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Topic: Have You Been Diagnosed
IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sun 10/28/18 11:24 AM
"Crazy" turned out to be a lot different in reality, than I grew up thinking it was.

More than anything else, what gets to me now, is that there is a LOT of "crazy" that can appear for all the world, to be normal behavior. That is, until you have one of those "turned over a shiny rock, and found maggots and fire ants on the other side" experiences.

Basically, it's not the obviously raving lunatics that worry or bother me, it's the sneaky, just-nuts-enough-to-hurt-you-but-still-sane-enough-to-fly-under-the-legal-radar crazies that cause me trouble.

And I've come to realize that there are a LOT more genuinely crazy (just not dangerously so) people at loose in the world, than I ever believed could be, when I was young.

I'm talking about the ones who do normal enough things, but when you ask them why they did something, their reasoning reveals that they are bonkers.

RustyKitty's photo
Mon 10/29/18 05:58 PM
I'm not wonderwoman, but I can do things that make you wonder

no photo
Mon 10/29/18 06:03 PM
Normal people have a conscience and should be able to recognize abnormal behavior.


Dodo_David's photo
Mon 10/29/18 06:06 PM
it's the sneaky, just-nuts-enough-to-hurt-you-but-still-sane-enough-to-fly-under-the-legal-radar crazies that cause me trouble.

In other words, Humans.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 10/29/18 06:09 PM

no photo
Mon 10/29/18 06:10 PM
As somebody once said to me, funnily enough about people that work in the nuthouse.
It's not the wolves you have to look out for.
It's the wolves in sheep's clothes

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