Topic: Rampage: The Story Of Bill Williamson Truth or Fantasy? | |
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Fri 07/20/18 09:36 PM
Just watched all three Rampage Films back to back.
While the killing was complete fantasy the message rings truth. Of the three films, Rampage Capital Punishment (2014) has the most significant message. ![]() The film is available in entirety on youtube Here is the message from the film from Bill Williamson. From the Script: This, my dear viewers, is maybe a once in a lifetime opportunity to listen to uncensored media for a few minutes. What I have to say is important. And I had to kill a lot of people and I will get killed myself to get my message to you. So I made the decision to value your interest how ever my life. I wanna make you wake up and change. But before I tell you what I think you should do, I want to give you the facts. And I mean it, the facts. The NSA tapes every single phone call, e-mail and text on our people like Snowden or Assange. Should give us much needed information to protect democracy, get hunted and prosecuted by the US government. The US government is funded by the rich, and likes to keep people in the dark, ignorant and the brain level of children. They make sure people are busy, making money to survive, to take care of their family, their house, their lawn. They want people thinking they are free, and have a choice, gonna do whatever they want, but they can't. The people that are representing you are bought and paid for to keep you stupid. In your small stupid little world. How can there be no gun control, even though there are monthly massacres? In the USA 11000 people are shot every year. In the UK it's only 300. Why? Because the UK... doesn't have guns. People don't have guns. Period. What I have done in the past, and what I'm doing right now is the result of no gun control. There aren't even background checks to filter out people with criminal record. Why is this? Because 50% of the senators and governors are paid by the gun industry. So, wake up. Health care is of course beneficial for at least 95% of the people in America. Basically all of the developed world has health care. Almost 50% of Americans are against it. Based on the perfect brainwashing media machine. The Iraq war was a crime. Powell, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld lied to the United Nations and the rest of the world. Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction and he had nothing to do with al-Qaeda. But we know our friends, the Saudis financed the 911 attacks, but because of their oil we don't do anything against them. Instead we send soldiers to die in countries that has nothing to do with domestic terror attacks. Why didn't Obama file charges against the Bush government? Bush cost the taxpayers hundreds of billions and committed war crimes. Why is Obama not doing anything about that? Because he is also paid and a member of the club. More migrants got deported under Obama than under any other president. Why didn't he close Guantanamo Bay where prisoners sit without charges, evidence proved or a court case for over 13 years now? He did not veto the Detainee Provisions and the National Defense Authorization act which codify the indefinite detention of people including Americans without trial. We have a constitutional crisis in the United States. We now have a rogue state. It is a violation of international law. A violation of Magna Carta, that goes back 800 years with what our sense of justice means. Obama should be charged for that and he should go to jail. Speaking of jail... The USA has 5% of the world's population, and 25% of the world's prisoners. People go to jail because they have ten grams of cocaine in their pockets. Half of the prisoners are in jail for drug possession, and more than half of them are black. Why does this absurd situation not get changed? I'll tell you why. Because Washington gets paid to keep it going by the prison industry lobby. Why don't the rich pop stars and film stars and white stockbrokers who use speed... The guy is totally right. see everyday, get thrown in jail. Why? I need to acquire him as a TV talk show host. ...if you are rich. Do you think because the Morgans, the Gettys, the Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers and other criminal azzholes who founded America and did something good with their charities, but... You overlook that they stole all their money and they never should have been rich in the first place. What I want from you, the crowd, is this, okay? I want you to change the world, and don't think that this is going to happen peaceful, or you can do it alone. We need to kill the rich. You get out there. You use your weapons. You rip Washington apart. You hunt down the billionaires, the big bosses, the CEOs, the scumbags, the liars, the governors, the lobbyists, the senators. Because they're all the same. You hang them from the first tree that you can find. We need a... we need a cleanse, people. Okay. We need a reboot. We are actually nationwide. We have the best ratings ever. I mean we are now on the map. Everywhere, everybody knows us. We need to destroy that system. But I cannot do this work alone. I need you now. We need to do this together, okay. So I thank you, in advance, for your help. Thank you. That's pretty good, right? If I ran for President, I would win, right? You understand what I'm talking about here? How each and everyone of you can change the world? Right? We can change it together! Now you starting to get it, right? Now you starting to get it. Read more: Now compare what these films say against what you know about this nation, world today and tell me you can't see the truth of what these films represent. |
I'm surprised nobody has anything to say on this subject? There are some keywords like Obama, Prison, Gun Control that normally sets off a storm of hatred? The first film focused on over-population, complacency and ineptitude. The lies people tell themselves (delusional mindset of the people) instead of doing something about the problem The third film focused on removing political leaders. How the government used Williamson's action to attack their enemies. How the press tried to justify those attacks. How the govt disregarded the information that confirms Isis was not the killer to launch their attacks on their enemies. The random killing of people, while completely fantasy, represents an extreme action which is what may be needed to make change. Maybe not that way but some type of extreme action will be needed. Something needs to be done that wakes people up and gets them to start Doing something about it. Words are falling on deaf ears. |
I know I can only speak for myself but I dont understand the topic, are you asking us to rate the film, or compare it to real life?
