Topic: Is a doomsday device a good idea/thing? | |
bored people doing more eccentric things these we have so many nuclear weapons we bury and russia at least maybe china could blow up the world if we wanted...strange...i imagine some madman has his or her finger on the button and goes on television demanding every person on earth send a dollar or it's over..thats like 7.5 billion and hardly putting everyone out and post offices around the world would be thriving...hmmmmm
bored people doing more eccentric things these we have so many nuclear weapons we bury and russia at least maybe china could blow up the world if we wanted...strange...i imagine some madman has his or her finger on the button and goes on television demanding every person on earth send a dollar or it's over..thats like 7.5 billion and hardly putting everyone out and post offices around the world would be thriving...hmmmmm some would fall for that ... I am hard headed I would not... guess I would die ![]() |
You've seen Dr Strange love right? The doomsday device will keep us all safe, because no 1 will want to nuke us, or we'll use it and nuke every1. It is a deterrent thats existence keeps the peace. Or is it? Discuss As Dr. Strangelove said himself - the whole point of the Doomsday Machine is lost if you keep it a secret. Otherwise it sounds like a good idea to me. I don't think it applies to this day and age though - they might have been more gung ho about firing nukes back in the 1960s when they were newly developed and the memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was still fresh, but now I doubt anyone seriously wants to use them. So the Doomsday Machine is protection against a threat that doesn't exist any more. |
they nuked my facebook and twitter, whats to sto them nuking me.
"Mein Fuhrer!! I can walk!!"
Um. Actually, in the early 60's or late 50's (I think) the Soviet Union actually constructed one. It is about a 50-megaton cobalt bomb. A radio signal must be recieved continuously from Moscow or th bomb goes off and blankets the earth in radioactive cobalt. Check it out. I believe the device was the inspiration foe the Stanley Kubric film. There is no way to shut it off. No failsafe. It ought to keepn all of usn awake at night.
I've heard about the Cobalt Bomb.
There's a worse threat to humans than a bomb. Weaponized Super-Viruses! Look how COVID spread so fast. There are weaponized viruses so deadly they could wipe out life, if ever released. Viruses which we do not have vaccines for and some with no vaccine potential. Viruses whick kill so quickly, there's no time to 'look' for a vaccine. All it takes is one kook with a murderish death wish or an unfortunate accident. A simple deteriorating seal on a cannister or containment and bingo bango, we're all dead or dying. Some viruses are deadly naturally but when we tamper with them to weaponize them, we sign our own death warrant. Maybe not for the ones who created that strain but, eventually, its gunna get out unless its destroyed completely. Some weaponized super-viruses have been on ice for 50-60 years. Just because its against the law to use them in war doesn't mean they no longer exist. |
How many times have things been discovered on accident?
What if a low containment lab near a large city is working on a COVID variant and accidentally triggers a super-deadly strain? It could happen. It might even be the reason so many COVID variants are being detected lately. Think about how many labs are working on vaccines world-wide. Think about the motivation of money and fame which sometimes drives the research. Think about the pressures put on virologists by administrators or the public. Think about lost sleep, moods and procedural pattern fatigue. Some labs operate as clean rooms with full containment but all labs worldwide? Plus, with incubation periods and world-wide travel along with high population densities a super-variant could spread even faster than the original virus. Maybe not a doomsday "device" but a man-made species killer all the same. |
This world is approximately 94light inches in size do yes people could damage Earth Map. But why would they want to? in R&D yes I knew ways butcdo did everyone else that worked those departments. I'm not actively working in those careers anymore. I have survived bombs including antimatter discharge and worked hazmat. I've seen what it takes to keep the world safe but that job now is for younger people. Others helped them learn and they should have what it takes to do that job. If aliens invaded I'd shrug possibly as I'm not easily shocked however unless they are friendly I'm unlikely to be discussing recipes and festivals particularly as I don't support invasion unless it is friendly forces sent to help and stop a bad situation vs takeover.
Think they're available on Amazon, but back-ordered.