greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 11/16/06 08:07 AM
Friends don’t run away…

Why do you care so much?
You know I’m not deserving-
To have you be so nice to me,
Its really quite un-nerving.

I feel like you can see right thru me-
Looking past the junk right into me

Yet you haven’t run away…

I’ve done all I can to scare you;
So maybe you will run the other way,
You just stand there strong, with love
Shining in your eyes - And say…

I feel like I can see right thru-
I don’t see the junk-I only see you

And friends don’t run away…

If you think your getting rid of me
You’d better think again-
Because I meant forever,
When I called you my friend

When it hurts you it hurts me too-
And I don’t see any junk looking at you

And friends….
They don’t run away…

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 10:12 AM
"The Gladiator"

The combatants battle-tested and ready
There's danger in the air
And each knows that his death approaches
Shows no concern or care

Standing face-to-face
Hatred spewing from their eyes
Feeling no love at all
Only feelings of despise

Nostrils flaring, mouth drawn tight
Breaths short and quick
The gladiators prepared for death
The end result will be sick

Eyes locked and neither blinking
Breaking the gaze would mean he's weak
Muscles flexed with enormous size
Each man strong not meek

The referee yells let the fight begin
Evilness shows its face
As each contestant seeks to destroy
Brutality fills the place

The audience savage and wild
Cheering the blood that spills
Barbaric instincts excites the spectators
Each cheering for a kill

The battle continues for an hour
Each not wanting to lose
Finally a punch is landed
That renders a contestant stunned and confused

With satanic instinct kicking in
The strongest draws his knife
Rips open flesh and cuts to the bone
Ending the weaker's life

The crowd wickedly stands and applauds
The victor throws up his hands
They appreciate the good fight
No concern for the finished man

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 10:15 AM
"If You Were Real"

I would stand before a bullet
And stand before a knife
I would stand right beside you
And guard you with my life

I would give you all my time
Listen to words you say
I would give you hugs and kisses
Each and every day

I would gladly hold your hand
Walk through the sands of time
I would gladly say I love you
In actions, thoughts, and rhymes

I would hold you close to me
And whisper in your ear
That you are the queen of my heart
And I love you dear

I would be your shoulder of strength
Someone to believe
I would cry along with you
For your sadness to relieve

I would live my life for you
Excite, love, and thrill
You would be my everything
If only you were real

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 10:22 AM
"The Ocean"

On a ship of wood
I set sail
To explore the world
And tell tales

Of an ocean deep
Waters blue and green
Of lands unknown
And sights unseen

Creatures of the deep
To my eyes unseen
My eyes beholding
A picturesque scene

Barely into the voyage
Those aboard feel weak
A raging storm occurring
Shelter do they seek

No where to run
No where to hide
The passengers are panicked
The crew nervous inside

The storm is upon us
The ocean's bearing down
All onboard are silent
Not a single sound

The sea is violently surging
The waves are swelling
Passengers and crew alike
With buckets frantically bailing

The water's spilling over
The boat is getting full
Everyone is yelling
There's damage to the hull

The waves are getting viscous
The boat in need of repair
With worried hearts and eyes
At the storm we stare

Off in the distance
Discouragement enslaves
The dangers of the ocean
A thirty foot wave

It crashes with a vengeance
Wrath upon the boat
The boat is sinking quickly
Few on board afloat

Only three aboard survive
The deadly storm attack
My life preserver saves me
Unconscious on my back

One more with a preserver
The other trying to float
Struggling to stay alive
Holding a piece of boat

His courageous struggle ends
In desperation and dismay
Help Me echoing in my mind
Final words I hear him say

Floating on the ocean
Nothing to do or eat
Death is chasing us
The overbearing heat

Darkness surrounds my companion
All hope is gone
His time on Earth has ended
Now I'm all alone

Two more days of paddling
A sight I longed to see
Off in the horizon
An island stares at me

One more day away
My life will be saved
But the ocean takes my life
And puts me in a grave

Aboard a ship of wood
For discovery I sail
The ocean speaks of my death
Listen to my tale

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 10:25 AM
"I Miss You Granny and Pa"

It's been a long time
I'm no longer a kid
I miss y'all so much
And the things that we did

Waking up in early hours
A hot home cooked meal
Standing by the wood stove
Looking out the window sill

It's cold outside
Frost on the glass
Pa invites me to the stables
But I take a pass

He laughs, rubs my head
And heads out the door
The memory has ended
Please show me more

Pa come back
I'm not finished talking
I want to tell you something
Please stop walking

Pa listen to me
A boy aged four
He didn't hear me
And walked out the door

Granny, granny, granny
Make pa come here
Son he has work to do
Her voice rough and clear

