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Topic: One random fact about yourself
no photo
Mon 07/30/18 01:47 PM
we've got to find you a better tranlator, my friend. laugh


Mrmxb's photo
Mon 07/30/18 02:13 PM

we've got to find you a better tranlator, my friend. laugh


"we've got to find you a better tranlator, my friend."

You said so right. I am looking for a good translation for a long time.
I'm looking for street street but no. I look at every corner but no. happy
one minute please:
"We've got to find a better tranlator, my friend."
you wrote that. so my previous message was not understood? or understood differently

I really want to learn that.

no photo
Mon 07/30/18 07:54 PM
I had a bout of envy today. It happens occasionally. Then a little miracle usually happens.

no photo
Mon 07/30/18 07:59 PM
I am Left handed but play the guitar right handed.

Rock's photo
Mon 07/30/18 08:30 PM
I believe in random acts of kindness.

Aroundtheworld37's photo
Mon 07/30/18 08:31 PM

I am Left handed but play the guitar right handed.

I’m left handed too..that explains a lot about you and me

Rock's photo
Mon 07/30/18 08:43 PM
I'm nonjudgemental.

Aroundtheworld37's photo
Mon 07/30/18 08:57 PM
I hate shopping

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Tue 07/31/18 06:32 AM
I judge everyone :joy:

Aroundtheworld37's photo
Tue 07/31/18 06:34 AM
I got straight A’s in school al” the way up until the last 6months of my last year of high school

Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 07/31/18 06:35 AM
I am able to trigger speed warnings :joy:

no photo
Tue 07/31/18 06:54 AM
Can't write with my left hand. :laughing:

Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 07/31/18 07:25 AM

Can't write with my left hand. :laughing:

And you have 666 posts laugh

no photo
Tue 07/31/18 07:39 AM

Can't write with my left hand. :laughing:

And you have 666 posts laugh

Already? Haha
But I swear, I didn't write with my left hand. laugh

Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 07/31/18 07:41 AM

Can't write with my left hand. :laughing:

And you have 666 posts laugh

Already? Haha
But I swear, I didn't write with my left hand. laugh

And twas no reference to my username either? :joy:

no photo
Tue 07/31/18 09:32 PM
There ish barely anything left, that I am shtill a virgin to. That ish legal according to the mores of civilized society, and ethically cool.

no photo
Tue 07/31/18 10:39 PM
I am very skilled at my job :angel:

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 07/31/18 10:40 PM

I hate shopping

A woman that hate shopping...Is that possible?...:smile:

Aroundtheworld37's photo
Tue 07/31/18 10:41 PM

I hate shopping

A woman that hate shopping...Is that possible?...:smile:

I know it’s weird right lol :wink:I guess I’m just different

Robertcrna777's photo
Tue 07/31/18 10:55 PM
I have multiple personalities.... is it okay too admit that? Of course it is don’t be scared!! It’s not about him being scared it’s about excepting him for who he is! Sometimes I feel okay. Hmmmmm maybe this is too much information

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