Topic: question for all | |
i was wondering what everyone thinks about angels. i want opinions from Christians, non-Christians, pagans, etc. as a christian, i understand that point of view. but what about atheists? do you believe in angels even if you do not believe in God?
if you do believe in angels, how do you picture them? with wings? or as regular people? (im not talking about humans that are angelic in their personality either.) i look forward to your answers. i will check back later. ****please, no bashing or debates. this is strictly a place to state your opinion on angels. if you do not agree with someone, keep it to yourself. **** |
I think if you have the faith that angels are there. then your right. I believe in what people believe. though my belief is well.. were alone in this universe (Spiritually)
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Fri 12/07/07 04:25 PM
i read this book called "angels: elect and evil" a while back. it was pretty interesting and delved pretty deep into the author's study of the existence and character of various TYPES of angels based on biblical scripture.
i personally view angels as the first created beings, simply as god's workers. men were created after angels, and are more loved by god. when we die and are in heaven, we will judge the angels because they too have free will. obviously they do since satan, tried to be better than god and rebel against him, and was cast out of heaven along with about 1/3 of the angels who rebelled with him. these fallen angels are what the bible refers to as demons. as far as if they are man/woman/genderless, i dont know. |
thank you so far for the replies! and i hope you are having a wonderful day maudred and cranium.
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My belief in God has little to do with my belief in angels. I do not know if that is right, just or good, but this is the way I believe.
I picture angels to be any given person. When I am walking through Wal-Mart, I see all those differing people. I sometimes wonder if some of these people are angels, working for maybe one of the other people I see combing the isles looking for something. I think the wings thing came, again, don’t tell me I am wrong, from the fact that, as I see it, angels can flit here there and anywhere. They do not actually need wings to do this. They do not fly as a bird flies, but they do have an ability much like a bird, in that they can pick up form one place and arrive at another place. That is, I think, where the idea of their having wings stems from. I sometimes wonder when someone happens into my life, if perhaps they have been sent, if maybe they are working as angels to help me along the way. The girl who posted this thread could, I think, maybe be an angel. If not, she is a very good human. ![]() |
thank you jb.
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Here's what I believe....everyone has a guardian angel (who is with us from the day we are born until we die). Plus, there's another angel that regularly helps the guardian angel, but can also go off to help other angels. Angels are awesome, and can help us in our lives if we let them and ask them in.
i believe in angels both the human ones who bend over backwards for their fellow man and the spirtual ones who try and guide you thru life (guardian).Unfortunately I think my guardian angel is the one in the credit card commercial.
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i believe in angels both the human ones who bend over backwards for their fellow man and the spirtual ones who try and guide you thru life (guardian).Unfortunately I think my guardian angel is the one in the credit card commercial. ![]() Which commercial?????????? I don't think we have the same here in Ireland ![]() And yes, though I think and believe far out of the box, I do believe in angels. |
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Sat 12/08/07 01:31 PM
Angels are like referees in a game.
They define the rules by declaring the breaches. The players must choose sides, trade players,outfit themselves to survive and learn from the play what the object is by playing the game of trial and error in four dimensions. The angels are four dimensional and observable in their influence, but indistinguishable in their appearance. But distinguishable by their effect. |
well come to think of it it might not be a credit card commercial but its the one where the angel is always doing something else or gets distracted right before his humans misfortune.
anyone else want to speak up?
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Out of all the different religious beliefs I have read up on, the concept of angels is one of the most fasinating to me. I would love to know there is an angel who is watching over me and moves me in the right direction. But I cannot really feel it, so I guess it is not a reality for me. But there is some art out there of angels that is fantastic, you can tell the person painting or drawing it feels it. My family believes in the angels and guardian angels too, they pray to them for help and guidance along with god and jesus. They pray for me often, in hopes I will feel it one day too. So far not happening but who knows
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I felt compelled to ask several people yesterday at church what they thought about angels. I asked each if they had seen angels, if they had a mental picture of what an angel looked like, if each of us had an assigned angel. I asked if only people who were saved had an assigned angel to those who responded with the guardian angel answer.
