Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 8
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Thu 04/11/19 01:14 AM
Earlier I was all curled up in bed sound asleep.

Rooster35's photo
Thu 04/11/19 04:01 AM
'Asleep' is what I was a few hours ago.

no photo
Thu 04/11/19 05:12 AM
ago, is a difficult word to start a sentence with

Rooster35's photo
Thu 04/11/19 06:06 AM
With enough imagination it's possible.

no photo
Thu 04/11/19 10:20 AM
possible and achievable.

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Thu 04/11/19 10:47 AM
Achievable and with ease when you believe it's possible.

Rooster35's photo
Thu 04/11/19 12:01 PM
Possible goes hand in hand with doable.

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Thu 04/11/19 12:03 PM
Doable is what most things are if you really want to do it.

no photo
Thu 04/11/19 02:53 PM

It is an absolutely beautiful day! :sunny:

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Thu 04/11/19 02:54 PM
Day is beautiful here as well!

mzrosie's photo
Thu 04/11/19 03:03 PM
Well, it is not raining so it is a beautiful day, just a little cloudy.

no photo
Thu 04/11/19 03:05 PM
Cloudy nights are warmer than clear nights.

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Thu 04/11/19 03:06 PM

Cloudy is something we also have to take with the sun:wink::blush:

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Thu 04/11/19 03:07 PM
Sun sets are beautiful to watch on the beach.

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Thu 04/11/19 03:10 PM

Beach vacation is what I need right now!

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Thu 04/11/19 03:11 PM
Now would be nice! biggrin

mzrosie's photo
Thu 04/11/19 03:28 PM
Nice things I like include comfy bed to sleep in.

no photo
Thu 04/11/19 03:30 PM
In the living room I like a nice comfy sofa.

mzrosie's photo
Thu 04/11/19 03:33 PM
Sofa for two is called loveseat.

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Thu 04/11/19 03:33 PM
Loveseat is the kind of couch I have.