Topic: Are we realy "Modern"? | |
Are we "Modern" people when letting money control us?
Wouldn't "Modern" be humans in total control? Read the last crap if you want, or don't. As people that's been in space looking down on earth, grasps and understands, asking themselves while looking from the vast space of nothing for the first time in their lifes.... Like being in a dinghy in the middle of the pacific, that we are actually all in the same boat, and always remain ignorant to the truth that this is our island and the only way to survive is to join and work together across genders and races. Do you really think that we are all put on this earth to fight eachother? Or do you really think that we are here to help eachother? If we are put here to fight eachother... Why are we meant to live in groups. Why are we not "catpeople?" "Some would stupidly answer... "Lions are cat people living in groups...Prides!" We are "Lions!" There are many races of cats as there are human races. More too. Which race of the human kind, as the ONLY one, are meant to live alone? What civilization developed without leaning and learning from anothers knowledge? Further developing from the knowledge past down through the generations. What baby animal learns to survive without the knowledge of the teachings of their mothers through generations? NONE! Some will say, animals kill and fight for territory to, that's how they survive. True, no doubt about it. That's what they do, and how they survive. But by drawing that conclusion fails to differ us from being a beast, an animal. But then again, aren't we all animals or do you, of whom that agree from the above sentense really think of yourself as an animal? No?.... I thought so..... Because you think you're better than that, right? Why are we then so proud of being humans if we can't put ourselves above that uncivilised way of thinking? By agreeing with that way of thinking, doesn't that makes us the exact animals that we as humans always tried to make such an effort to distance ourselfs from? Yeah!.... But will you admit it? We are animals, stoneage people living in a so called "modern" world, with our heads up our *****. The only thing that differs us from animals are money. We don't control the world, as we think we do... Money controls us. |
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Fri 10/12/18 10:22 PM
![]() I knew it was to long to bother reading...Lol. Amaizing that you did read it and understood......I guess..:) |
It would've been so much better if I could spell...
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yes, I think it's a bunch of hooey
from where did you copy it? |
yes, I think it's a bunch of hooey from where did you copy it? Copy it? |
You must have known some odd people in your life.
No one I know fits that description. |
You must have known some odd people in your life. No one I know fits that description. I guess you must look a bit more around in case you don't get any of my drift... ![]() |
one thing that always struck me about The Bible was the story of Jesus and the 'world'. I consider his example to be truly evolved and enlightened. And I often wonder about how 'technology' is a new idol and if it really makes us better or if it just makes us weaker and more dependent on things, rather than ourselves and each other.
So I dont know in terms of 'modern', but I do have a perception of what truly 'evolved' is, and we are further and further from it, in my opinion. |
It's more than obvious we have no problem lying to ourselves... For all the intelligence we are suppose to possess or for all the credit and greatness we attribute to ourselves ..we are truly only as great as we say we are..and nothing more..and really not that great at all..I think we were best described in the movie the MATRIX when Mr.Smith said .."that humans are like a virus"... we use up our resources and leave excrement in our wake..and as we are seeing if we were to pry our eyes away from our phones long enough and look to the skies ..we would see chemtrails blanketing our skies as to why that is no definite answer has yet been given... As we have been testing our water supplies we are finding numerous medications we look to Fukushima which is an extinction level event we should start coming to the realization that our time is slowly coming to an end..the great unsaid not televised not the MOCKINGBIRD media ..just DO THE RESEARCH it's all there at your fingertips.. Mankind should have been the guardian of our great mother earth and the creatures that inhabit the planet we share..not the case ..mankind is selfish and greedy..we take until we destroy or there is no more..just a matter of time before mankind is no more..the destruction by our own our own lying minds ..a befitting end ..yet we will continue to lie to ourselves that this isn't happening..but it is... ![]() |
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Sat 10/13/18 02:13 AM
Money is to keep us from trying to trade 3 chickens to fill our car with gas. It takes productivity to survive. Some people take things for granted. Did you know that electric workers work 3 weeks without a day off for scheduled maintaince? They get paid for productivity and "helping you".
War is about power. We wouldn't be living in this great country if we didn't fight for freedom. We are dependent on certain things but have moments that we go back to basics. Some people love camping. It's nice to cook on an open fire and sleep under the stars. Taking a bath in the lake gets old after a while and people go back to modern. I think people without money have a false sense of what it's like to have it. From what I see, people who live in poverty spend money on frivolous things any chance they get. They only eat bologna when they can't afford steak. They assume rich people eat steak and lobster every meal, buy only the most expensive clothes, never lift a finger to work, and spend their days at the spa. My friends who are the wealthiest enjoy simple things. My wealthiest friend (my age) will work a 12 hour shift and go home and eat a bowl of cereal for dinner. My friend who carries the most debt, eats at a restaurant twice a day and has no food in his fridge. He goes to the salon every 3 weeks, has the most expensive phone and laptop. He is beyond broke. Only poor people think money can control the earth. We see that when Trump is blamed for natural disasters. It's small minded thinking. Money gets people off their *****, even if it's just to drive to the welfare office. ![]() |
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Sat 10/13/18 03:51 AM
Money isn't worth the paper it's printed on and diamonds are only as valuable as we allow ourselves to believe they are as is gold or anything else that we allow ourselves to believe..In my opinion money was created because the crooked and the lazy couldn't find their way to gain anything if bartering were the system..all part of the Matrix... ![]() With wealth brings the ability to afford the finer things..I myself have no love for material things..The problem with money is usually the more you make the more you spend which for some usually brings on the more you stress trying to keep them..I have no love for money either.. I personally don't think that money controls the earth but I do think that if applied correctly could do a whole lot of good to preserve it.. truth is I'm poor as hell..know why..because when my son was injured in an accident I took every dime I had and borrowed another 15k to help him while everyone else around him did NOTHING.. I find a lot of your statements Easttowest generalize a lot of people you don't know...nothing personal but something you may want to look at... ![]() |
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Sat 10/13/18 04:41 AM
Tom, how do you make your money?
