Topic: Will there be a blue wave in November ? | |
No. what you showed me was that SOME INDIVIDUALS act out and get arrested, you showed me nowhere that the BLM MOVEMENT supports or encourages people to be that way. show us where BLM doesn't or even speaks out against the violence? six of one , half dozen of another. |
No. what you showed me was that SOME INDIVIDUALS act out and get arrested, you showed me nowhere that the BLM MOVEMENT supports or encourages people to be that way. show us where BLM doesn't or even speaks out against the violence? six of one , half dozen of another. why should I have to do that to show they don't promote or encourage it? promote:support or actively encourage. encourage: give support, confidence, or hope to but to provide an example of them 'speaking out' ON DALLAS SHOOTER: Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday's attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us," BLM wrote. |
you mean this flimsy wishy washy statement
the Black Lives Matter network said in a statement. “We should reject all of this. Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it.” wowww, stop the presses, that is so touching and sweet, Im about to shed a tear, hang on while I grab some kleenex. whatever. When I hear the co founders of the BLM go on national TV and denounce the violence then I know they are serious. Releasing a statement is what politicians do. It means Squat. |
and around and around and around
first its all show us where BLM doesn't or even speaks out against the violence? and then its oh that 'flimsy wishy washy statement' ...smh like I Said, nowhere does BLM(the movement and its founders, not random people who know how to hashtag and travel) advocate, encourage or promote violence, if anyone can show differently, Id love to see it. |
and around and around and around first its all show us where BLM doesn't or even speaks out against the violence? and then its oh that 'flimsy wishy washy statement' ...smh like I Said, nowhere does BLM(the movement and its founders, not random people who know how to hashtag and travel) advocate, encourage or promote violence, if anyone can show differently, Id love to see it. Was I speaking in tongues or Swahili? The fact they dont come out and said STOP THE VIOLENCE PLEASE shows you that they either dont care or supports is silently. saying in a statement is like a celebrity through his PR firm writes an apology for their indiscretion, vs going live and saying yes I did it, yes I'm truly sorry for my action and vows never to do it again. How can something so simple blown out of proportion. Imagine if MLK wrote his speech and posted in newspapers vs going to the podium and saying it . |
who cares. I doubt most of them personally know or had any type of perk from Soros, the movement started FOR FREE and online, and millions who had the same interests hashtagged and showed up ,,, plain and simple. so why do they loot and steal? how do you think they are getting from state to state? haaa ... who told you BLM(the movement) is looting or stealing, and what happened to the original accusation that they were 'violent'? BLM has followers all over the country, so why is there a need for them to move 'from state to state'? Its not like its a local group thats traveling around the country. No. what you showed me was that SOME INDIVIDUALS act out and get arrested, you showed me nowhere that the BLM MOVEMENT supports or encourages people to be that way. |
It's time to expose the Black Lives Matter [BLM] movement for what it is: a racist, violent hate group that promotes the execution of police officers. The evidence is in their rhetoric and written on their shirts.
If you take a look at the Black Lives Matter Twitter feed, you'll find photos of activists wearing shirts that say, "Assata Taught Me." They're referring to infamous cop killer Assata Shakur, otherwise known as Joanne Chesimard, who shot and killed a New Jersey State Trooper back in 1973. In 1977, Shakur was convicted and sentenced to prison but quickly escaped and has been a fugitive in Cuba ever since. She's also on the FBI's most wanted terrorism list. BLM glorifies Shakur as a hero and uses her writings and materials during training sessions. Lee Stranahan has more: BlackLivesMatter—the activist group that demands a “racial justice agenda” that includes constant criticism and activism against police—invokes the words of convicted cop killer Assata Shakur at “all its events.” At a recent event for female bloggers, BlackLivesMatter leaders had a crowd of thousands repeating lines from a letter written by Shakur that include an explicit reference to the Communist Manifesto. The BlackLivesMatter group, which has met with President Obama and largely been given a free pass by the media, has skyrocketed to national prominence after its involvement with unrest and rioting in Ferguson, Baltimore, and a recent takeover of events the Netroots Nation conference for progressive Democrats in Phoenix, Arizona. Assata Shakur, who has been living in exile in Cuba for over thirty years, is a hero to communist revolutionaries for her involvement in the 1960s and 1970s with a violent, criminal Black Panther Party offshoot called the Black Liberation Army. Shakur and the group robbed several banks as a revolutionary act and eventually killed a New Jersey State Trooper with his own gun after a highway stop in 1973. Former Black