But granny, I miss him
Where did he go
She smiles and says to me
He has to work you know

Granny puts her hand on my back
And gently pats it
Takes me to the table
And helps me sit

A meal for a king
Put before my face
The delicious smell of breakfast
Filling up the place

Butter biscuits and bacon
Eggs and hot oatmeal
The memory smells so good
It almost seems real

Granny what is that
What does it do
Takes the time to explain
But never says I love you

No need for the words
She showed me each day
The actions not words
Spoke louder than any word can say

Granny, Granny, Granny
Don't let this memory go
Pa, Pa, Pa, I love y'all
More than you’ll ever know

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 10:30 AM

Mamas take the time to do
The little things unseen
In the eyes of a child
They might not mean a thing

But as we grow up having kids ourself
We do surely find
That a mother's love always forgives
Her eyes are truly blind

All the things that we did mean
She just shook her head
Like dragging out the toys
Jumping on the just-made bed

Cooking, cleaning, and washing clothes
Making sure we are clean
Laughing, playing, joking and loving
Playing hide and seek even though we've been seen

Mama'a are reverent and sacred
They put us on this Earth
Sticks with us through the hurt and pain
Stands by us from our birth

A mama's love is ever true
Eventhough she knows we've done wrong
Blessed be to all mamas
The one that has loved us all along

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 10:39 AM
I wrote this one about someone's Internet tale of romantic failure. It
is supposed to show the frustration of Internet romance.

"How Deep is your Heart"

Oh the beautiful words
Soft and flowing
Planting seeds of love
That keep growing

Beauty in your heart
My picture unseen
You love the way I make you feel
Your internal gleam

The magic continues
The words still the same
You love me so much
No matter my name

I am your paradise
The one that you love
Your prince of tranquility
Sent from above

To grab my hand
And walk through this life
To live in happiness
As my wife

To bare future princes
To save the Earth
My love has changed you
You experience a re-birth

Pledging your love
From all that is true
No matter what
You say "I love you"

Through the depths of the ocean
To the unlimited skies
You will love regardless
Never say good bye

I showed you my heart
On paper with ink
Though electronically
You said no need to think

Your love is eternal
Regardless of all
Forever will you be there
If ever I call

I sent you a picture
You wished to see my looks
Now I try to call
Your phone's off the hook

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 10:51 AM
This is a cross between a poem and song lyrics. But has a lot of meaning
to me and my son.

When I look into your eyes
I see our love is gone
And when I hold you closely
I feel so all alone

You don't love me anymore
Now I live in a broken home
Looking at the memories
I wish that I was gone

Our burning flame has extinguished
Now the dead dreams are living on
For it's hard to be a couple
When you're in it all alone

The love we shared has come and gone
Now my heart just breaks and cries
Sometimes it is so hard
When your heart just wants to die

And whenever I see you
I just drop my head
It's hard to look at someone
That left your heart for dead

The pain still comes and goes
And this heart of mine still does feel
And though I try to hide the tears
Only crying makes me heal

And you dare to see your son
Driving the car of another man
Have you any idea what he'll think
When he understands

That mama walked out on him
Just to "party-down"
And when he knows the truth
His smile will be a frown

So nevermind his heartache
Just go live your life
And know that all his cuts
You will have been the knife

I don't know the future
But I still feel the past
I hope to find a good woman one day
And a love that lasts

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 10:55 AM
Influenced by an illicit affair by a preacher and church secretary.

“Saintly Sinners”

I ache in pain
And rage with anger
I love with passion
A known stranger

I feel the hurt
I feel the pain
I feel the love
And love the rain

I love the storms
Of lust-filled nights
I love the love
Though it frights

I love the thought
I love the dream
I love my name
For you to scream

Echoes deep inside my head
My name is called again, again
Though we might be wrong
This feels so right
Just let me enjoy this night of sin

Tomorrow we can feel the guilt
Feel the shame from pleasure
At least we are alive tonight
To enjoy this erotic treasure

To live the dream
To mask the lie
To comfort ourselves
By alibis

Tell me this before you go
Tomorrow will you feel me too
Or go back to your saintly ways
And the day after let me thrill you

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 10:57 AM
This is about a person confused and questioning whether he can love

“Missing Heart”

I’m sorry I can’t lie
About the feelings inside
I’m sorry it brought tears
But the truth I can’t hide

I can not promise you tomorrow
When I had no plans for today
And my dreams are a memory
That has faded like yesterday

I just live for this moment
Hoping to make it through
Wondering if I will feel the love
You have inside of you

