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Topic: Wicca and its Laws
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Wed 11/15/06 08:48 PM
Wiccans follow an intricate set of laws in their personal and group
practice. Collectively, these laws are called The Ordains. The Ordains
fall into three basic categories: spiritual laws, practical laws, and
coven laws.

The spiritual laws can be seen as a code of ethics or morals giving the
Witch a guideline for spiritual living, whether you choose to practice
as a solitary or within a group structure. These spiritual laws apply to
all magickal people, and most magickal individuals incorporate these
laws into their group workings, as well as their solitary practices.

Consider the practical laws as the pearls of wisdom from those who have
practiced the religion before you. Therefore, not all of the practical
laws will apply to every person. Think of these laws as guidelines.

The third type of Craft law (mundane law) belongs to group hierarchy,
and most of these laws do not apply to the Witch practicing alone. This
doesn't mean that solitary Witches should ignore these laws entirely, as
many in their community may follow some sort of coven or group
government, and they practice Witchcraft within the confines of these
laws. Mundane laws fall into two categories: Those laws created for
general Wiccan government; and those laws created by the current
organisation, group, or coven. The laws created by each group may not
contradict the general mundane laws, but seek to enhance the
organisation and assist in creating a group mind.

On the Witch's personal standards and spirituality

1. An ye harm none, do as ye will.
2. If you know the Rede is being broken, you must work strongly against
3. Watch, listen, and withhold judgment; in debate let your silences be
long, your thoughts clear, and your words carefully chosen.
4. Never boast, or threaten, or speak evil of anyone.
5. Be truthful always, save when speaking would lead to a great harm.
6. Keep clean your body, your clothes, and your house.
7. Should you take a task upon yourself, work hard and well to
accomplish it properly and in good time. Always do the best you can.
8. Do not haggle over the price of your ritual tools.
9. Witches know that there no absolute truths.
10. Witches understand that the Universe consists of perfect balance;
therefore, everything has an opposite.
11. Witches realise that for every action there is a reaction. (The Law
of Three)
12. Witches know that we are all one; we are all connected.
13. Never lie to yourself, for this is the ultimate act of deceit.
14. Witches understand that the ultimate act of spirituality is the act
of positive creation through love.
15. Witches realise that the energy created through worship and rituals
manifests as a circular stream of positive energy.
16. Witches should never close their minds to knowledge.
17. Never practice a magickal system that you don't fully understand.
18. Do not set a price on your magickal work.
19. A Witch uses the magickal circle as a physical and non-physical
representation of a temple on the earth plane.
20. Witches use the energies around them to assist in raising power.
21. Witches use common sense and do not share their mysteries with
22. A Witch who knowingly breaks the Law (Ordains) will not be permitted
to incarnate on Earth again.

Concerning the relationships of the Witch with others

1. Revere, honour, tend, and heal the Earth
2. Of that which you grow, make or use, let as much as possible return
to the Earth as an offering to Her, as a way to nourish the cycle of
3. Do not judge those of other paths, but offer them love and aid.
4. Do not steal from human, animal, or spirit; if you have needs you
can't meet, turn to your community.
5. Offer friendship and hospitality to strangers who visit among you.
6. You shall never handfast or wed someone you don't love.
7. Honour the relationships and commitments of others, and don't couple
together if it will cause harm to another.
8. Raise your children with kindness, feed, clothe, and house them as
well as you can. Show them love and affection, teach them strength
and wisdom.
9. Deal fairly and honestly in all your transactions with others,
following the letter and spirit of any contract you agree.

Concerning the relationships within the Craft

1. Witches do not point out the identity of other Witches to the general
public or give addresses, or anything that can betray any of us.
2. Do nothing that will endanger anyone in the Craft, or which will
bring them into conflict with the law of the land or any of your
3. Do not gossip or speak evil of other Witches.
4. Never lie to any of the Wicca.
5. Never use your magickal skills for show, pride or vain glory.
6. Keep within your Book of Shadows a record of your own rites and
7. Do not lend your Book of Shadows to anyone. You may allow someone to
copy it.
8. Property owned by Crafters should be guarded both mundanely and
spiritually by the Witch.
9. Never use your personal power for evil purposes or attacks. If
someone attacks you, you can defend yourself by asking the Goddess for
10. Magickal bindings can cost you dearly. Learn to banish negativity
11. Know that thoughts are things; and what you create in thought may
manifest in reality.
12. A Witch's power grows in direct relation with his or her level of
13. As long as you are acting in accordance with a positive belief
system, don't worry what others think of you and say about it.
14. Injuries, accidents, sickness, and poverty are often manifestations
of low self-esteem or negative programming, not hexes.
15. Magick use should be viewed as sacred.
16. Witches may teach others about the Craft if the place is safe, the
teacher is knowledgeable, the student is willing, and the information is
available publicly or is not secret to the organisation to which he or
she belongs.
17. Never do anything to disgrace the God, Goddess or the Craft.

no photo
Wed 11/15/06 09:45 PM
alot of witch craft shit on here!!!... lol!