Im not sure what you're asking Tom? |
The 'system' works. They don't have a clue. If it hurts to wake up, people prefer to stay asleep. Dis-education has won! Pity the future.
I know I can only speak for myself but I dont understand the topic, are you asking us to rate the film, or compare it to real life? Im not sure what you're asking Tom? The focus of this topic is not the films themselves but the message they are trying to push. There are 3 films in the film series. I only referenced the second film because it lays out the message most clearly. Like I said, the killing is fantasy. The body count is insignificant. It helps if you have seen all three films but that's not necessary because anyone that is paying attention to current events can see the message the films are putting out there. I watch a lot of movies. Many that have the same similar message. The power elite control the government to their own agenda and people delude themselves into thinking everything is alright and someone else will fix the problem. People are being manipulated into complacency by the power elite. Some will watch these films and think they are supporting gun control. Others will watch these films and think that gun control furthers population pacification. The reason why we have the 2nd amendment is to have the ability to suppress a controlling government. Over-population is a huge problem that is only getting worse. People (in general) refuse to look at the problems we face. By not looking, nothing can get done about those problems. Had the people been paying attention they could have suppressed the problems before they got so big. Since nothing was done and the problems have become over-blown, only extreme action will fix the problems. We know our government lies to us, we do nothing. We know the planet is over-populated, we do nothing. We know wars are waged over oil, we do nothing. We know our government makes shady deals with other nations for their own agenda, we do nothing. We know incompetency is everywhere, we do nothing. We destroy food crops to maintain economy, yet people are starving. The media shapes our values and tells us what to think, how to act, what to buy, who to hate, who to love, who's important, and so on... You buy those products, buy into those ideals and when reality sets in, you find its not what you were told and it causes stress and drama. People get angry but don't know what they're angry about because the cause is hidden behind lies and illusions. We are heading for a breaking point and it will be far more extreme than the actions of Bill Williamson in these films. |
I see where you're going with this now...
Somethings I agree with and somethings I don't. Over population is one of those overused words in my opinion, there are so many places that are unlivable due to geography, conflicts,weather condition, economic conditions, political conditions. But there are places that can take in more people but the political and economic structure makes it impossible. As in for people paying attention, depends on where on lives, most people are ignorant when it comes to civic, Look at your country for instance, I bet If I went to your city right now, I bet I can find 100 people that cannot name the last 5 Vice presidents. Compared that to my city In Canada, I bet I can find 100 that can name the last 5 Vice presidents . I bet I could go to London England and find 100 people that can also name the last 5 vice presidents. It seems more people outside the US knows more about your country vs your own citizens. this is why Obama was elected and Trump succeeded him and probably the next person after Trump. Its not that people dont pay attention, its more like they don't care, since Obama was elected and Trump thanks to social media more people are educating themselves about politics. Before Obama Came in Americans only cared about national politics every 4 years, you had your repubs vs democrat debates, trash talking back and forth and after the election things went back to normal. Obama changed that and Trump is now the face of identity politics, and Trump is right on one thing, since he entered the race more people became interested in politics. Its not that they are doing nothing , because a few are, its now people through social media are starting to be aware of things and changes are coming. As in for the second amendment, I say thank God you still have it, because every where else Gun control is implemented problems followed. |
I pretty much agree.