Some hearts are stone
Some rusted steel
Some are make-believe
Some love at will

Mine is hidden deeply
Has it ever shown
Does it even exist at all
Has it shriveled instead of grown

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 10:58 AM
“A woman and her soulful message”

Your message is so soothing
A massage to the heart and soul
Flowing so freely like a gentle breeze
Running wild but in control

I hear your messages
They whisper to my heart
They touch so deep inside
They offer hope and a new start

I am glad you do what you do
Because if you don’t who will
Not too many have the courage to live
The truth that is so real

To resist a woman
Is to resist the air to breathe
To deny life itself
And medicine bringing soulful relief

A woman is all that’s caring
The boulder that breaks the walls
Of the men whose heart has hardened
And dying for it to fall

Her love can break a dam
Her caring make a coward brave
Her touch can mend a broken heart
Her redemption a sinner can save

Thank you for being you
I just can’t say it much
But woman I do love you
And I am living for your touch

greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 11/16/06 10:59 AM
WOW-!! I love the gladiator what a great poem.
Excellent writings!!

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:27 AM
greeneyedlady42---I have enjoyed reading your poems. I like the one
about the relatives. You as well as many others here are a very good
writer. I wish I had more time to participate with everyone, but life is
so chaotic right now. I am certain it is for most everyone. Thank you
for your kind words. And thank everyone for their kindness.

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:33 AM
“Altar boy”

At this moment
His thirst has been quenched
Lied to get what he needed
Without a thought or a flinch

So masterful is he
That he believes the lies
And his second nature
Becomes a life of alibis

He lost who he was
His face is unknown
Into a different man
He sadly has grown

Self-respect is gone
No humility is felt
A frozen heart
That will never melt

The son of a preacher
A heart once was true
Everyone wonders
What happened to you

The truth is unknown
Except to the two
That the bishop of the church
Kept molesting you

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:35 AM
“Morning surprise”

The sun is breaking through
Another night is slowly dying
The mind is working quickly
While back home she’s crying

Which excuse will it be this time
Another flat tire, that will be four
A lonely friend whose wife left
With so many she finally gets bored

She thinks of leaving him again
That’s her only fantasy of late
And it kills her knowing their love is dying
She feels both love and hate

Lately she’s been thinking
Missing a touch and a kiss
Maybe she will catch up
On some of the loving that she’s missed

He’s got a plan later on tonight
An excuse…the perfect alibi
And he’ll meet up with his long time lover
Unconcerned for her cries

He enters the house in the morning
A smile and a mind full of lies
She’s not there to meet him
He walks into the bedroom for a surprise

Two bodies totally unclothed
It enrages him to no end
For there is his wife engaged in sex
And the lover…his best friend

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:43 AM
“Just believe”

Let me dry your tears
With fingers and fabric
With words of compassion
And the truth

Place your pain in my embrace
Your hurt in my kiss
Your despair in my smile
Look into my eyes and find hope….and sincerity

Lay your head on my shoulder
And ease your mind
Whisper your tears and fears in my ear
Sob and tremble without a sound

Just look into my eyes
Deep within the soul
See that we are one in the same
Just believe…..just believe

Hold me close….kiss me tender
And just believe

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:44 AM
“I love rain”

I love the rain
The gray clouds so familiar
Like a long lost friend
The droplets raising earth as they land

The puddles
The memories of splashing as a child
The anger of parents
The laughter of children

The replenishing
The quenching of thirst
The tranquility of rain drops hitting againse the roof
The laziness and the longing for a long nap

A good cold rain
A cup of hot chocolate
The memories of gathering at the wood cook stove
And waiting for a hot home-made biscuit at granny’s house

Home churned butter
Nothing better
Except maybe some freshly fried fat back meat or bacon
Maybe even a slab of ham or sausage

But oh those biscuits were so good
But hey the cornbread wasn’t too bad itself
Dog gone…granny was such a good cook
Man…how I love the rain

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:48 AM
Here is my last one. I hope that they have been enjoyable to read and
regardless the outcome I am really thankful to have been voted to
participate against the talented greeneyedlady. I am truly humbled and
am appreciative of the kindness. Thank you to everyone.

"Human metamorphosis"

See that butterfly
Remember it's start
Crawled once upon the ground
Now it's beauty touches hearts

It's not where we did start
Nor the path we did walk
It's what we become
And now the words we talk

michael1313's photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:57 AM
WOW-!! I love the gladiator

but there were many great works here,,,and it makes me glad,I'm not
judging these!!!

Ontario's photo
Thu 11/16/06 01:13 PM
Okay all of you should stop now...enough has been submitted...
thank you...!