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Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 8
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Tue 12/04/18 02:27 PM
day is done,now where is my beer

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Tue 12/04/18 02:30 PM
Beer is in the refrigerator tongue2

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Tue 12/04/18 02:36 PM
refrigerator is in the off limits roomtears

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Tue 12/04/18 02:39 PM

waving Christmas will be spent at the YMCA of the Rockies this year so yes I'm ready.

How about you Mrs Dee bigsmile

I’m almost ready for it...just need to get my tree up :evergreen_tree:

Room in my fridge for lots of wine :wine_glass:!

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Tue 12/04/18 02:42 PM
wine is what imma do iffen i don't get a beer soon

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Tue 12/04/18 02:51 PM
Soon you will have it served once again drinker

dr Anastasia 's photo
Tue 12/04/18 02:55 PM
lives as a free bird

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Tue 12/04/18 02:56 PM
bird can't follow simple instructionslaugh

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Tue 12/04/18 03:02 PM
Instructions are difficult for people with no brains laugh

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Tue 12/04/18 04:38 PM

Brains that are intelligent are lacking in most people :joy:

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Tue 12/04/18 05:00 PM
People with common sense are great to be around.

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Wed 12/05/18 04:40 AM
Outside is very windy again today

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Wed 12/05/18 05:07 AM
Cold is fine so long as it's not raining or windy.

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Wed 12/05/18 05:20 AM
Without goals it's difficult to loose sight of where you're going.

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Wed 12/05/18 01:16 PM

Home is where the heart is :heart_decoration:

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Wed 12/05/18 01:18 PM
Is not here then because my heart is some place else, lol.

mzrosie's photo
Sat 12/08/18 12:24 PM
lol means laughing my arse off or something like that. bigsmile

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Sat 12/08/18 12:28 PM
That is what it means for me too. biggrin

mzrosie's photo
Mon 12/10/18 11:54 AM
Too much eggnog might make you sick. sick

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Mon 12/10/18 12:47 PM
Sick isn't good, so best to drink small amounts and enjoy happy

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