Over-population causes a lot of problems. The world itself may not be saturated with human beings but the civilized areas are becoming that way. We are a very long way from "Paving the Planet" but over-population is a concern that is only getting worse, not better. The thing about media that is disheartening is that it has become untrustworthy. Sure, there are more people watching political events but they are watching agenda filled input. Everything seems to have an agenda anymore. People don't get "Just the Facts" they are bombarded with opinion and supposition. The media rolls out the 'authority' figures that tend to verify their agendas. Opposition to the agendas are silenced. Then you have big movies and TV shows and commercials that subtly reinforce the agendas. Advertising tells people what to buy, what to eat and promises happiness and health. TV shows tell people how to live, how to raise children, how to interact with co-workers, what is right, what is wrong and more. The whole mess is designed to keep you sated. Oblivious to the hidden agendas of the power elite. Atrocities are publicized to keep the population focused on what they want you to see, not what they are doing. Have you seen people with their cell phones in public places? The cell phone craze keeps people focused on that screen. They become oblivious to the immediate world around them. A woman sitting on her porch with her face glued to a cell phone while her little children run out into the street. A man with his face glued to his cell phone sitting at a traffic light while it turns green, ignoring the line of cars behind him honking. Walking past a group of people on the beach and saying hello only to be ignored because they all have their faces glued to their cell phones. You could walk up to a lot of people with a bat and beat them on the head before they look up. I see it as downright crazy. Another problem is the 'effectiveness' of the methods of those few that attempt to do something about it. They are trying to make a change using the systems that are put in place to keep people complacent and distracted. Trying to change the system using a system that is designed to protect itself. The only way to effect a significant change is by extreme action. If the system fails us, go outside the system. The problem is, the power elite has caused individualism. People no longer unite as a nation. Our national unity is broken. As a population, we are no longer the United States. Even the people in local communities are not united. That would require people to pay attention to the world around them and there isn't time for that. Gotta make more money so I can live better than you. Gotta go to the gym so I can live longer, work longer, make more money and pay to keep other people rich. |
The problem is, the power elite has caused individualism.
People no longer unite as a nation. Our national unity is broken. As a population, we are no longer the United States. Even the people in local communities are not united. Tom4Uhere This I don't agree with , the power elites don't cause individualism, because if they did half the racial problems wouldn't exist. A true conservative looks at the individual not the collective. where as Liberals and leftists looks at the collective. Many conservatives sees a black person as a black person an individual , where as liberals and leftists looks the black person and sees the community and how they are oppressed National unity, well its hard to have national unity when you have groups that don't want to be associated with American national unity or western values or even accept their current President as commander and chief. |
I think people should let nature take it's course a lot more....imo, we shouldn't be trying to save everyone Everytime, sometimes we should just let the stupid people be stupid and take themselves out... suicides should be, even encouraged in some cases...maybe something like the suicide booths in futureamma... I personally think the world is way overpopulated, and it's the main reason lots of people are so unhappy nowadays... everyone is going to die, that's a fact, just a matter of me, how and why isn't that important, so we should stop making laws to stop people from doing dumb things... If someone wants to rollerblade down a mountain at 80mph, don't ban it, put up a warning saying if they do die, nobody is responsible but that person... similar to the autobam not having a speed limit, when someone crashes at 200 mph, they just scrape up the mess and go to the next one, without changing a bunch of laws to stop it from happening...same with guns, just give everyone a gun and it will sort itself out..
The problem is, the power elite has caused individualism.