Panther Party member Kathleen Cleaver, who is a supporter of Shakur, is "thrilled" about the BLM movement. TR: So what do you think of Black Lives Matter? KC: I’m thrilled to see such concern for the community. I think Black Lives Matter is exhilarating, exciting, and I’m really glad that it’s here. Now, onto those who condone this behavior and the rhetoric being used. Not only have the leaders of the Democrat Party refused to condemn the movement, they've desperately tried to embrace it. In the age of Obama, where Democrats thrive on division and embrace a racial justice narrative, this isn't surprising. Last week at the DNC summer meeting in Minneapolis, a resolution was passed in solidarity with the movement. BLM later rejected it. "The DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children," the solidarity resolution states. The day after the resolution was passed, BLM activists in Minneapolis chanted, "pigs in a blanket, fry em' like bacon," as they marched down the street. This rhetoric also came just one day after the execution of Texas Sheriff Deputy Daron Goforth while he was filling up his patrol car at a local gas station. If you aren't familiar, "pigs in a blanket" refers to the bodies of dead police officers in body bags. Last night I made an appearance on The Kelly File to discuss BLM (the segment wasn't cut short, we just ran out of time). Despite Richard Fowler's claims that he's "watching a different Black Lives Matter movement," we aren't and the calls for police executions are not isolated incidents (he also lied about the Tea Party connection to the Tucson shooting of former Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords, there wasn't a connection as he claims but that's a topic for a other post). In December the man who killed two NYPD officers while they were eating lunch in their patrol car posted on his Instagram page, "Going to put pigs in a blanket" before carrying out his killings. In Ferguson when news of the NYPD slayings hit, BLM protestors chanted and celebrated, "Pigs in a blanket!" We saw the same over the weekend in Minneapolis. This isn't happening in one place, it's happening around the country. BLM activists are using their own words and inspiration from convicted cop killers to promote the assassination of police officers. Finally, it's important to point out two-thirds of the African American community flat out reject BLM or strongly disagree with the movement's tactics. From the Washington Post: The baby boomers who drove the success of the civil rights movement want to get behind Black Lives Matter, but the group’s confrontational and divisive tactics make it difficult. In the 1960s, activists confronted white mobs and police with dignity and decorum, sometimes dressing in church clothes and kneeling in prayer during protests to make a clear distinction between who was evil and who was good. But at protests today, it is difficult to distinguish legitimate activists from the mob actors who burn and loot. The demonstrations are peppered with hate speech, profanity, and guys with sagging pants that show their underwear. Even if the BLM activists aren’t the ones participating in the boorish language and dress, neither are they condemning it. "It's a racist movement, racist to the core...denounce the Black Lives Movement and replace it with All Lives Matter." |
Was I speaking in tongues or Swahili? The fact they dont come out and said STOP THE VIOLENCE PLEASE shows you that they either dont care or supports is silently. saying in a statement is like a celebrity through his PR firm writes an apology for their indiscretion, vs going live and saying yes I did it, yes I'm truly sorry for my action and vows never to do it again. How can something so simple blown out of proportion. Imagine if MLK wrote his speech and posted in newspapers vs going to the podium and saying it . Some never see real logic. |
and around and around and around first its all show us where BLM doesn't or even speaks out against the violence? and then its oh that 'flimsy wishy washy statement' ...smh like I Said, nowhere does BLM(the movement and its founders, not random people who know how to hashtag and travel) advocate, encourage or promote violence, if anyone can show differently, Id love to see it. Was I speaking in tongues or Swahili? The fact they dont come out and said STOP THE VIOLENCE PLEASE shows you that they either dont care or supports is silently. saying in a statement is like a celebrity through his PR firm writes an apology for their indiscretion, vs going live and saying yes I did it, yes I'm truly sorry for my action and vows never to do it again. How can something so simple blown out of proportion. Imagine if MLK wrote his speech and posted in newspapers vs going to the podium and saying it . how can something so simple be taken seriously so the definition of 'promote and encourage' now includes ANYTHING anyone does that a group or entity doesnt go to a 'podium' to denounce? Really? the claim was the MOVEMENT is a violent one, (not that they dont denounce people's violence) my response is the movement does not promote or encourage VIOLENCE Noone has yet to prove that they promote or encourage violence. and thats the 'simple' truth. |
How many cops were killed because of this foolishness? I know at least 5, one sheriff deputy right here in houston, shot in the head while putting gas in his cruiser...
