Topic: Christian Singles dating / Choosing a Christian Partner | |
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Mon 10/15/18 07:55 AM
Let your conscience be your guide is a well-known expression, but that isn't necessarily good advice. That's because your moral compass is only as reliable as the principles you've learned. It will be dependable safeguard through out your life if you store up biblical instruction. But using false ideologies from popular culture to program your conscience will set you up for moral failure.
Our heavenly Father has given each person a conscience as a gift intended to be a tool of the Holy Spirit, our true Guide . As such, it is designed to protect you from going astray. Your conscience is most trustworthyy when the following statements are true of you.. Jesus Christ is your Savior and Lord The Bible is the basis for your conduct You have a strong desire to obey God You make decisions Prayerfully Your conscience sounds the alarm when you considered a wrong partner You feel guilty when you disobey God You feel complelled to repent of your transgressions A trustworthy conscience reacts immediately to disobedience. There is no making excuses over whether or not something may have been wrong. To develop a reliable inner compass, read and apply Scripture so God's Principles will override any false or corrupted programming. Then , with the Holy Spirit's guidance, your conscience will alert and protect you. Ask God to make it an effective tool for leading you. ![]() 1Timothy 1:18-19 Can You Trust Your Conscience |
here's an excerpt from my Mr Wonderful thread, it fits for having a Christian marriage Today we spend countless hours counseling young couples as they prepare for marriage. We have the opportunity to observe the relationships of others as we prepare for the weddings I’m officiating as a pastor. I’ve had the opportunity to see clear patterns of what works in relationships and what ends terribly. I’ve seen how awful compromises of morals and logic are made when strong emotions get in the way. I’ve also seen how some individuals go about dating in a way that’s so controlling that no one can ever meet their “standards.” Most singles are trying to answer the same question: “Who should I date?” But that’s the wrong question. The question you should ask is: “Who should I marry?” Lift your eyes above the here and now and the fun of dating a stranger, the emotional rush of a long phone conversation, or the pursuit of premarital intimacy. Instead, start to think about dating with long-term happiness in the mind – the happiness marriage can provide. Rather than 22 things women should want a boyfriend to do or not do, here’s a list of 10 things women should want a man they marry to be. The answers are rooted in the Bible – a very old book but as relevant today as ever! 1. Submissive to authority. Rebellious guys might grab your heart for a moment. But for a long-term relationship, you want someone who will admit that he is not always right, and be willing to change when others point that out to him. Does he listen to others and yield to wisdom? (Hebrews 13:17) 2. Honesty. Does he say what he means and do what he says? Does he go out of his way to speak with whole, complete and concentrated truth? Without honesty, you can’t trust what he says – including when he says “I do” and commits to you in marriage. (1 Corinthians 13:6) 3. Kind.Is he nice to others around him? Don’t expect him to be consistently kind to you long-term if he is not kind to others. (2 Timothy 2:24) 4. Selfless. Does he think of your needs, and the needs of others, ahead of his own? Is he generous and willing to share his possessions and time with others? Husbands are called to love their wives selflessly and sacrificially, “just as Christ loved the church” (Ephesians 5:25). 5. Patient. Is he willing to wait for good things? Does he value you enough to wait for you? “Patient” is the very first word used to describe love in the famous “love chapter” of the Bible (1 Corinthians 13:4). 6. Courageous. Will he stand for what is right when it is difficult, embarrassing or unpopular? Will he stand up to protect you? (1 Corinthians 16:13) 7. Gentle. Can he control his strength, and balance it with grace? (1 Timothy 3:2-3) 8. Diligent. A diligent person can be counted on to provide. Does he work hard? (Proverbs 12:24) 9. Faithful. Consider his reputation closely. Anyone can fake the things on this list when trying to impress a woman. Does he have a reputation consistent with these character traits? (Proverbs 20:6) 10.Committed to God. Those who follow the Lord and are prayerful and are committed to Him have a moral compass to guide them. This will certainly help in how they relate to their wives. (Galatians 5:22-25) |
Very good post :)
Am looking for life time partner that is friendly and understanding,to be specific a white man,
NOTE:Asians dont contact me |