People no longer unite as a nation. Our national unity is broken. As a population, we are no longer the United States. Even the people in local communities are not united. Tom4Uhere This I don't agree with , the power elites don't cause individualism, because if they did half the racial problems wouldn't exist. A true conservative looks at the individual not the collective. where as Liberals and leftists looks at the collective. Many conservatives sees a black person as a black person an individual , where as liberals and leftists looks the black person and sees the community and how they are oppressed National unity, well its hard to have national unity when you have groups that don't want to be associated with American national unity or western values or even accept their current President as commander and chief. My disability has me isolated, alone, cut off. I look at the world around me from a unique perspective. I don't watch TV, I watch movies and binge watch a few TV shows all without commercials. I don't watch the NEWS or read a bunch of NEWS articles and few headlines grab my interest enough for me to even be curious. What I do watch are the local town hall meetings and the people that attend them. I watch people going about their lives. I pay attention to the world around me that is around me. What I see is unhappiness, stress, drama and inattention. There's a lot of posturing and play-acting inside the social groups I watch. People tend to put on a 'face' and those faces change quite a lot. Even when unity happens it is a postured unity and most of the participants don't actually care about the cause, some probably don't even understand the cause. They are participating for selfish reasons of stature or recognition. I have optimistically, a handful of years left in my life and I am no longer productive. Before I was laid up and had time to consider things, I was too busy living my life to be bothered with society and the injustices of life. I was too busy just trying to make ends meet. I contributed to the problem as much as anyone. I will not live to see a significant change. All I can do is point out what I see and hope that my grandchildren have a better world. Its probably going to take a lot of shaking to wake people up but it is inevitable the way I see it. Arguments can be made on any specific point in and of itself but I'm talking about the problem as a whole. All the points combined results in a condition that is unsustainable in this society. Fixing one or two things doesn't fix the main problem because for every two things that get fixed, five new problems develop. It doesn't equal out and it certainly isn't getting better. |
I think people should let nature take it's course a lot more....imo, we shouldn't be trying to save everyone Everytime, sometimes we should just let the stupid people be stupid and take themselves out... suicides should be, even encouraged in some cases...maybe something like the suicide booths in futureamma... I personally think the world is way overpopulated, and it's the main reason lots of people are so unhappy nowadays... everyone is going to die, that's a fact, just a matter of me, how and why isn't that important, so we should stop making laws to stop people from doing dumb things... If someone wants to rollerblade down a mountain at 80mph, don't ban it, put up a warning saying if they do die, nobody is responsible but that person... similar to the autobam not having a speed limit, when someone crashes at 200 mph, they just scrape up the mess and go to the next one, without changing a bunch of laws to stop it from happening...same with guns, just give everyone a gun and it will sort itself out.. If a gazelle is born with a short leg it doesn't survive long enough to reproduce. Only the swiftest, healthiest ones reproduce. If a wolf jumps into a deep sinkhole for a rabbit and gets stuck, it dies. Humans, in the name of being civilized, dilute our genetic lines with defects. Those defects then produce more defects. In the natural world the very young, the very old, the defective and the injured or sick die first. My status means I should have already been killed but society keeps me alive past my prime. Because we are civilized. We are over-populated as a species because human beings value life. We value life to our own detriment. We expend resources and energy to preserve life whenever possible. We're getting pretty good at beating nature's equalizing force. Over-population is going to continue to escalate until some extreme measure will be required to rectify the situation. We are not there yet but its coming, you'll see. |
