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Topic: Pisces Coffee and Cupcake Shop - part 30
MK2's photo
Wed 11/14/18 04:05 AM

hey mk2waving
turn that rig around and bring p a hot pot and coffee fixins asap.laugh

She never asked :smile:
I was parking just 2 miles from airport & I have an extra pot too laugh

slaphead Bummer! If it's a regular coffee pot I can't use it. I can only have a hot pot that boils water and turns off automatically.

The airport was a nightmare so it's just as well. I would have had time to say hi, give you a hug and then head back through security. grumble

Next time.. Leaving Salt Lake City, UT now.. Tonight in Reno, NV
Gambling night laugh

no photo
Wed 11/14/18 04:07 AM

Next time.. Leaving Salt Lake City, UT now.. Tonight in Reno, NV
Gambling night laugh

I'll be here for 6 months. You'll have to come to me though, I don't have a vehicle. I do have access to public transportation so would be able to meet you in Estes Park which would be a lot easier with your truck.

I just need time to plan and request a day off. Have fun in Reno drinker

MK2's photo
Wed 11/14/18 04:14 AM
Thanks River
Will do flowers

no photo
Wed 11/14/18 04:17 AM
Cool! flowers

no photo
Wed 11/14/18 04:37 AM

I ordered the hiking boots too, same thing... Monday! I guess I should have found out if the mountain delivery would take longer. I got a lot of stuff in two days on the Island so figured it wouldn't be a problem.

The hiking boots were similar to the ones we saw in the store Eric... They're Vasque's. Got a discount too. biggrin

good shoes :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

good morning waving

no photo
Wed 11/14/18 04:43 AM
Good morning dub waving

That's what the guy in the outdoors store we went to said. I need extra wide which are hard to find. He said the Vasque's and Salomon's are good quality and run a little wide to begin with. I was able to get mine in wide width so that should be close enough to extra wide.

How's things with you?

no photo
Wed 11/14/18 05:12 AM

Good morning dub waving

That's what the guy in the outdoors store we went to said. I need extra wide which are hard to find. He said the Vasque's and Salomon's are good quality and run a little wide to begin with. I was able to get mine in wide width so that should be close enough to extra wide.

How's things with you?

i've been wearing vasque, salomon, and merrels almost eclusively for about 25 years now.

saved me tons in back doctor bills. bigsmile

doin' good

no photo
Wed 11/14/18 05:25 AM
That's good. It's time to go get coffee... I need coffee, lol

no photo
Thu 11/15/18 03:08 AM

MK2's photo
Thu 11/15/18 03:38 AM
Good morning waving

no photo
Thu 11/15/18 03:39 AM
Good morning MK waving

no photo
Thu 11/15/18 05:33 AM
Morning beautiful flowers

no photo
Thu 11/15/18 05:37 AM
Morning lovely lady flowers

Larsi666 😽's photo
Thu 11/15/18 06:57 AM
Good afternoon waving

no photo
Thu 11/15/18 07:04 AM
Hey larsi waving

MK2's photo
Fri 11/16/18 03:49 AM
I guess I better move my cute butt & make my coffee
It looks like coffe shop is closed today :thinking:
Yep, its Friday already :hugging:

no photo
Fri 11/16/18 04:06 AM
Good morning MK, just getting some much needed sleep and rest waving

MK2's photo
Fri 11/16/18 04:22 AM
waving good morning River
Welcome back to life

no photo
Fri 11/16/18 04:23 AM
Thanks MK, I don't quite feel back there yet, lol. But I imagine in time I will. The altitude is not agreeing with me.

MK2's photo
Fri 11/16/18 04:27 AM

Thanks MK, I don't quite feel back there yet, lol. But I imagine in time I will. The altitude is not agreeing with me.

You'll be fine
Give it sometimes

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