Topic: what movies you like?
Jeff Of All Trades 's photo
Sat 10/06/18 05:13 PM
I'm into action adventure science fiction and fantasy movies and tv shows

Easttowest72's photo
Sat 10/06/18 06:14 PM
Comedies, sci-fi, drama.

no photo
Sat 10/06/18 06:19 PM

no photo
Sat 10/06/18 07:24 PM

Yes I am well aware I just reversed the above :joy::joy:

MK2's photo
Sat 10/06/18 08:11 PM
porno ? smokin

girlie_tazmania's photo
Sat 10/06/18 08:47 PM
I like horror, action thriller movies.

absolian's photo
Sun 10/07/18 12:53 AM
Fantasy, thriller, Comedy.

Larsi666 😽's photo
Sun 10/07/18 07:23 AM
1970s/80s horror movies, Stanley Kubrick movies, Alfred Hitchcock movies

Stu's photo
Sun 10/07/18 07:50 AM
History documentaries
Historically accurate films

Rock's photo
Sun 10/07/18 08:12 PM
Midget porn

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 10/07/18 08:59 PM
NO horror. NO fluff. i like action, adventure, mystery, animals, drama.... love the TV series JUSTIFIED.

no photo
Thu 10/11/18 07:36 PM
Sci-fi and fantasy.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Fri 10/12/18 06:09 AM
Science Fiction:
* Space Battles
* Space Adventure
* Space Exploration
* Space Survival
* Nanotechnology
* Time Travel/Paradox
* Dimensional Travel
* Aliens (the stranger the better)
* Dystopian Elements in a Utopian Setting

* Fantasy Adventure
* Some Religious Films
* Dragons and Other Mythical Creatures
* Some Legend Adventures
* Technomages
* Extreme Evolutionary Misfits
* High Fantasy (Wizards, Magic, Spells)
* Extreme Unlikely Natural Disasters

* Monsters and Creatures (The Weirder The Better)
* Hostile Alien Creatures
* Some Slashers
* Survival Horror
* Medical Test Subject Horror
* Most Psychological Horror
* Situational Horror
* Animal Attack Horror
* Some Gore (but only if it's well made)

* Survival Dramas Based on Actual Events
* Intellectual Dramas
* Some Crime Drama
* Disaster Based Drama

* Slapstick Situational
* Intellectual
* Some Parodies (if done intelligently)
** Can't Stand stupid, Over-The-Top Dumb

* Survival Adventure
* Gunslinger
* Native American Cultural Exploration

* Over-The-Top Athletics
* Justified Revenge
* Disciplined Arts Perfection
* Ring/Competition Extremes

** I really don't like many zombie films. They need to be extremely well made or feature a unique take on the genre.

I HATE SYFY Original type films but I find myself watching a lot of them.
I don't like most found footage films.
Extremely lo-budget, shaky camera, bad lighting, bad sets, bad Foley, extremely bad acting, stupid scripts, lazy writing and insultingly bad plots all get shut off immediately.

I used to like documentaries but they have the same agenda anymore and are no longer informative. They ask more questions than they ever answer.
I do like an occasionally very well made docudrama but not many are made well anymore.

Pauline 's photo
Sat 10/13/18 12:58 PM
I really enjoy true stories love watching series of these kind on netflix