Topic: Fox News' Hannity Tells Huge Lie | |
![]() On 5 November 2018, Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity used his Twitter account to tell a huge lie. ![]() From The Hill, 11/05/18 10:55 PM EST: "CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO. — Fox News hosts Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro joined President Trump on stage at his final campaign rally of the midterms, singing the president's praises and urging attendees to vote Republican." Hannity can't spin himself out of this one. Trump's lap dog lied to the public via Twitter. How the bosses at Fox News respond to Hannity campaigning with Trump remains to be seen. |
Who cares if he got on stage? Hanity supports the president. Smart man. I'll be going to vote Republican after my 10 hour shift.
From CBS News:
Hannity said he had no idea he would be would be speaking, although the Trump campaign had said Saturday he would be a "special guest."
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Tue 11/06/18 05:14 AM
Didn't Hannity even say he "didn't know the president was going to call him up there"... ![]() |
Of course he supports that idiot trump ! They are both habitual liars. Trump told 136 lies last week alone ! But averages 9 lies a day usualy . And if Hannity's lips are moving hes lying ! Way to go fox ! Keep supporting your liars ! But remember that idiot trump wants to change liability laws !
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Avoiding issues and focusing on things like this are why dems are going to lose. It has nothing to do with the issues. Hannity supports Trump. He agreed to go on stage. Was it a last minute decision or planned ahead. What does it matter? Maybe it all depended on whether or not another speaker was able to make it.
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Tue 11/06/18 06:57 AM
YOU want to know about habitual liars..look to the DNC Obama and the Clintons and the UN..I have it from some sources that that what is going on at the southern border is far worse than what you are being told..What is wrong with some people..they are being DUPED with the petty things and don't seem to get the BIG picture..after all it's worked for decades if not centuries why not continue the How many lies do you think you have been told about 9/11 ..the false narrative wars..Branch Davidian..Alfred P Murrah bombing..Christine Blasey ford..Cesar Sayoc..the illegal immigrants( almost 100 ISIS members arrested in Guatemala)..not to mention all that has been censored by FAKE news..not to mention all the illegals who are allowed to vote in OUR elections..hey but not to worry about all those things..because Trump Lied.. Step away from the T.V and DO THE RESEARCH and you will see that Trump's lies and all the accusations of racism on his side is being told to you by the REAL racist and the Deep State and the DNC who have been lying and stealing from us since the beginning of this nation.. All the things they keep saying about Trump is to distract you from whats going on in the Shadows..take a look at what they found on Anthony.Weiners laptop or how about Weinstein and his Pedo Island or Silsby and Haiti..keep going down the rabbit holes and maybe then you will begin to see the TRUTH..about the illuminati the Luciferians..skull and bones..keep digging..because until you will continue to be DUPED..DO THE RESEARCH See what Soros is about or Farrakhan or Saul Alinsky and who are associated with these people and their agenda ..then just maybe you will begin to see the TRUTH..but until will remain PUPPETS.. DUPED.. FOLLOW THE RABBIT..Alice WWG1 WGA |
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Tue 11/06/18 07:18 AM
YOU want to know about habitual liars..look to the DNC Obama and the Clintons and the UN..I have it from some sources that that what is going on at the southern border is far worse than what you are being told..What is wrong with some people..they are being DUPED with the petty things and don't seem to get the BIG picture..after all it's worked for decades if not centuries why not continue the How many lies do you think you have been told about 9/11 ..the false narrative wars..Branch Davidian..Alfred P Murrah bombing..Christine Blasey ford..Cesar Sayoc..the illegal immigrants( almost 100 ISIS members arrested in Guatemala)..not to mention all that has been censored by FAKE news..not to mention all the illegals who are allowed to vote in OUR elections..hey but not to worry about all those things..because Trump Lied.. Step away from the T.V and DO THE RESEARCH and you will see that Trump's lies and all the accusations of racism on his side is being told to you by the REAL racist and the Deep State and the DNC who have been lying and stealing from us since the beginning of this nation.. All the things they keep saying about Trump is to distract you from whats going on in the Shadows..take a look at what they found on Anthony.Weiners laptop or how about Weinstein and his Pedo Island or Silsby and Haiti..keep going down the rabbit holes and maybe then you will begin to see the TRUTH..about the illuminati the Luciferians..skull and bones..keep digging..because until you will continue to be DUPED..DO THE RESEARCH See what Soros is about or Farrakhan or Saul Alinsky and who are associated with these people and their agenda ..then just maybe you will begin to see the TRUTH..but until will remain PUPPETS.. DUPED.. FOLLOW THE RABBIT..Alice WWG1 WGA You have it from "SOURCES" ???? Russian propaganda you get on your alt right news feeds does not Count as "sources" . If you listen to pigs squeal long enough and told over and over again its a cow You will be influenced . QUIT READING FAKE NEWS ! |
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Tue 11/06/18 08:15 AM