who cares. I doubt most of them personally know or had any type of perk from Soros, the movement started FOR FREE and online, and millions who had the same interests hashtagged and showed up ,,, plain and simple. so why do they loot and steal? how do you think they are getting from state to state? haaa ... who told you BLM(the movement) is looting or stealing, and what happened to the original accusation that they were 'violent'? BLM has followers all over the country, so why is there a need for them to move 'from state to state'? Its not like its a local group thats traveling around the country. No. what you showed me was that SOME INDIVIDUALS act out and get arrested, you showed me nowhere that the BLM MOVEMENT supports or encourages people to be that way. and individuals who follow Trump have been violent, does that make Trump followers a 'violent group" too, because the republicans and Trump dont come out on a national podium and denounce it every time it happens? give me a break. |
How many cops were killed because of this foolishness? I know at least 5, one sheriff deputy right here in houston, shot in the head while putting gas in his cruiser... cops are killed because of violent COP KILLERS, BLM doesnt promote or encourage them, because they need little encouragement. |
to the poster in this thread, Can I ask you folks something?
am I posting in Swahili or tongues or am I posting in English? How is my English? |
and individuals who follow Trump have been violent, does that make Trump followers a 'violent group" too, because the republicans and Trump dont come out on a national podium and denounce it every time it happens? give me a break. and the trump supporters that have been beaten up were beaten up by whom? Romulans, Martians, Russians, Turtles,Dolphins? Among the victims , Gay Trump Supporters, a man in a wheel chair, supporters minding their own business, black conservatives, Senior citizens wearing Trump MAGA hats. So who beat them up??? |
How many cops were killed because of this foolishness? I know at least 5, one sheriff deputy right here in houston, shot in the head while putting gas in his cruiser... cops are killed because of violent COP KILLERS, BLM doesnt promote or encourage them, because they need little encouragement. |
It's time to expose the Black Lives Matter [BLM] movement for what it is: a racist, violent hate group that promotes the execution of police officers. The evidence is in their rhetoric and written on their shirts. If you take a look at the Black Lives Matter Twitter feed, you'll find photos of activists wearing shirts that say, "Assata Taught Me." They're referring to infamous cop killer Assata Shakur, otherwise known as Joanne Chesimard, who shot and killed a New Jersey State Trooper back in 1973. In 1977, Shakur was convicted and sentenced to prison but quickly escaped and has been a fugitive in Cuba ever since. She's also on the FBI's most wanted terrorism list. BLM glorifies Shakur as a hero and uses her writings and materials during training sessions. Lee Stranahan has more: BlackLivesMatter—the activist group that demands a “racial justice agenda” that includes constant criticism and activism against police—invokes the words of convicted cop killer Assata Shakur at “all its events.” At a recent event for female bloggers, BlackLivesMatter leaders had a crowd of thousands repeating lines from a letter written by Shakur that include an explicit reference to the Communist Manifesto. The BlackLivesMatter group, which has met with President Obama and largely been given a free pass by the media, has skyrocketed to national prominence after its involvement with unrest and rioting in Ferguson, Baltimore, and a recent takeover of events the Netroots Nation conference for progressive Democrats in Phoenix, Arizona. Assata Shakur, who has been living in exile in Cuba for over thirty years, is a hero to communist revolutionaries for her involvement in the 1960s and 1970s with a violent, criminal Black Panther Party offshoot called the Black Liberation Army. Shakur and the group robbed several banks as a revolutionary act and eventually killed a New Jersey State Trooper with his own gun after a highway stop in 1973. Former Black Panther Party member Kathleen Cleaver, who is a supporter of Shakur, is "thrilled" about the BLM movement. TR: So what do you think of Black Lives Matter? KC: I’m thrilled to see such concern for the community. I think Black Lives Matter is exhilarating, exciting, and I’m really glad that it’s here. Now, onto those who condone this behavior and the rhetoric being used. Not only have the leaders of the Democrat Party refused to condemn the movement, they've desperately tried to embrace it. In the age of Obama, where Democrats thrive on division and embrace a racial justice narrative, this isn't surprising. Last week at the DNC summer meeting in Minneapolis, a resolution was passed in solidarity with the movement. BLM later rejected it. "The DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children," the solidarity resolution states. The day after the resolution was passed, BLM activists in Minneapolis chanted, "pigs in a blanket, fry em' like bacon," as they marched down the street. This rhetoric also came just one day after the execution of Texas Sheriff Deputy Daron Goforth while he was filling up his patrol car at a local gas station. If you aren't familiar, "pigs