All morning and again in the evening service, I would ask each of the people I talked to. I guess I started up some thought. It was a thought provoking subject to be asking about. Each person I spoke to had their own way of thinking about and believing in angels. I feel richer today for having talked to some of my friends about angels. |
I met what I believe to be an angel in the form of a Siberian Husky. Got lost literaly and he guarded me over & kept me company until I reached the main highway & then I turned my head for a second & he was gone. I think angels come in differant forms, but the specifics I believe is beyond our comprehension;^]
I think the angels are all specialists, each one does what they do extreamely well but they are so specialized that you need legions of them. You know I mean there are so many different kinds Your personal Guardian angel,the Cherubim (they are just so fun!)your Angel of pure desiring, The Seraphim, they have these special wings that can erase karma,pretty cool,The species angels work with animals I could go on, but let me tell you this story
I was housesitting for a friend of mine, watching her two dogs, and she said to be very careful because if they got out they would run away. One day I was going outside and they saw their opportunity, they bolted between my legs and ran full speed down the street. They got about 8or 10 houses down the street and were almost out of site, and then I remembered the species angels. I screamed,"Species Angels,HELP!!!" Both dogs came to almost a skidding halt, turned around and ran right back to my side, they followed me back into the house. It was amazing, the species angels are awesome! Do I believe in them, Angels? are you crazy? ![]() ![]() |
I don't believe in angels - how could an athiest believe such things? I do believe in the "pay it forward" theory. Imagine how many more 'angels' might be preceived if every good deed done, was remembered and paid forward with interest.
No angels, just good deeds. |
ok, here is my angel story. my son was about 2 y/o and i was in the shower. it was summer and he apparently opened the screen door and went outside. i was living at my parents at the time and the road they live on is sparsely populated and ppl go about 90mph down the road. when i got out of the shower, i heard a knock at the door. there was an elderly man standing there holding my son's hand. he told me that my son had been in the road playing with his toy lawnmower. so he got out of his car and walked him up to the house. now, keep in mind that the door was inside my parents garage and they live off the road a little ways. i ushered my son into the house after thanking him profusely and turned back to talk to him. i was turned no more than maybe 5 seconds. the man was gone. i ran outside and there was no man, no car, no nothing. the reason i believe he was an angel sent to protect my son, it was humanly impossible to leave the garage, walk to the road, get in his car and drive away without me either seeing or hearing him. there were no cars on the road. and my back was to him only about 5 seconds. the children in my family have had other experiences with seeing angels, but this is my experience.
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One of those wonderful mysteries in life that seem to have no valid explanation.
Yet we are a creature whose perceptions are limited to the information that only our senses provide. Sometimes the whole picture can not be conceived by the senses alone. More than this, I believe, that if a whole could be 'sensed', our perceptions are still limited by the preconceived bias of our experiences that have lead to the beliefs we hold at any given time. We can accept the mysteries of life as a lack of our ability to percieve, without preconceived bias, or we can attempt to explain them, through attribution, to the paranormal, other-worldly, interdimensional, or a higher power. It seems to be a comfort for humans to have an answer to life's mysteries. For me, explaing a mystery by attributing it to a belief, is no answer at all, only a way to calm that part of our being that 'requires' an answer to be had. But that is my view and it is based on the bias of my belief, and though our views differ, there is one thing we can both agree on, it was a wonderful mystery with a happy ending. And it is your mystery, and your right to conclude in any way that is most comforting to you. May you find angels and happy endings to all the mysteries in your life. |
Angels of light,, Ohhhhhhhhhh I so believe Life has
Given me obstacles and within these times It’s my Angel Of light that has shined her grace upon me and guided me Angels live within our souls,, guides, protects and teachs us Of all the beauty that surrounds,,, Humbled is my soul,, blessed am I for I do believe Angels live, breath and walk with me ![]() ![]() |