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Topic: Sex or chocolate 😉
Ella's photo
Sun 10/07/18 07:48 AM
for me both :heart_eyes:

Stu's photo
Sun 10/07/18 07:51 AM
Well yeah, both...

MK2's photo
Sun 10/07/18 07:52 AM
of course chocolate laugh

hardBNhard's photo
Sun 10/07/18 08:10 AM
CHOCOLATE ! Sex goes straight to my hips drool

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/07/18 08:15 AM
It depends upon the lover, sometimes chocolate may be better, sometimes it may not even be in the running.

Larsi666 😽's photo
Sun 10/07/18 08:18 AM
Choccolate, especially white choccolate drool

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sun 10/07/18 08:25 AM
The great advantage of chocolate, is that save for very rare instances, one can indulge in it in public without being arrested.

On the other end of things, having entirely meaningless sex with someone who loves you deeply and thoroughly, and who you in turn love in the same way, is impossible to beat.

no photo
Sun 10/07/18 08:39 AM

Red's photo
Sun 10/07/18 09:50 AM


Ditto. :wink:

Mohidul Islam's photo
Sun 10/07/18 01:18 PM

no photo
Sun 10/07/18 02:28 PM


liar liar
pants on fire

no photo
Sun 10/07/18 02:32 PM


liar liar
pants on fire

Shhhh... it was supposta be a secret blushing


no photo
Sun 10/07/18 02:34 PM
nts lock up the chocolate

no photo
Sun 10/07/18 02:36 PM
:rose: Roses

no photo
Sun 10/07/18 02:45 PM

nts lock up the chocolate


no photo
Sun 10/07/18 02:46 PM
i could have said lock up bothtongue2

no photo
Sun 10/07/18 02:50 PM

Larsi666 😽's photo
Sun 10/07/18 02:59 PM

:rose: Roses

Cadbury Roses? drool

Joe's photo
Sun 10/07/18 05:15 PM

no photo
Sun 10/07/18 06:20 PM
Sex. I can buy my own chocolate. winking

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