and the 5 children I fathered with 5 different women and have to pay 2000 dollars a month in child support to. I'm so broke I had to move back in with my mom and she has to drive me to work because I've turned into an alcoholic and lost my license because of those 4 dui's. Man kyle I shoulda listened to you and kept my pecker in my pants then maybe I could be riding brand new harleys all the time and travelling and havin rockstars for freinds. Boo hoo hoo! |
So jealous? Hell no. Amused? Hell yeh! They got nothing but their charms. I've called them out many times. They got nothing. All talk no action. One thing they will never have is class and style. Nor an education or a future. Ya know when I go backstage vip to a concert in a 2 grand suit I make it a point to look at all those wannabe players on the other side of the velvet ropes. And you know what I see? Bunch of clueless a$$holes with alpha male attitudes wishin they was me. Cracks me up. They all dress the same, look the same. I'm bad, I'm bad. Really then how come you down on main floor and I'm in vip sippin martinis with all the pretty ladies and hangin with the band? Wannabes.
Yeh I'm kyle
And I keep my pecker in my pants
And I don't prey on womens vulnerabilities like they do.
And I don't stalk and harass women like they do.
And I don't talk down to women or degrade them like they do.
And I don't have to play alpha male chip on my shoulder games to entrap women for notches on my bedpost like they do.
But I got it out of my system.