Let add, my broke friend told me his credit card debt was mainly due to helping his family. I've observed his habits since 2012. He will take his mom to dinner. He will occasionally buy something for his niece. A phone because she needs it. Clothes for her kids. Also takes her to dinner. But his main expensive is never eating a meal at home. He also dates out of his league and takes these women on shopping trips, nice restaurants, buys them phones etc. Hotels when he lived with his aunt for 2 years. So the reality was his family was helping him because he lived beyond his means. My wealthiest friend, bought a house because his sister wanted it. She moved in and wouldn't even pay the taxes and insurance. They had an argument and she moved away and left him stuck with it in a down market. It sat empty until the housing market came back. She found out she had bats in the attic where she moved to. He went to the rescue again and went and dealth with that problem while he had a house sitting empty. Now if I took people for what they claim, I would believe my broke friend's family caused his troubles. But since I don't carry credit card debit, when I see someone dining out twice a day and have credit card debt, I know that money should be going to pay off those cards. My 14 year old cut my hair last month. My broke friend goes to the salon every 3 weeks. I HAVE 3 KIDS. My latest expensive is braces. $5400. Before that my biggest expense was giving my oldest a home. I lost $800 a month in income. My son in law wreck his company truck a few weeks after I gave them the house. He was fired less than 24 hours after the wreck. He had 3 crushed vertebrates. Before that my son was sent home from the army because he was having seizures. They cut his medical and income as soon as they put him on a plane. He was seizing so hard his arms were popping out of place. So I was completely supporting him. So, let me say it again. When I see people in poverty, it's usually because they live beyond their means until all the money is gone. I making payments on the braces. My son in law was going to get a loan for a remodel on the house before he lost his job. He is working again now but it's taking everything to support his family. The house will need shingles soon. Probable about a $7,000 expense. I have a feeling it will be me who pays for it. People living in poverty also pretend people who aren't have never had a struggle in their life. Which I can tell you is false. |
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Sat 10/13/18 04:59 AM
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We ALL have our stories that which no one really knows after all some are just a picture and words what lies behind most never know..There is a lot of sadness and troubling times that a lot of us have had to's a shame there is no magic wand to make everything better...But what can one do other than endeavor to persevere and's a shame that things turn out the way they do sometimes..if only there were a way to fix it all..but there's not ..for some there remains only hope..and I hope for you and yours things get |
Tom, I'm not trying to be rude but it sounds like you make excuses. Car accidents come with insurance payments. I know because my brother was killed in one. Like you said it's 6 figures in the bank. Your son's accident should have came with insurance also. If not, disability comes with Medicaid and foodstamps.
After my son in law got a check from his, they went on a shopping spree instead of doing the things they needed (roof). It caused tension between me and them. My daughter's dad's side of the family doesn't have a pot to piss in but have had every opportunity. My mother use to say, "You can't give some people something". She was right. If a person has $500 and need something, they won't save until they have the amount needed. They piss away the $500 and claim they had to use it. Just like now, if you walk away from your house, where will you live? Be a Republican and do some problem solving. Get a roommate. Get some work under the table. But stop feeling sorry for yourself. |
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Sat 10/13/18 05:18 AM
I have people on here who judge me. They talk about how republicans aren t charitable and only care about themsekves, The reality is I rarely do anything for myself. Right now everything is going to taxes. After that I have a shop needing a roof and another out building. I'm debating paying for my daughter a new roof. I might be looking at a $15,000 expense for all 3.
When people talk about Medicare for all. It pisses me off. I think damn, if buying health ins is all I had to do, I would jump for joy. |
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Sat 10/13/18 05:36 AM
.. if by any means you wish to continue this conversation email me..feel free .. ![]() |
My son asked me two day ago why we keep moving. The house I'm moving back into is a nice house. I had an abusive ex who came to our marriage with nothing but debt. I sold rental property to pay off credit cards. When he would hit me, he would say, you won't call the police because you can't afford to pay the mortgage. Well, I've been paying that damn mortgage since 2011 when I divorced his ***. I moved into a friends basement and rented that nice home for enough rent to cover the mortgage. I moved back into a rental when I got on my feet a little. It's problem solving. I could have stayed in that home and been foreclosed on like the tenant that has paid for it. But that would make me stupid.
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Sat 10/13/18 05:59 AM
Can't blame you I would divorce someone who would hit me if I were a one deserves that ..sorry to hear that happened..funny how love and marriage can turn into hate and divorce who would have Someone once asked me why I never married I told him because I'm smart..coming from a separated family I think some are affected in some ways against marriage because of it..but what can you do but press on..but like I said before If you want to me...feel free... ![]() |