Just watched all three Rampage Films back to back. While the killing was complete fantasy the message rings truth. Of the three films, Rampage Capital Punishment (2014) has the most significant message. ![]() The film is available in entirety on youtube Here is the message from the film from Bill Williamson. From the Script: This, my dear viewers, is maybe a once in a lifetime opportunity to listen to uncensored media for a few minutes. What I have to say is important. And I had to kill a lot of people and I will get killed myself to get my message to you. So I made the decision to value your interest how ever my life. I wanna make you wake up and change. But before I tell you what I think you should do, I want to give you the facts. And I mean it, the facts. The NSA tapes every single phone call, e-mail and text on our people like Snowden or Assange. Should give us much needed information to protect democracy, get hunted and prosecuted by the US government. The US government is funded by the rich, and likes to keep people in the dark, ignorant and the brain level of children. They make sure people are busy, making money to survive, to take care of their family, their house, their lawn. They want people thinking they are free, and have a choice, gonna do whatever they want, but they can't. The people that are representing you are bought and paid for to keep you stupid. In your small stupid little world. How can there be no gun control, even though there are monthly massacres? In the USA 11000 people are shot every year. In the UK it's only 300. Why? Because the UK... doesn't have guns. People don't have guns. Period. What I have done in the past, and what I'm doing right now is the result of no gun control. There aren't even background checks to filter out people with criminal record. Why is this? Because 50% of the senators and governors are paid by the gun industry. So, wake up. Health care is of course beneficial for at least 95% of the people in America. Basically all of the developed world has health care. Almost 50% of Americans are against it. Based on the perfect brainwashing media machine. The Iraq war was a crime. Powell, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld lied to the United Nations and the rest of the world. Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction and he had nothing to do with al-Qaeda. But we know our friends, the Saudis financed the 911 attacks, but because of their oil we don't do anything against them. Instead we send soldiers to die in countries that has nothing to do with domestic terror attacks. Why didn't Obama file charges against the Bush government? Bush cost the taxpayers hundreds of billions and committed war crimes. Why is Obama not doing anything about that? Because he is also paid and a member of the club. More migrants got deported under Obama than under any other president. Why didn't he close Guantanamo Bay where prisoners sit without charges, evidence proved or a court case for over 13 years now? He did not veto the Detainee Provisions and the National Defense Authorization act which codify the indefinite detention of people including Americans without trial. We have a constitutional crisis in the United States. We now have a rogue state. It is a violation of international law. A violation of Magna Carta, that goes back 800 years with what our sense of justice means. Obama should be charged for that and he should go to jail. Speaking of jail... The USA has 5% of the world's population, and 25% of the world's prisoners. People go to jail because they have ten grams of cocaine in their pockets. Half of the prisoners are in jail for drug possession, and more than half of them are black. Why does this absurd situation not get changed? I'll tell you why. Because Washington gets paid to keep it going by the prison industry lobby. Why don't the rich pop stars and film stars and white stockbrokers who use speed... The guy is totally right. see everyday, get thrown in jail. Why? I need to acquire him as a TV talk show host. ...if you are rich. Do you think because the Morgans, the Gettys, the Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers and other criminal azzholes who founded America and did something good with their charities, but... You overlook that they stole all their money and they never should have been rich in the first place. What I want from you, the crowd, is this, okay? I want you to change the world, and don't think that this is going to happen peaceful, or you can do it alone. We need to kill the rich. You get out there. You use your weapons. You rip Washington apart. You hunt down the billionaires, the big bosses, the CEOs, the scumbags, the liars, the governors, the lobbyists, the senators. Because they're all the same. You hang them from the first tree that you can find. We need a... we need a cleanse, people. Okay. We need a reboot. We are actually nationwide. We have the best ratings ever. I mean we are now on the map. Everywhere, everybody knows us. We need to destroy that system. But I cannot do this work alone. I need you now. We need to do this together, okay. So I thank you, in advance, for your help. Thank you. That's pretty good, right? If I ran for President, I would win, right? You understand what I'm talking about here? How each and everyone of you can change the world? Right? We can change it together! Now you starting to get it, right? Now you starting to get it. Read more: Now compare what these films say against what you know about this nation, world today and tell me you can't see the truth of what these films represent. Sounds a lot like the Turner Diaries...…. |
Sounds a lot like the Turner Diaries
I don't know? I wonder if the Turner Diaries were source material for the writer? Writing Credits (in alphabetical order) Uwe Boll ... (screenplay) Uwe Boll ... (written by) Brendan Fletcher ... (written by) Cast (in credits order) Brendan Fletcher ... Bill Williamson Directed by Uwe Boll Rampage (2009) (The first film) Director: Uwe Boll Writer: Uwe Boll Stars: Brendan Fletcher Rampage: President Down (2016) (The final film) Director: Uwe Boll Writers: Uwe Boll, Brendan Fletcher Stars: Brendan Fletcher |
Sorry to read about your disability and being cut off from the world.
