Topic: Christianism | |
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i don'tthink true c hristians do worship idols or pictures we have pictures of jesus christ sure statues of mary for us catholics but not to worship i wonder whrre u getthis idea from? You are looking at it from a human stand point. God says to make no repsetantion of anything anywhere on earth to represent him. Why isn't that enough to get us to stop it? He said don't. We do it anyway, and we justify it with arguments. Your issue is not with any of us who reject the idols. Your issue is with Him. Convince Him it is ok. Find a scripture that supports your view. Find one. Then there is the reason God said don't. It is because He knows the lines will become blurred. And they have. People clutch their rosery, their crucifix and their cross when they pray. Where do you think the real emphasis is" It is on the physical. They treat these things like good luck charms. Exactly what God did not want. look at this for a moment from the Devils point of view. He is laughing at God and saying, I can get these guys to bark at the moon and think they are worshiping you. So, the devil has us dragging a tree into our home just like the pagans did centuries before. We decorate it will gold and silver. Then we bow down on our knees and put gifts under it. And--we think we do this for Jesus Jer 10:2 It is ancient tree and sun worship. The people bow down to their idols. They pray to these things, and they do it thinking they are doing it to Jesus, and it is really doing it to Baal. You can call Baal Jesus all you want. The devil does not care as long as you are doing the exact opposite of what God says. He is more than satisfied. Doen't any of this make sense to you? Or do you just want to do what you want, and it doesn't matter what God says? Art |
I don't think God looks like a rosary |
According to Jesus only very few people will make it into heaven. This means that the vast majority of people who claim to be 'true Christians' are only kidding themselves. Moreover, there was no such religion as 'Christianity" when Jesus was living. That religion only came to be after Jesus had died. Whether Jesus would condone anything that is written in the New Testament is anyone's guess. Jesus never saw the New Testament to give his opinion on how well it described what he was trying to teach. ![]() I don’t think he every meant for the ‘religion’ to grow to the point that it has. He clearly stated that everything he foretold would come to pass within his current generation. I don't agree. Jesus spoke of a series of events that would lead to the great tribulation, heavenly signs, and they the trumpet plagues. In that context, he explained that there would be a generation in which they would have the power to erase all life. Mat 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. Then he explained further signs and said: Mat 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. This generation is our generation when in the 50's we had come to the point where we have the power to destroy the earth hundreds of times over. The tribulation is next, ww3 and then He will intervene Art That generation |
Read the above scriptures and then think of what I'm trying to say. The Bible also condemns homosexuality and other things that people nowaday accept. But does that mean we are correct? The main idea is to chose your belief system and live by it. Don’t concern yourself with how others live. If you have chosen the Bible as your belief system then you should know that Jesus said that only very few people make it into heaven. So you can’t expect the masses to follow the ways that you believe. On the contrary, if you actually got the masses to agree with your interpretations you’d contradict the very doctrine you are trying to believe in. Religion should be a personal thing between you and God. You shouldn’t worry about other people’s relationships with God. You should have faith that God is big enough to deal with other people on his own. ![]() In other words, whatever works for you is right for you. ![]() One little problem. Pro 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. So, everyone is certainly capable and free to do what ever they wish. Think what you wish. It is the responsibility of the Christian community to warn the world of what is to come and why. Art |
Actually Christians seemed to think this worked for them quite well during the inquisition, as well as when they burned witches at the stake in more modern times. They even burned up a few scientific minded gentleman along the way simply because their discoveries conflicted with religious dogma. those who did that were not Christians. These people in the middle ages killed true Christians in their first crusade. They were the ones that Christ spoke of when He said: Joh 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. I was actually talking about people who are interested in spirituality. I seriously doubt that anyone seeks spirituality through killing (except perhaps the aforementioned Christians). Yes, they who were not Christians did these things. Further seeking a kind of spirituality, there are sects of the Satanists do have breeders and offer human sacrifice--of course it is not themselves they offer. Voodoo in all their grand spirituality do it too. There is all kinds of weird stuff based on "spirituality." The point being that all religions have their fallacies and lies. You believe what you want. I’ll believe what I want. And we’ll both deal with our own choices in the next life. How’s that? ![]() That is bunk. Mens religions have fallacies and lies. God's religion is true, but few follow it. What is unique to me in this case is but you are posting on a thread started by someone who asked a question of Christians. So, you are accusing people on this forum of telling others what to do, when you are doing the same thing. You are telling the Christians whey they should do with other Christians, and you are not a professing Christian. So, you don't know that the scripture say, yet you know better than us. Isn't that a little ironic? Jam 5:19 Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; Jam 5:20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins. The people who have been taught they they can bow to idols and it is ok, are in error. They don't know it, and they have been taught that it is all ok, but the truth is that it is not ok. Those who killed people in God's name and called themselves Christians were not. Further, those today who worship in a false way can call themselves Christians, but if they don't live by the book, then they too are not. I post for those who want to be true. Art |
I don't think God looks like a rosary You make a good point there my friend. Hold that thought near and dear so that it never becomes confused to you. Also, perhaps consider that it is not a means of communication to God either is it? But then, there is this nagging question. What exactly is it? Where did it come from? Why does it exist? Why it is needed, and where exactly in the scriptures something like this is suggested, commanded, or ever used by God's people. Thanks, Art |
Edited by
Fri 12/07/07 10:36 PM
though i agree with you mostly dreamer, you say if we dont live by the book we are not christians. the bible in many areas is lft up to interpretations, so i find it highly unlikely that you interpret it 100% correctly. even if you do, which you don't, cuz no one can know god's will 100%, you are still an imperfect being with sin dwelling in him.
you make it seem like being a christian is all about works and not faith. its a mix of both, moreso faith in my opinion. i try my best to live by the bible, but i stumble and i get back up with christ's forgiveness. does that make me not a christian because sometimes i dont follow the bible 100%? no. you come off as very "high and mighty", whether you are trying to give off that vibe or not. i would be a little more ready to admit your own faults too along with your points. |
Edited by
Tue 12/11/07 04:37 PM
Being a Christian is not about a religion. Its about a relationship with Jesus Christ. When it comes down to who will be in heaven and who wont.. well Jesus says in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world he gave His only son. That whosoever believes in him shall not parish but have eternal life." So I think its a matter of your heart, and only God knows were your heart truly lies. Its not our job to judge its His. Its because we love Him that we follow His laws, he knows we are not perfect. So when when screw doesn't make Him love us any less. |
wellsaidfallen rose