Topic: Facial Hair | |
Yeh there's nothin greater than a bulldyke with runny eggs in her beard yellin "whaddya lookin at!!!"
ur hole of saying!
i have trouble growing facial hair but after talking with some of my other relatives,it seems to be a family thing,oh well....
spill the blood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I gotta mean goat goin on. My piehole gets trimmed this weekend. But really if a woman has soft little hairs by her ears like mini burns goin on? I can gently rub them with my nose and gently blow in her ear till she gets angry because she um ooops like did it again. I find unexpected orgasms in public amusing. Gotta know all the right GO buttons.
Unkempt beards look funny. Makes you wanna grab it and swing them around the room by their beard. And then yell "that's what I'm looking at you psycho androgenous lesbian!"
I keep it in braids "Whatchu lookin at?"
Depends on the guy.......some men look good....while others are all unruly and yuck......not just food stuck in there but green nasties
ewwwwwww and when they cant even keep it off their lips......ewwwwwww ewwwwwwwww munch munch
Don't mess with me at the waffle house at 4 am. I haven't had my coffee yet at that time.
I prefer women without facial hair.
what about a moustache ride???
eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww! when they suck their stash in on their lip YUKKK!!!
lol, this is pretty funny stuff.
just damn sexy yo!
You guys crack me up!... LMAO!
I give them!
Why are men the only ones allowed to have a moustache????