Topic: joke
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Fri 08/10/18 09:50 PM
2 Eggs in a pan of boiling water when one said" god its getting hot in here." The other one said." yeh wait until we get outside they will smash our heads in.

Lore Dynamic's photo
Mon 08/13/18 09:09 PM
Another morbid food joke for yah:

A family of three tomatoes were walking through town one day, when the baby tomato started lagging behind. The father tomato walks back to the baby tomato, stomps, squashing it. And says, "Ketchup!"

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Fri 08/17/18 02:53 PM
my mate told me he's shagging twins and they both like it in the arse.
I said you lucky bastard but how do you tell them apart?
that's easy he replied, Sharon has big fits and a shaven haven.
Trevor s got a moustache and big hairy bollocks! :joy::joy: