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Topic: One lie, two truths
no photo
Mon 07/30/18 07:59 PM
yes you were right about the hip hop, I dont know what I said no maam..

no , my lie is number 3, I cant play golf, not very good.

I do play guitar right handed, even though Im left handed.

1) I go to the gym and workout

2) I go to a martial arts studio for my workout

3) I go to spinning class once a week.

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Mon 07/30/18 08:26 PM
#1 is your lie? (Spin class, fun!)

1) I've been to Canada
2) I have sky dived
3) I know some Spanish


no photo
Mon 07/30/18 08:32 PM
I thinking number 1 is your lie Pump?
I forgot to mention that.

and number 1 is my lie

Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 07/31/18 03:07 AM

#1 is your lie? (Spin class, fun!)

1) I've been to Canada
2) I have sky dived
3) I know some Spanish


Catching up now ... number 1?

1. My Dad was on television
2. I was on television
3. My Mom was on television

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Tue 07/31/18 01:26 PM
#2 was my lie, have not skydived

#3 your mum was not on tv?

1) I've been in a glass bottom boat

2) I've deep sea fished

3) I've seen big surf

no photo
Tue 07/31/18 05:36 PM
Pumpilicious ,number 3 is a lie ???

1)Im afraid of heights

2) Im claustrophobic

3) Im afraid of the dark

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Tue 07/31/18 05:48 PM
#2 was my lie, sorry haven't DSF yet

#3 is your lie maybe?

1)I've worn braces
2)I broke a tooth before
3)I have a gold tooth

Larsi666 😽's photo
Wed 08/01/18 03:20 AM
Aye. Only my Dad and me are that wee bit famous laugh

Number 1 maybe?

1. I like roller coaster rides
2. I like swimming in the ocean
3. I like hill walking in the Alps

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Mon 10/01/18 06:25 AM
Edited by pumpilicious 💕 on Mon 10/01/18 06:33 AM
#1 was my lie, never worn braces

#2 is your lie, you can't like rollercosters?

1)I like water parks
2)I like to golf
3)I like tubing down rivers

Mrmxb's photo
Mon 10/01/18 02:16 PM
I will answer with my feelings.
but to answer it, there is no one else who I will knock on its door.
So I still have to answer that, according to my feelings.smile2

Because this clever (:thumbsup: ) topic is sometimes challenging us.

@; (3)
in the light of these statements I call the third item. smile2

1-i love traveling.
2-love to play games with mobile phone.
3-I like coffee.

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Mon 10/01/18 06:09 PM
waving mrm

I don't know if I understand all you said, but I think you said some nice compliment, thank you :slight_smile:

My lie was #2, I don't really like golf at all

I guess your lie #2? Maybe you don't have much time busy man?

1)I like Opera music
2)I don't like country music
3)I don't like bluegrass music

no photo
Mon 10/01/18 06:16 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 10/01/18 06:17 PM
I'm going to say #3 for pumpi

1) I love to travel
2) I start my new job on November 1st
3) I rode my bike 5 miles today

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Tue 10/02/18 09:30 AM
Edited by pumpilicious 💕 on Tue 10/02/18 09:37 AM

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Tue 10/02/18 09:36 AM
#3 was my lie n you are correct! I love blue grass but hate country oops

I think you do love to travel and you do start a new job soon...so maybe you did not ride or not 5 miles..# 3 is your lie?

1)my boss just messaged me to get on the phone when i was already working
(not posting here even)

2)I wear make up every day

3)I don't care to dress up much

Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 10/02/18 09:42 AM
Number 2?

1. I dislike wearing black clothes
2. I dislike wearing hats
3. I dislike wearing flip flops

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Tue 10/02/18 09:45 AM
You are correct!!!!

I've never seen you wear black so my guess is #3?

1)I would play kick ball as an adult if I wasn't hurt
2)I can make and sew clothes pretty well
3)I can make quilts

no photo
Tue 10/02/18 10:05 AM
My lie was #2, I haven't secured a job yet. waving

I'm guessing #2 for pumpi

1) I once dressed up like a playboy bunny for Halloween
2) I rode 4 miles on my bike today
3) My brother lives in Wisconsin

Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 10/02/18 11:03 AM
I have plenty of black clothes. So my lie was the one with the flip flops.

#1 for Pumpi and #2 for River.

1. I back horses
2. I back greyhounds
3. I back football teams

no photo
Tue 10/02/18 11:10 AM
Nope... #1 was my lie

I'll say #2 for Larsi

Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 10/02/18 12:03 PM
Indeed :smile:

Next three please. Before I post mine waving

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