At least you have access to the things that you enjoy , "movies" . Truth be told Tom, the world is always changing and revolving, whether your productive or not. Things are changing so fast and problems have always existed, if one studies history you will see what problems existed what they tried to do about it and how more problem arose. Nothing new really, but things have improved in many areas, its just today we are living through it and your grandkids kids will look back and study us but they will be facing their own problems and issues. Look at any problem today and you will see that government policies caused the majority of problems, yet people blame capitalism for some reason. We need to educate the youth about politics and how a group of politicians backed by unscrupulous individuals, companies, unions and who ever has power can corrupt the system. |
I think people should let nature take it's course a lot more....imo, we shouldn't be trying to save everyone Everytime, sometimes we should just let the stupid people be stupid and take themselves out... suicides should be, even encouraged in some cases...maybe something like the suicide booths in futureamma... I personally think the world is way overpopulated, and it's the main reason lots of people are so unhappy nowadays... everyone is going to die, that's a fact, just a matter of me, how and why isn't that important, so we should stop making laws to stop people from doing dumb things... If someone wants to rollerblade down a mountain at 80mph, don't ban it, put up a warning saying if they do die, nobody is responsible but that person... similar to the autobam not having a speed limit, when someone crashes at 200 mph, they just scrape up the mess and go to the next one, without changing a bunch of laws to stop it from happening...same with guns, just give everyone a gun and it will sort itself out.. If a gazelle is born with a short leg it doesn't survive long enough to reproduce. Only the swiftest, healthiest ones reproduce. If a wolf jumps into a deep sinkhole for a rabbit and gets stuck, it dies. Humans, in the name of being civilized, dilute our genetic lines with defects. Those defects then produce more defects. In the natural world the very young, the very old, the defective and the injured or sick die first. My status means I should have already been killed but society keeps me alive past my prime. Because we are civilized. We are over-populated as a species because human beings value life. We value life to our own detriment. We expend resources and energy to preserve life whenever possible. We're getting pretty good at beating nature's equalizing force. Over-population is going to continue to escalate until some extreme measure will be required to rectify the situation. We are not there yet but its coming, you'll see. |
Sounds a lot like the Turner Diaries
I don't know? I wonder if the Turner Diaries were source material for the writer? Writing Credits (in alphabetical order) Uwe Boll ... (screenplay) Uwe Boll ... (written by) Brendan Fletcher ... (written by) Cast (in credits order) Brendan Fletcher ... Bill Williamson Directed by Uwe Boll Rampage (2009) (The first film) Director: Uwe Boll Writer: Uwe Boll Stars: Brendan Fletcher Rampage: President Down (2016) (The final film) Director: Uwe Boll Writers: Uwe Boll, Brendan Fletcher Stars: Brendan Fletcher The Turner Diaries is a book written by the head of the Aryan Nations that has inspired many White Supremacist terrorist attacks and is the number one book in their so called movement and it is a lot like what you wrote. |
Sorry to read about your disability and being cut off from the world. At least you have access to the things that you enjoy , "movies" . Truth be told Tom, the world is always changing and revolving, whether your productive or not. Things are changing so fast and problems have always existed, if one studies history you will see what problems existed what they tried to do about it and how more problem arose. Nothing new really, but things have improved in many areas, its just today we are living through it and your grandkids kids will look back and study us but they will be facing their own problems and issues. Look at any problem today and you will see that government policies caused the majority of problems, yet people blame capitalism for some reason. We need to educate the youth about politics and how a group of politicians backed by unscrupulous individuals, companies, unions and who ever has power can corrupt the system. There's no reason to be sorry. You didn't do it, I did. While I am facing my mortality in the near future there are still many good things in my life. I'm not afraid of death either. Human beings have been civilized for what, about 6,000 - 7,000 years? You would think that in 6 or 7,000 years, we would have something figured out about how to go about it. There are more people alive today with a higher intelligence level than anytime in history. There are a lot of very smart people out there. You would think someone would have figured out a solution by now. The only reason not to have, is insanity. Societies are insane. The person can be sane but as soon as they become a group of people, insanity sets in. Society and people are prone to making excuses for the problems they cause themselves. Its a condition that leads to complacency. "Well, there's no point in trying because..." The reason why unity is so important is because human beings are social creatures. This period of individualism is causing us to be something we are not and the problems resulting from that disparity to our nature is causing us to self-destruct. The longer it exists, the worse it gets. Our attitudes are isolating us. Our technology is isolating us. Our beliefs are isolating us. Something has got to give but it won't be a rebound it will be a snap. |
when I say individualism i'm referring to the economic system of a society, not socially.