in a blanket" refers to the bodies of dead police officers in body bags. Last night I made an appearance on The Kelly File to discuss BLM (the segment wasn't cut short, we just ran out of time). Despite Richard Fowler's claims that he's "watching a different Black Lives Matter movement," we aren't and the calls for police executions are not isolated incidents (he also lied about the Tea Party connection to the Tucson shooting of former Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords, there wasn't a connection as he claims but that's a topic for a other post). In December the man who killed two NYPD officers while they were eating lunch in their patrol car posted on his Instagram page, "Going to put pigs in a blanket" before carrying out his killings. In Ferguson when news of the NYPD slayings hit, BLM protestors chanted and celebrated, "Pigs in a blanket!" We saw the same over the weekend in Minneapolis. This isn't happening in one place, it's happening around the country. BLM activists are using their own words and inspiration from convicted cop killers to promote the assassination of police officers. Finally, it's important to point out two-thirds of the African American community flat out reject BLM or strongly disagree with the movement's tactics. From the Washington Post: The baby boomers who drove the success of the civil rights movement want to get behind Black Lives Matter, but the group’s confrontational and divisive tactics make it difficult. In the 1960s, activists confronted white mobs and police with dignity and decorum, sometimes dressing in church clothes and kneeling in prayer during protests to make a clear distinction between who was evil and who was good. But at protests today, it is difficult to distinguish legitimate activists from the mob actors who burn and loot. The demonstrations are peppered with hate speech, profanity, and guys with sagging pants that show their underwear. Even if the BLM activists aren’t the ones participating in the boorish language and dress, neither are they condemning it. "It's a racist movement, racist to the core...denounce the Black Lives Movement and replace it with All Lives Matter." what tactic? wearing a t shirt? got it? I guess you got me and that proves they are actually encouraging people to be violent. although, like I said, there is NOTHING in official BLM statements or founders statements that validates such a nonsense claim BLM is a movement, and such can not filter or prevent all types of individuals from showing up and acting how they choose to act. but nowhere does the MOVEMENT in any official form encourage or support violence many things people can teach us, which we assume to learn says more about us .... |
Was I speaking in tongues or Swahili? The fact they dont come out and said STOP THE VIOLENCE PLEASE shows you that they either dont care or supports is silently. saying in a statement is like a celebrity through his PR firm writes an apology for their indiscretion, vs going live and saying yes I did it, yes I'm truly sorry for my action and vows never to do it again. How can something so simple blown out of proportion. Imagine if MLK wrote his speech and posted in newspapers vs going to the podium and saying it . Some never see real logic. no kidding. Where is Trump publicly denouncing anyone that he is not FORCED to or put on the spot too? Did he not just make a deal with a violent dictator? Has he 'denounced' that violence by doing so? give me a break. All the terrible things in the world, and people have to publicly denounce it all every occasion or be 'supporting' it .. I think a review of the dictionary is in order for many ... |
and individuals who follow Trump have been violent, does that make Trump followers a 'violent group" too, because the republicans and Trump dont come out on a national podium and denounce it every time it happens? give me a break. and the trump supporters that have been beaten up were beaten up by whom? Romulans, Martians, Russians, Turtles,Dolphins? Among the victims , Gay Trump Supporters, a man in a wheel chair, supporters minding their own business, black conservatives, Senior citizens wearing Trump MAGA hats. So who beat them up??? Jeez Ma Knees . THAT IS THE FRICKING POINT, there are violent people amongst EVERY group, it is nonsense to say that a failure to make some public denouncement anytime violence happens makes any group that violent person is a part of guilty of PROMOTING OR ENCOURAGING their choice of action is BEYOND illogical. |
It's time to expose the Black Lives Matter [BLM] movement for what it is: a racist, violent hate group that promotes the execution of police officers. The evidence is in their rhetoric and written on their shirts. If you take a look at the Black Lives Matter Twitter feed, you'll find photos of activists wearing shirts that say, "Assata Taught Me." They're referring to infamous cop killer Assata Shakur, otherwise known as Joanne Chesimard, who shot and killed a New Jersey State Trooper back in 1973. In 1977, Shakur was convicted and sentenced to prison but quickly escaped and has been a fugitive in Cuba ever since. She's also on the FBI's most wanted terrorism list. BLM glorifies Shakur as a hero and uses her writings and materials during training sessions. Lee Stranahan has more: BlackLivesMatter—the activist group that demands a “racial justice agenda” that includes constant