When the RED wave comes Hell is coming with it..DO THE RESEARCH ..Look at what Soros says about destroying America look at what Farrakhan is chanting in IRAN "Death To America"..Look at Saul Alinsky's 8 Rules of Control..and see if it doesn't sound familiar..see who is associated with these people and their BS ideologies..go ahead..DO IT..DO THE RESEARCH..anyone can..just type it in..YOU don't have to take my word for it..VALIDATE it for yourself...unless you are afraid ..that you may just see the TRUTH..DO IT..then come back..and maybe we'll talk..DO THE RESEARCH... ![]() As a matter of fact here's a little tidbit for ya..check this guy out Cody Snodgres ..he's an ex black ops operator whistleblower listen to his story on youtube..or what Assange has to say in the 11 years WIKILEAKS has NEVER produced a false story..or ask yourself what are those chemtrails about..haven't heard..wonder why or that Fukushima is a progressive Extinction Level Event..anyone told ya..Not to worry that YOUR government has been lying to you and the rest of us for a LONG time..because Trump lied.. ![]() UNITED WE STAND ..divided we fall WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL |
![]() Instill fear and division in the country . Its retoric like that that gets people living in their vans Plastered with posters building pipe bombs ! Go build your bomb shelters and stock up on your freeze drieds . I choose to believe that decency and the good will of people will prevail ! P.S. i got some tinfoil for you to make a hat with . Lol |
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Tue 11/06/18 08:48 AM
Of course it is Just like those FISA warrants were and Christine Blasey Ford was Cesar Sayoc wasn't a Psy keep believing that ..because it's what they want you to believe..that's why they have tried to assassinate the president because it's all BS and all those people who want toblow the whistle on Hag Hillary either commit suicide right before they tell their story or die in a plane crash..they're all coincidences like what happened to problem..keep thinking that..but when the indictments are UNSEALED..and this is particularly why I want to see the RED Tsunami..When those indictments are UNSEALED...all that I have said the "TRUTH" will be known..and there will be NOTHING the nay sayers can say they watch as all the pedophiles along with Hillary and Obama are carted off to GITMO.. SO you see it doesn't matter what anyone thinks .. once the indictments are UNSEALED the PROOF will be for now I wait to say I TOLD YA SO.. ![]() OH and one more thing..Hillary never destroyed any evidence because well that's all bs as well..I wonder why she did that or rigged the election..oh but that never happened's all "right wing" propaganda..LOL P.S after the prepared to EAT YOUR WORDS.. And let's not forget URANIUM ONE..but hey that didn't happen either because the Dems are so LEGIT and that story is just right wing know it get's to the point where that excuse just doesn't work..but like I said..after the elections we will ALL know the TRUTH.. WWG1 WGA |
All your posts have been screenshot captured and forwarded to the F.B.I. For the last 6 months ! Lets see once investagated to its fullest whos going to Gitmo since your so infatuated with the place . I stand by everything i say with my picture attached .
Unlike some Putinloving cowards ![]() |
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Tue 11/06/18 09:35 AM
AW yes Putin..the guy who was kind enough to give us about 160 terabytes on intercepted communications and all the evidence we need to LOCK HER UP..I'm not worried the NSA is everywhere..You see there's this one thing we have here in the U.S that some seem to forget .it's called..FREEDOM OF screen shot's a free country And just so you know like most don't..Trump has been working with military intelligence long before the election..and his whole Putin scenario was to goad Hillary because he knew that Putin had the GOODS on her..that's why she CACKLED so hard every time he mentioned him..4D Chess..WAKE Oh and just so you know your idle threats don't intimidate me in the have NOTHING..LOL..SOOO What else ya Oh maybe you haven't given this much thought..and obviously NOT..but what you have done if you indeed took all those screenshots and sent them to the that you have shown them what a TRUE PATRIOT I am supporting the President of the United States and being ex military I couldn't be prouder but at the same time you have shown them you're NOT a PATRIOT who supports our Commander in I wonder just who they are going to be looking at comrade... ![]() |
You know what else putin has ? THE PEEPEE TAPES .LOL
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Tue 11/06/18 09:49 AM
Piss on them.. ![]() ![]() Well as much as I have enjoyed the banter I have to go..but feel free to leave a smart WWG1 WGA |
I can't take anything Sean Hannity has to say seriously until he removes the rug and glues it a bit higher.
Why is it important if you can trust people to do what they say or tell the truth, especially those in power? all that matters is the results, they say
well, NOW, they say thats all that matters. I remember not long ago when any campaign goal that didnt get met (because politics requires cooperation of more than one party) was considered a 'lie'. but now, actual admitted lies are no big deal as long as we can claim there are 'results'. go figure. |
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Tue 11/06/18 11:09 AM
If fox ever tries to claim that their news is fair and balanced they should remember this incident. never has a news anchor appeared on stage at a political rally to endorse candidates and call other news organizations fake. what's funny is that Hannity has the nerve to say that others are biased. more Trumplican hypocrisy.
Asked directly, Putin does not deny possessing “compromising material” on Trump "Yes, this is about the “pee tape". |
If fox ever tries to claim that their news is fair and balanced they should remember this incident. never has a news anchor appeared on stage at a political rally to endorse candidates and call other news organizations fake. what's funny is that Hannity has the nerve to say that others are biased. more Trumplican hypocrisy. Asked directly, Putin does not deny possessing “compromising material” on Trump "Yes, this is about the “pee tape". ![]() ![]() |
That's the beauty of this country. Free speech. You're allowed to make yourself sound like a complete buffoon, and alienate themselves from all around them.
Wanna hide in a bomb shelter, stock up on food that lasts for decades, and throw insults at everyone? Have a ball. Arguing with Marxists, is like arguing with a rock. Neigher will move or change. |