Community is always important and speaking of community , your American society used to be a community, particularly in smaller towns and suburbs but it didn't always extend to certain groups and this where the government drop the ball. I blame racism squarely on the government followed by media. I don't believe technology is isolating most folks, I think those with limited social skills are hampered by technology particularly the social and dating sites. Back in my day kids at school were forced to do activities with other kids, play , exercise and encouraged to socialized. Today not so much, today we are worried about offending people , parents hands are tied when it comes to discipling their children assuming they have the maturity to even be parents. Teachers are not equipped to deal with the problems of today's youth lack of discipline and respect. Kids today are not taught how to cope and deal with issues, instead of learning how to cope they are medicated beyond what they should be , their diet is poor, limited or lack of exercise , lack of respect and poor education producing sheeples. Look at today's colleges and universities, it used to be an institution where thinkers met and are developed, today its producing sheeples , pansies and spoiled brats and you wonder why school shooting have increased? |
Sounds a lot like the Turner Diaries
I don't know? I wonder if the Turner Diaries were source material for the writer? Writing Credits (in alphabetical order) Uwe Boll ... (screenplay) Uwe Boll ... (written by) Brendan Fletcher ... (written by) Cast (in credits order) Brendan Fletcher ... Bill Williamson Directed by Uwe Boll Rampage (2009) (The first film) Director: Uwe Boll Writer: Uwe Boll Stars: Brendan Fletcher Rampage: President Down (2016) (The final film) Director: Uwe Boll Writers: Uwe Boll, Brendan Fletcher Stars: Brendan Fletcher The Turner Diaries is a book written by the head of the Aryan Nations that has inspired many White Supremacist terrorist attacks and is the number one book in their so called movement and it is a lot like what you wrote. Yeah, I read the wiki at your mention of the book. Every revolution is considered a terrorist action by someone. Just depends on which side of the fence you are on. The films are fiction, fantasy thrill rides but the message has merit when considering the conditions we see in the real world today. I'm not promoting terrorism. All I'm saying is look at these films, look at the world today and consider that effective change is going to require some type of extreme action. Its inevitable. |
Sounds a lot like the Turner Diaries
I don't know? I wonder if the Turner Diaries were source material for the writer? Writing Credits (in alphabetical order) Uwe Boll ... (screenplay) Uwe Boll ... (written by) Brendan Fletcher ... (written by) Cast (in credits order) Brendan Fletcher ... Bill Williamson Directed by Uwe Boll Rampage (2009) (The first film) Director: Uwe Boll Writer: Uwe Boll Stars: Brendan Fletcher Rampage: President Down (2016) (The final film) Director: Uwe Boll Writers: Uwe Boll, Brendan Fletcher Stars: Brendan Fletcher The Turner Diaries is a book written by the head of the Aryan Nations that has inspired many White Supremacist terrorist attacks and is the number one book in their so called movement and it is a lot like what you wrote. Yeah, I read the wiki at your mention of the book. Every revolution is considered a terrorist action by someone. Just depends on which side of the fence you are on. The films are fiction, fantasy thrill rides but the message has merit when considering the conditions we see in the real world today. I'm not promoting terrorism. All I'm saying is look at these films, look at the world today and consider that effective change is going to require some type of extreme action. Its inevitable. The Turner Diaries is also a work of fiction but it has inspired many domestic terrorism acts like the Oklahoma City Bombing and Bob Matthews Order. |