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Topic: United States Illegal Alien Fix
Tom4Uhere's photo
Fri 07/27/18 10:38 AM
Edited by Tom4Uhere on Fri 07/27/18 10:40 AM

and that is part of the problem Tom4Uhere, the average citizen is fine with status quo and wont do anything about it , they rather complain or seek other alternatives.

in most of these third world countries men who want change will always rise up and they get their cue from Lenin and bolsheviks and once they are in power they refuse to give up the power and becomes the oppressor.

The citizens are the ones that pay the price.

Finding a Nelson Mandela or Gandhi is as likely as one winning the powerball in your country.

There is no simple solution the choice for now is making America an unattractive place for them to come.

Just like how it unattractive for citizens to relocate to Mexico, Honduras or Colombia unless that is your mother tongue and you have money.

Very true^

Thing is, 1st world countries didn't become 1st world countries just to go backwards to 3rd world so they fit in.
While a wall can be a temporary fix it promotes the 1st world/3rd world division. Perhaps if our borders were impenetrable it would force those people to take control of their own country. I see how that could work.
The problem is, our borders are not impenetrable. The oppressed can come here in search of a better life illegally. They do bring their problems with them and do affect our ability to thrive.

I see two possible solutions;
1. Make our borders impenetrable.
2. Make their countries where they want to stay.

Since I advocate advancement of Earth to Type 1 Civilization - http://futurism.com/the-kardashev-scale-type-i-ii-iii-iv-v-civilization/

A Type I designation is a given to species who have been able to harness all the energy that is available from a neighboring star, gathering and storing it to meet the energy demands of a growing population. This means that we would need to boost our current energy production over 100,000 times to reach this status. However, being able to harness all Earth’s energy would also mean that we could have control over all natural forces. Human beings could control volcanoes, the weather, and even earthquakes! (At least, that is the idea.) These kinds of feats are hard to believe, but compared to the advances that may still be to come, these are just basic and primitive levels of control (it’s absolutely nothing compared to the capabilities of societies with higher rankings).

The whole planet will need to be at least 1st world status and in unity to get there.
1st World status increases the intelligence, innovation and invention of their nation. Its disheartening to imagine that the next Einstein or Tesla might live out their lives making cocaine or heroine. Never having the opportunity to expand their minds to think up that one idea that sets the human species to become more than what we are.

Remember years ago there was the $100 laptop program?
I thought, finally, untapped innovation is bound to happen. What happened is the oppressive suppressed it because a thinking peasant hurts their status quo. While the program (a different name) still exists in some 3rd world countries its saturation is a trickle compared to what it should be.

Look at any of the oppressors in 3rd world and you will find they live 1st world lives in one way or another. But, its not the oppressors that try to enter 1st world countries illegally. They don't pay a mule and trek across desert under the threat of death. Those people fly in wearing suits and go back without deportation.
Their example is a motivator for corruption and oppression. People think if they work hard enough and are faithful to their oppressors they will someday be allowed to carry the whip. Problem is, they fail to understand that everyone can't carry the whip. When they realize they will never be allowed to carry the whip, they run to a place where life is easier.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Fri 07/27/18 10:46 AM
There is oppression in 1st world countries but it isn't as visceral as it is in 3rd world countries.
If you don't pay your taxes you will go to jail but you won't get shot for not paying. You might get fired for not working hard enough but you won't get whipped and have to stand there while you watch your family be whipped if you don't work hard enough.
Hell, if that was my life, I'd wanna leave too.

If you move into a 'bad neighborhood' you have the ability and the right to move away, to a better neighborhood. For a lot of these illegal immigrants, their whole country is a "bad neighborhood".

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