criticism and activism against police—invokes the words of convicted cop killer Assata Shakur at “all its events.” At a recent event for female bloggers, BlackLivesMatter leaders had a crowd of thousands repeating lines from a letter written by Shakur that include an explicit reference to the Communist Manifesto. The BlackLivesMatter group, which has met with President Obama and largely been given a free pass by the media, has skyrocketed to national prominence after its involvement with unrest and rioting in Ferguson, Baltimore, and a recent takeover of events the Netroots Nation conference for progressive Democrats in Phoenix, Arizona. Assata Shakur, who has been living in exile in Cuba for over thirty years, is a hero to communist revolutionaries for her involvement in the 1960s and 1970s with a violent, criminal Black Panther Party offshoot called the Black Liberation Army. Shakur and the group robbed several banks as a revolutionary act and eventually killed a New Jersey State Trooper with his own gun after a highway stop in 1973. Former Black Panther Party member Kathleen Cleaver, who is a supporter of Shakur, is "thrilled" about the BLM movement. TR: So what do you think of Black Lives Matter? KC: I’m thrilled to see such concern for the community. I think Black Lives Matter is exhilarating, exciting, and I’m really glad that it’s here. Now, onto those who condone this behavior and the rhetoric being used. Not only have the leaders of the Democrat Party refused to condemn the movement, they've desperately tried to embrace it. In the age of Obama, where Democrats thrive on division and embrace a racial justice narrative, this isn't surprising. Last week at the DNC summer meeting in Minneapolis, a resolution was passed in solidarity with the movement. BLM later rejected it. "The DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children," the solidarity resolution states. The day after the resolution was passed, BLM activists in Minneapolis chanted, "pigs in a blanket, fry em' like bacon," as they marched down the street. This rhetoric also came just one day after the execution of Texas Sheriff Deputy Daron Goforth while he was filling up his patrol car at a local gas station. If you aren't familiar, "pigs in a blanket" refers to the bodies of dead police officers in body bags. Last night I made an appearance on The Kelly File to discuss BLM (the segment wasn't cut short, we just ran out of time). Despite Richard Fowler's claims that he's "watching a different Black Lives Matter movement," we aren't and the calls for police executions are not isolated incidents (he also lied about the Tea Party connection to the Tucson shooting of former Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords, there wasn't a connection as he claims but that's a topic for a other post). In December the man who killed two NYPD officers while they were eating lunch in their patrol car posted on his Instagram page, "Going to put pigs in a blanket" before carrying out his killings. In Ferguson when news of the NYPD slayings hit, BLM protestors chanted and celebrated, "Pigs in a blanket!" We saw the same over the weekend in Minneapolis. This isn't happening in one place, it's happening around the country. BLM activists are using their own words and inspiration from convicted cop killers to promote the assassination of police officers. Finally, it's important to point out two-thirds of the African American community flat out reject BLM or strongly disagree with the movement's tactics. From the Washington Post: The baby boomers who drove the success of the civil rights movement want to get behind Black Lives Matter, but the group’s confrontational and divisive tactics make it difficult. In the 1960s, activists confronted white mobs and police with dignity and decorum, sometimes dressing in church clothes and kneeling in prayer during protests to make a clear distinction between who was evil and who was good. But at protests today, it is difficult to distinguish legitimate activists from the mob actors who burn and loot. The demonstrations are peppered with hate speech, profanity, and guys with sagging pants that show their underwear. Even if the BLM activists aren’t the ones participating in the boorish language and dress, neither are they condemning it. "It's a racist movement, racist to the core...denounce the Black Lives Movement and replace it with All Lives Matter." what tactic? wearing a t shirt? got it? I guess you got me and that proves they are actually encouraging people to be violent. although, like I said, there is NOTHING in official BLM statements or founders statements that validates such a nonsense claim BLM is a movement, and such can not filter or prevent all types of individuals from showing up and acting how they choose to act. but nowhere does the MOVEMENT in any official form encourage or support violence many things people can teach us, which we assume to learn says more about us .... |
How many cops were killed because of this foolishness? I know at least 5, one sheriff deputy right here in houston, shot in the head while putting gas in his cruiser... cops are killed because of violent COP KILLERS, BLM doesnt promote or encourage them, because they need little encouragement. No. BLM activists wore t-shirt of a person ACCUSED of being a violent cop killer. If I wear an EInstein shirt, does it make me a genius? lol smh |