Topic: What Trump Supporters Get Wrong | |
Trump supporters are getting some things wrong. So, here are corrections. - To describe the flaws of Trumpicans isn't to express hate for Donald Trump. - To describe Trump's flaws isn't to express hate for Trump. - Trump didn't win the 2016 U.S. presidential election because he was a great presidential candidate. He was anything but that. Instead, he won because enough voters in enough states thought that Hillary Clinton was a worse choice. (Note to disgruntled Democrats: The POTUS is President of the States, which is why that person is elected by the States, not by a majority of the general American public.) - Trump is attractive to people who feign being Republicans and conservatives. One can tell what they really are by what they defend. I disagree. From my observations, first of all, there has been a lot of differences between Trump himself and the Republican Party leadership (which provides the primary guidance for most of their political propaganda) from the beginning of his first campaign. There have also been differences from the beginning between what Trump himself believes, and the beliefs of his most ardent followers. All of those people have collectively and individually committed to saying things they know to be false, as a strategy to win enough power in the US, to be able to accomplish their individual wishes. Somewhat ironically, of all of them, Trump himself, despite his avid love of spontaneously lying about all sorts of things in order to please himself in the moment, has actually been the most honest overall. It served the purposes of Trump, his supporters, and the Republican Party leadership, to pretend to believe a collection of obvious lies: including that Obama wasn't born in the US; that Hillary Clinton committed a variety of criminal acts; that the Democrats were actively trying to purposely damage the economy, and the future of US business. The reason they pretended to believe those lies and others, was because they wanted to appeal to enough of the collection of angry people that the Republican Party gathered together into a crude alliance over the last forty years, that they could accomplish what they finally did: control of the Presidency, and both houses of Congress at the same time. Trump really did want to build his wall, reform immigration policies and fund their proper enforcement, replace the ACA with something better and cheaper, and he really did want to radically lower taxes on businesses, and make it even easier for him to conduct his businesses in the rapacious and irresponsible manner he was accustomed to. Unfortunately for him, the Republican Party never wanted the wall, had serious internal conflicts over how to reform immigration, had zero desire to spend what was necessary to enforce the laws anyway, and had no intention of ever addressing Health care as Trump wanted. So they did as they have been doing since the election, and allowed Trump to say what he wishes, pretending that it makes sense when it doesn't; that it isn't insanely inflammatory and irresponsible when it is; all while doing the only thing that they ever agreed on: lowering taxes on the rich even more than they did under Bush, the last time they had control of all three branches. And so here we are. In order to maintain their present level of control over the country, the GOP is continuing to ignore most of what Trump does, and what he wants, and continuing their very successful strategy of outrageous lies, because that has accomplished their primary goal: persuading just enough people that Democrats are to blame for whatever makes those people angry, that they will continue to vote for Republicans who will continue to do the only things the GOP wants: lower taxes on the rich even more, and blindly eliminate as many regulations and limits on irresponsible business practices and activities as they can. Luckily for them, enough of Trump's opposition continues to believe that being upset about lies and duplicity and financial corruption, is enough of a platform to gain votes for THEIR side. I think they are wrong, myself. I think that the present situation will continue until the combined tax cuts and increasing government spending do the same thing it did to us in the 1980's, and causes another economic implosion. Who knows? After that, we may start the same cycle of nonsense all over again. ![]() Okay, perhaps I misunderstood. I thought you wanted to talk about what Trump supporters believe which is wrong. I disagreed with your list, so I wrote another. |
![]() Okay, perhaps I misunderstood. I thought you wanted to talk about what Trump supporters believe which is wrong. I disagreed with your list, so I wrote another. Igor, As I see it, you have merely added to what I say in my first post, not disagreed with anything in it. |