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 11/15/06 10:17 PM
I don't think 4fun meant any harm.

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 11/16/06 10:41 PM
Any ways Poet.

Back to our discussion about the web site you gave me.

My question is this.

If we are reincarnated to achieve a higher state of God conscious, why
is it that we can't recall our past life if we actually have one that
is. So your analogy about say Me making fun of a fat person, then dying,
then coming back and being the fat person myself who is being teased.
How would I know that in my former life that I teased a fat person? Can
you recall your past life, assuming you had one. I can't for sure. So
all the shit I had to deal with I can only assume that I must have did
something in a former life to deserve the shit I got. So if I got robbed
then some how in my former life I must have robbed someone. Does a child
then deserve to be raped by a family member because he/she raped someone
in a past life. Is that how it works?

Again this is intended to make you think about how and why you believe
the way you do.


no photo
Wed 11/22/06 06:43 PM
Dont do satans laws, only Gods. Be ye smart and follow them too, for
they are not grevious.

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 06:45 PM
chubby cheeks, wernt you the one just going off on the other thread
about keeping God out of schools???? well we know which laws you like
then. Hmmmmmmmmm

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 06:51 PM
and your point is ???

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 06:54 PM
.. to recognise the dark side, (satan) is default recognition of God,
since they come from the same book.
Hey thats pretty good.

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 06:57 PM
I don't belive in God and I don't belive in Satan.. now go play with
your girlfriend Truth and leave me alone you waste of space

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 07:05 PM
ramnill..I have watched you spout enless piles of derogatory and stupid
shit and I have had it.. Been saving up agnst just for you..You have two
personalities and neither talk to one another cause they both suck
ass..I am coming down to your level.. You are quite simply an
uneducated, uncouth and underclassed person..I draw the line at you
dogging others are practically implying thst jen ccp Who is
a good and kind person is a satanist..That is fundamentally retarded,
but its par for the course for someone of your intellectual
stature..Which only mongoloid children aspire to..At least a retarded
person doesn't judge by beloefs..I respect wholly your belief in christ
..can you respect my right to belive what I or Jen or muslims or even
scientologists believe..You don't have to understand just be considerate
and tolerant.. If these things are tto much for you rambill you may
consider..Just leaving the site all together like many have already
wished..I gave stood by and listened to your shit long enough..YOUR
FRIEND belive it or not will

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 08:23 PM
mkay Ghost, sorry it took so long to get back at ya
I'm basing this on what I think and feel, as of this time I never really
pondered the whole rincarnation thing, I mean I think its a possibility.
As far as your examples, I think that if you were say someone who tased
and taunted a fat gurl in school and you die and ocme back again as a
fat gurl, so you now know how it feels to be on the other end of said
tasing so that the next time around you can then be a better person.
Personally I have no recollection of being around other then now, who
knows maybe its this souls firs time around or maybe its my time to be
here to teach others to be open minded. I don't really know..but I can
do some research and see if I can come up with some fact on your

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 08:24 PM
Oh and #3 of the first set..lemme tell ya thats really hard to do you can tell lol

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 11/22/06 08:30 PM
Nice post.

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 08:33 PM
aww-damn--i'm the puppy for the dark, dark-----by the way, cool stuff

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 11/22/06 09:23 PM
Well, poet I have to only say that it may be a symptom of Duality in
man. For instance. The thing that's going around now about the Michael
Richard's thing. Him acting racist in full front of the public, but
later admitting his mistake. That brings me to a story I learned of my
father, who grewup during the depression of the 1930's. He understood
what it was like to suffer in poverty. His father was an alcoholic, Who
was never around to support the family, and his Mom had to work various
jobs. So he had to assume responsibility for this siblings. He grewup in
a very prejustice world and time. A petty good way to describe him would
an Archie Bunker type I guess. Only he may have said some racial things
but when push came to shove, he would be right there for his fellow
human being no matter what their race or color or religion. You see
underneath his hard line white supremacy was a caring and just an all
around regular person. He understood what it means to suffer no matter
what you believe.

Maybe that is the source of this idea of reincarnation that teaches you
about what other's go though?


no photo
Wed 11/22/06 09:26 PM
maybe and its a rather good thought

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 09:33 PM
and maybe just maybe its also to teach us to be kind to our fellow human
beings..treat each other with respect and kindness regardless of
lifesyle, religion, skin color, political alliance ect..

guitarMan73099's photo
Wed 11/22/06 09:46 PM
One day you will realize just how confused you are. You are in dire
need of a relationship with your dad, or maybe your mom, wicca is
ridiculous, have you danced around the maypole lately, grow up.

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 11/22/06 09:48 PM
Yes but unfortunately there's that duality thing that pulls and tuggs us
to behaive contrary to what we believe. Our anger gets the best of us.
The bitter Angles of our nature.

guitarMan73099's photo
Wed 11/22/06 09:53 PM

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